Abstract In this paper,the series of level of cold and warm in winterof Jiangsu Province during Qing Dynasty was reconstructed based on the historical documents. The integrated analysis of multiple timescale features of series was conducted using the Morlet complex wavelet transform method.The result indicated that: (1)The winter climate change of Jiangsu Province in the Qing Dynasty could be divided into two cold periods(1644-1730 AD,1821-1900 AD)and one warm period(1731-1820 AD);(2)The reconstructed series of level of cold and warm displayed a periodic variability in multiple scales,and the obvious ones were on the timescale of 38~42 a,18~20 a,13~15 a and 8 a,in which 8 a and 38~42 a were relatively dominant,and 18~20 a was more significant during 1690-1790 AD, while 13~15 a was more significant before 1720 AD and after 1830 AD;(3)The first to fourth primary periods of the reconstructed series were 42 a,20 a,8 a and 3 a respectively. In 42 a timescale, the climate of Jiangsu Province during Qing Dynasty could be divided into six cold periods and six warm periods.
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About the corresponding author Bi Shuoben, born in 1965, is a professor of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology. Now he is mainly engaged in GIS and spatial data mining. E-mail:bishuoben@163.com.
About author: Wei Jun,born in 1987,is a master candidate of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology.Now he is engaged in research of climate of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. E-mail: weijun052700@126.com.
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Wei Jun,Bi Shuoben,Qian Yujun et al. Reconstruction and characteristics of series of level of cold and warm in winter of Jiangsu Province during Qing Dynasty[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(6): 875-882.
Wei Jun,Bi Shuoben,Qian Yujun et al. Reconstruction and characteristics of series of level of cold and warm in winter of Jiangsu Province during Qing Dynasty[J]. JOPC, 2013, 15(6): 875-882.
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