New discovery and its significance of dinosaur footprint fossils in the late Early Cretaceous at Tangdigezhuang Village of Zhucheng County,handong Province
Wang Baohong1,2 Liu Yongqing2 Kuang Hongwei2 Wang Kebai3 Chen Shuqing3 Zhang Yanxia3 Peng Nan2,4 Xu Huan2 Chen Jun2,4 Liu Hai2,5 Xu Jialin1,2 Wang Mingwei1,2
1 School of Geosciences of Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434023,Hubei 2 Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037 3 Shandong Dinosaur Research Center,Zhucheng 262200,Shandong 4 School of the Earth Sciences and Natural Resources,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083 5 School of Geophysics and Resources of Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, Hubei
Abstract In recent field investigation,sauropod footprint fossils were found in the Lower Cretaceous Dasheng Group Tianjialou Formation which consists of red sandstone,argillaceous siltstone,silty mudstone,yellowish green silty sandstone at Tangdigezhuang Village of Zhucheng,Shandong Province.There were 29 dinosaur footprints found in study area,and 23 footprints of them formed a semicircle trackway from northeast to southwest.Characteristics of the footprints suggest that they were made by a sauropod with 3-4meter long,when walking slowly along lakeshore.The footprint-bearing layer of the Dasheng Group includes small trough cross-bedding,tabular cross-bedding,climbing ripple bedding,horizontal bedding, rain marks and mud cracks,indicating a sedimentary environment of shore-shallow lake.Sandy beach bar,beach bar edge,sand and mud mixed beach,mudflats,etc.,are subdivided,and dinosaur footprints are on the surface of the fine sandstone and siltstone of sandy beach bar.In terms of the above mentioned,the favorable preservation environment of dinosaur footprints is fluvial and shore-shallow lake. Meanwhile,characteristics of dinosaur footprints and the sedimentary environment of footprint-bearing rock indicate a relationship of mutual restriction between the dinosaurs living habits and environment.
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Liu Yongqing,born in 1960,is a research professor of sedimentology,palaeogeology and palaeoecology at Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. Kuang Hongwei,born in 1969,is a professor of sedimentology and oil geological prospection.
About author: Wang Baohong,born in 1987,is a master degree candidate in the associated education of Yangtze University and Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences.Now she is engaged in sedimentary geology and palaeogeography.
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Wang Baohong,Liu Yongqing,Kuang Hongwei et al. New discovery and its significance of dinosaur footprint fossils in the late Early Cretaceous at Tangdigezhuang Village of Zhucheng County,handong Province[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(4): 454-466.
Wang Baohong,Liu Yongqing,Kuang Hongwei et al. New discovery and its significance of dinosaur footprint fossils in the late Early Cretaceous at Tangdigezhuang Village of Zhucheng County,handong Province[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(4): 454-466.
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