δ13CPDB相似;但δ18OPDB正偏, 87Sr/86Sr 相对高(0.70887~0.70939)、但与震旦纪海水(0.7087~0.7094)相似,从皮壳边缘、暗色(蓝细菌)至核部,微区δ18OPDBδ13CPDB显示了环带内变化较小、环带外的强烈负漂移;云化程度的增加,δ18OPDBδ13CPDB负偏明显, 87Sr/86Sr 增加。皮壳—葡萄状白云岩中Al2O3Fe2O3MnOLREE/HREE值均低于基质泥粉晶云岩对应值、稀土总量介于基质与粉细晶云岩之间,而Na2O+K2OP2O5SrHgCuSr/BaSr/Mn、δCe值均高于基质泥粉晶云岩对应值;且随着云化程度的提高,总体呈现出Mn含量增加,Al2O3Fe2O3Na2O+K2OP2O5Sr/BaFe/Mn等值递减的趋势;由此判断皮壳状—葡萄状白云石可能是弱还原、保存较好的海水中形成,或在成岩早期或浅埋藏孔隙海水为主的流体中形成、部分经历了较强的大气水作用改造。"/> δ13CPDB is 2.50‰(1.80‰~3.16‰),δ18OPDB is-3.30‰(-6.40‰~0.86‰), 87Sr/86Sr is 0.7091(0.7089~0.7096),compared with the values of matrix dolostone. The botryoidal dolostone have rather high positive of δ18OPDB and 87Sr/86Sr(within the change values of coeval normal sea-water: 0.7087~0.7094)with a similar δ13CPDB. The δ13C and δ18O of zonation varies from the dark rimming to the luminescent centre varies slightly decreasing or increasing,while the strong negative deplete of δ13C and δ18O in outer of zonation,shows the tendency of negative deplete of δ13C and δ18O and increasing of 87Sr/86Sr and Mn,decresing of the contents of Al2O3 、Fe2O3、Na2O+K2O、P2O5、Sr/Ba、Fe/Mn. Coupled with a higher dolomitization. The contents of Al2O3、Fe2O3 、MnO are relatively lower,and Na2O+K2O,P2O5,Sr,Hg,Cu,and the ratios of Sr/Ba,Sr/Mn are higher in comparison with the values of matrix dolostone. The contents of REE(10.21×10-6~15.75×10-6)with the “Left-leaning”distribution pattern of rare earth elements with LREE depletion,heavy REE enrichment,strong negative CE anomaly,indicated that the botryoidal dolostone was formed either in a well-preserved,weak reduction and oversaturated sea water environment with an increasing of pH value and free oxygen contents in sea waters. Or in a residual sea water of pore fluids in the early stage of diagenesis or shallow buried environment,later partly superimposed by a cyclic subaerial-exposed fresh water."/> 塔里木盆地北部上震旦统葡萄状白云岩的发现及成因探讨<sup>*</sup>
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古地理学报  2017, Vol. 19 Issue (2): 197-210    10.7605/gdlxb.2017.02.016
“白云岩” 专题 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
钱一雄1, 何治亮2, 李慧莉2, 陈跃1, 金婷3, 沙旭光4, 李洪全4
1 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院无锡石油地质研究所,江苏无锡 214126。
2 中国石化石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083。
3中国石化江苏油田分公司采油二厂,江苏金湖 211600。
4中国石化西北油田分公司石油勘探开发研究院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830011
Discovery and discussion on origin of botryoidal dolostone in the Upper Sinian in North Tarim Basin
Qian Yixiong1, He Zhiliang2, Li Huili2, Chen Yue1, Jin Ting3, Sha Xuguang4, Li Hongquan4
1 Wuxi Institute of Petroleum Geology,Petroleum Exploration & Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Wuxi 214126,Jiangsu ;
2 Petroleum Exploration & Production Research Institute,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083 ;
3 No.2 Oil Production Factory,Jiangsu Oilfield Company,SINOPEC,Jinhu 211000,Jiangsu ;
4 Petroleum Exploration & Production, Research Institute,Northwest Company,SINOPEC,Urümqi 830011,Xinjiang

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