Middle Early Cretaceous super-large scale dinosaur tracks in Zhucheng area,Shandong Province,and their palaeogeography and palaeoecology
Xu Huan1 Liu Yongqing1 Kuang Hongwei1 Wang Kebai2 Chen Shuqing2 Zhang Yanxia2 Peng Nan1 Chen Jun1,3 Wang Mingwei1,4 Wang Baohong1,4
1 Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geologcial Sciences,Beijing 100037 2 Shandong Dinosaur Research Center of Zhucheng, Zhucheng 262200, Shandong 3 School of the Earth Sciences and Natural Resources,China University of geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083 4 School of Geosciences of Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434023,Hubei
Abstract Theropod,sauropod and possible ornithopod dinosaur tracks were mainly developed in the middle Early Cretaceous Yangjiazhuang Formation,Laiyang Group,in Zhucheng area,Shandong Province.Most of them are theropod tracks,and belong to three types: Large sized theropod,Paragrallator and Corpulentapus lilasia.Among the 63 trackways identified,50 well-preserved trackways were measured systematically.Based on the foot size index-stride length diagram and GAE(Grallator-Anchisauripus-Eubrontes) plexus,we obtained the differential criteria for the theropod tracks.Large scale sections in the track site showed that shallow lake silty mudstone and siltstone gradually changed to shore-lacustrine sandstone.Track beds and the upper and lower beds developed abundant wavemarks and mud cracks.According to the wave crest,we reconstructed the palaeoshoreline which was EW in direction.The direction of the wave flow showed N-NW periodical change,which may be correlated with shift in the direction of the seasonal wind.The mud crack and the feature of dinosaur track distribution indicated that the center of the lake should be S/WS in direction,while lakeshore should be N/NE in direction.The differences in distribution area between Paragrallator and Corpulentapus lilasia revealed that the Corpulentapus lilasia track makers were living much closer to the lake shore.The phenomenon of superposition is common among dinosaur tracks,which indicated that the tracks were not left at the same time but in several times.Lots of parallel small-medium sized trackways represent gregarious habitats.Speed study showed that most of theropods were running fast,in contrast,sauropods and suspected ornithopods were walking slowly.The proportion between theropod tracks and sauropod and suspected ornithopod tracks indicated that in the middle Early Cretaceous,small-medium sized theropods were dominant in Jiaolai Basin,while sauropods and suspected ornithopods were less;in contrast,sauropods,ornithopods and avians gradually flourished in Jiaolai Basin and Yishu Fault Belt,which was consistent with the dinosaur tracks in northern North China.A comparison of the Cretaceous dinosaur tracks and bones has been made among northern China,Korea and Japan,proposing that a large-scale terrestrial biota represented by dinosaur existed in northern China and eastern Asia during late Mesozoic.
Corresponding Authors:
Liu Yongqing,born in 1960,is a research professor at the Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences ,and is mainly engaged in sedimentary geology,palaeogeography and palaeoecology. liuyongqing@cags.ac.cn.Kuang Hongwei,born in 1969,is a professor at Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,and is mainly engaged in sedimentary geology. kuanghw@126.com.
About author: Xu Huan,born in 1987,is a postgraduate candidate of Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. He is mainly engaged in sedimentary geology and basin analysis. xuhuan0816@126.com.
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Xu Huan,Liu Yongqing,Kuang Hongwei et al. Middle Early Cretaceous super-large scale dinosaur tracks in Zhucheng area,Shandong Province,and their palaeogeography and palaeoecology[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(4): 467-488.
Xu Huan,Liu Yongqing,Kuang Hongwei et al. Middle Early Cretaceous super-large scale dinosaur tracks in Zhucheng area,Shandong Province,and their palaeogeography and palaeoecology[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(4): 467-488.
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