Abstract Geochemical and petrological analyses of the Permian section in Guangyuan of northeastern Sichuan suggest that multiple factors influenced the accumulation of organic matter.In this study,we conduct a comprehensive investigation on the geochemistry of the middle part of Dalong Formation to explore the link of accumulation of organic matter to the marine primary productivity,sedimentary environment(oxidation-reduction conditions)and sedimentary rate respectively.We found that high values of Mo,U,V,Cr,as well as Mo/U,V/Cr,V/(V+Ni)are accompanied with high TOC value,which suggests anoxic conditions prevailed during the deposition of the middle part of Dalong Formation.The medium degree of paleoproductivity and lower sedimentary rate which weakened the dilution of terrigenous matter to the organic matter,made high TOC present in sediments.Compared with the average shale of upper,the sediments from the middle part of the Dalong Formation are significantly enriched in Cd,P,Mo,U,Cu,Ni,V,Zn are depleted in Co,Mn,showing the similar geochemical characteristics as modern upwelling zones. The results indicate that high quality hydrocarbon source rocks are developed in an environment prevailing with the upwelling flow.
About author: Li Niu,born in 1985,is a master candidate of marine chemistry in China University of Geosciences(Wuhan) and is engaged in marine geochemistry.Address: Faculty of Earth Sciences,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan; Postcode:430074;Tel: 13871233164;E-mail: liniu12385@126.com. About the corresponding author Hu Chaoyong is a professor of Faculty of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan).
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. Main control factors of high quality hydrocarbon source rocks of the Upper Permian Dalong Formation at Shangsi section of Guangyuan,Sichuan Province[J]. JOPC, 2011, 13(3): 347-354.
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