Distribution of palaeokarst water system and palaeogeomorphic unit characteristics of the Permian Maokou Formation in southern Sichuan Province
Sang Qin1, Wei Yong1, Cheng Chao1, Huang Jing1, He Shukun2, , Guo Gui′an2, Wu Changlong2, Peng Zuoyuan2
1 Institute of Resources and Environment,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500, Sichuan 2 Shunan Gas Mine of Southwest Oil and Gas Branch,PetroChina,Luzhou 646001, Sichuan
Abstract The Permian Maokou Formation in southern Sichuan Province is a set of thickly stable bioclastic limestone with dense and brittle matrix.The Dongwu Movement of the late Middle Permian leads to the development of the palaeoweathering crust-type karst on the apex face of Maokou Formation in this area. Palaeokarst water system controls the development and evolution of the palaeokarst.After studying the methods of recovering palaeogeomorphology,this paper analyzes all kinds of data to recover the palaeogeomorphology with impression method and researches the characteristics of the palaeokarst water system.On this basis,four second order landform units,such as karst platform,karst abrupt slope,karst gentle slope and karst basin and ten third order units,such as hill depression,karst trough valley and peak forest basin are subdivided,combined with eroding features of the upper surface,properties of sediments,configuration of geomorphology and data of drilling well and seismic.At last,the karst features of each unit are analyzed.So the research findings will provide reliable target for the reservoir predication in the next step.
About author: Sang Qin,born in 1976,lecturer,is a Ph.D.candidate of Southwest Petroleum University,and is engaged in applied geophysics and reservoir geology.E-mail: Sangq269@163.com.
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. Distribution of palaeokarst water system and palaeogeomorphic unit characteristics of the Permian Maokou Formation in southern Sichuan Province[J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2012, 14(3): 393-402.
. Distribution of palaeokarst water system and palaeogeomorphic unit characteristics of the Permian Maokou Formation in southern Sichuan Province[J]. JOPC, 2012, 14(3): 393-402.
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