Spatial-temporal evolution, social influence and response of locust plague in Anhui Province during Ming and Qing Dynasties
Liu Qian1,2, Li Gang1,2, Wang Yu-Xin1,2, Li Wen-Long1,2,3
1 College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Northwest University,Xi'an 710127,Shaanxi; 2 Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Earth Surface System and Environmental Carrying Capacity,Northwest University,Xi'an 710127,Shaanxi; 3 College of Resources and Environment Economy,Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics College,Hohhot 010070,Inner Mongolia
Abstract:Locust plague,flood and drought were the three biggest natural disasters in Chinese history and they had a profound impact on agriculture and social development. Based on the historical records of Locust plague in Anhui Province,this study reconstructed the Locust plague frequency sequence on 10a scale and counties sequence on 1a scale. Locust index spatial distribution of locust outbreak was drawn in Anhui to explore the dynamic changes in temporal and spatial scales. Human social influences and responses affected by the locust plague were explored,involving famine,epidemic disaster and rice price data in Anhui. The results illustrated that 181 locust years occurred in Anhui during this period with an average of 3.2 locust years every 10a,and 653 counties suffered locust plagues during the period with an average of 3.6 counties every 1a. Counties sequence revealed five profound locust outbreak periods related to serious drought events. The locust index north of the Yangtze River was higher than the one in the southern mountainous area,which had spatial differences resulting from terrain,flood/drought and human activities. Locusts would have complicated effects on society. For example,as the primary reason causing famine,the locust plague led to epidemic disaster indirectly,and large-scale locust plague resulted in rice price rising within a short period of time,even social instability. The way and ability that governments handled with the locust plague would affect the survival of people directly,and maintain social stability. Based on comprehensive views,the locust plague had multiple impacts on ancient societies involving agricultural,economic,human and technological subsystems.
Liu Qian,Li Gang,Wang Yu-Xin et al. Spatial-temporal evolution, social influence and response of locust plague in Anhui Province during Ming and Qing Dynasties[J]. JOPC, 2018, 20(4): 680-690.
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