Sedimentary characteristics and evolution of the Neogene and Quaternary in Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin
Li Xin1, Zhong Dakang1, Li Yong2, Lei Ganglin2, Yang Xianzhang2, Wu Qingkuan2, Hu Shunqing3, Zhu Haihua1
1 College of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249;
2 Tarim Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Korla 841000,Xinjiang;
3 Geological Exploration and Development Research Institute,Chuanqing Drilling Exploration Engineering,PetroChina, Chengdu610051,Sichuan
On the basis of outcrop observation and core description,as well as data of well logging,seismic and 3-D electrical method,it is believed that four types of sedimentary facies, including the alluvial fan facies, the alluvial plain facies, the fan delta facies and the lake facies, were developed in the Neogene and Quaternary in Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin. Each facies could be divided into several subfacies and microfacies. During the Neogene Jidike Age, lakes formed in the Paleogene began to shrink southwards, and the fan deltas were developed in submountain region. Sedimentary pattern in the Neogene Kangcun Age was similar to the Jidike Age, but the scale of the fan delta was larger. During the Neogene Kuqa Age, uplift caused the lakes to shrink quickly towards the south, and mountain blocks to rise and be suffered from erosion,which provided sediment source for alluvial fans. The lakes disappeared completely in the Quaternary and alluvial fan became the main sedimentary facies.Fluvial plain was only distributed in the southern Xiyanshuigou-Dongyanshuigou area.
Corresponding Authors:
Zhong Dakang,born in 1961,is a professor of China University of Petroleum(Beijing).He is mainly engaged in sedimentology and reservoir
About author: Li Xin,born in 1984,is a doctoral candidate of China University of petroleum(Beijing).He is mainly engaged in sedimentology and reservoir
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Li Xin,Zhong Dakang,Li Yong et al. Sedimentary characteristics and evolution of the Neogene and Quaternary in Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin[J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2013, 15(2): 169-180.
Li Xin,Zhong Dakang,Li Yong et al. Sedimentary characteristics and evolution of the Neogene and Quaternary in Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(2): 169-180.
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