Journal of Practical Oncology ›› 2022, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 483-488.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2022.05.017

• Review • Previous Articles    

Research status of common biomarkers and corresponding targeted therapy for gastric cancer

ZHAO Yaru, WU Yun   

  1. Affiliated Baotou Clinical College of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Baotou 014040,China
  • Received:2022-04-27 Revised:2022-08-10 Online:2022-10-28 Published:2022-11-10

Abstract: About 80% patients with gastric cancer in China are in the advanced stage when they are diagnosed due to the lack of obvious symptoms in the early stage of gastric cancer and the insufficient popularization of routine gastroscopic examination.At present,the clinical treatment of gastric cancer is limited,and the survival rate of surgery alone is only about 20%.Since radiotherapy and chemotherapy failed to significantly improve the survival rate of patients and the toxic and side effects were relatively large,a new treatment method was urgently needed to improve the current situation of high morbidity and mortality of gastric cancer.The current popular targeted therapy is a kind of low-toxicity and high-efficiency treatment that targets relevant biomarkers.At present,the biomarkers of relevant targeted therapy in clinical trials are human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2),vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF),dense protein-18 splice variant 2(claudin 18.2)and mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor(MET).Trastuzumab,a targeted inhibitor of HER2,is the first molecular targeted drug approved for the treatment of gastric cancer,and MET amplification has been shown to be a poor prognostic factor for gastric cancer.In addition,due to the maturity and popularization of high-throughput sequencing technology in recent years,these biomarkers have been gradually applied to the diagnosis,prognosis and clinical treatment of gastric cancer patients.This review will provide an overview of the current research status of common biomarkers for gastric cancer and their treatment strategies.

Key words: Gastric cancer, Biomarkers, Targeted therapy

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