A discussion about origin of botryoidal dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin
Lin Xiaoxian1,2, Peng Jun3, Yan Jianping3, Hou Zhongjian4
1 Post-doctoral Research Center,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan 2 Key Laboratory of Sedimentary Basin and Oil and Gas Resources,Ministry of Land and Resources,Chengdu 610081,Sichuan 3 College of Geoscience and Technology,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan 4 College of Earth Sciences,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610059,Sichuan
Abstract The botryoidal dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin is an important type of gas reservoirs and host rocks of lead-zinc deposit. However,there are still some contentious issues on its characteristics and origin. In this paper,based on the traditional research methods of sedimentology and analyses of geochemistry,the origin of botryoidal dolostone is studied. Compared to the previous researches,the results show that the botryoidal dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin is mainly composed of mimetic dolomitized botryoidal lumps,and botryoidal or ctenoid fillings and cements,which mainly develop along bed,interbed,or in the dissolved pores and fractures crossing bed. The botryoidal lumps develop mainly along bed,and are comprised of cores and coatings. The cores of botryoidal lumps are grapestones whose major components are cryptocrystalline and microcrystalline high-Mg calcites formed by marine deposition as well as microbial capturing and binding effects during the depositional stage. The major components of coatings are isopachous fibrous zoned aragonites formed during the depositional-contemporaneous stages. There are two kinds of coatings,in which,the thin coatings were formed in a relatively-turbulent seabed,while the thick ones in a relatively-quiet seabed. The botryoidal and ctenoid fillings develop in dissolved pores and fractures. Their major components are isopachous fibrous aragonites and high-Mg calcites formed by meteoric leaching and marine deposition during the penecontemporaneous stage. Meanwhile,there are also botryoidal and ctenoid cements or lamellar cement layers in the intergranular pore or top of grains (e.g. botryoidal lumps and intraclasts) along bed,which deposited in a marine phreatic zone during the contemporaneous-penecontemporaneous stages. During the forming process of botryoidal or ctenoid lumps,fillings and cements,aragonites and high-Mg calcites were immediately mimetic dolomitized after crystallization and precipitation,and preserved primary textures and structures. The research of botryoidal lumps and mimetic dolomitization can provide a new thought and understanding about the origin of botryoidal dolostone.
Corresponding Authors:
Peng Jun,born in 1968,is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Southwest Petroleum University. He is mainly engaged in researches of sedimentology,reservoir geology and sequence stratigraphy. E-mail: pengjun@swpu.edu.cn
About author: Lin Xiaoxian,born in 1985,is a post-Ph.D. of Southwest Petroleum University. He is mainly engaged in researches of sedimentology,sequence stratigraphy and mineral deposit geology. E-mail: linxx321@foxmail.com
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Lin Xiaoxian,Peng Jun,Yan Jianping et al. A discussion about origin of botryoidal dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin[J]. JOPC, 2015, 17(6): 755-770.
Lin Xiaoxian,Peng Jun,Yan Jianping et al. A discussion about origin of botryoidal dolostone of the Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin[J]. JOPC, 2015, 17(6): 755-770.
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