Influence of environmental changes on departure ports of Northern Maritime Silk Road in Yangtze River Delta region,China
WANG Ying1,2, LIU Dezheng1,2, ZHANG Yongzhan1,2
1 School of Geography and Ocean Science,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China; 2 Key Laboratory of Coast and Island Development of Ministry of Education,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China
Abstract Being an important waterway for trade between China and East Asian countries in ancient times,the Northern Maritime Silk Road promoted the great development of the Maritime Silk Road during Song to Yuan Dynasties,and achieved the glory of the great navigation in the Ming Dynasty. It is of great significance to study the changes and causes of the departure port for the improvement of the “Maritime Silk Road Research System”and the construction of the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”,but so far there is little research. Based on the records of ancient Chinese books,local chronicles and historical maps,combined with the previous understanding of China's environmental changes in the historical period,this paper studies the changes and causes of the main departure ports of the northern MSR in the Yangtze River Delta region from the Sui and Tang dynasties to Ming and Qing dynasties. The results show that: (1)During the Sui-Tang and Ming-Qing Dynasties,three main departure ports of the northern MSR emerged successively in the Yangtze River Delta region. The Yangzhou port flourished during the Sui and Tang dynasties,the Shanghai Port rose in Tang and Song dynasties,and the Mingzhou port(now Ningbo port)thrived during the Song and Yuan dynasties;(2)As the climate became cooler,the northern ethnic minorities were committed to invading the south,the economic and political center of Central China moved southwards. As a result,the departure port of the northern MSR moved from the Dengzhou(now Penglai)in northern Shandong peninsula to the Yangtze River Delta region; (3)With the accumulation of sediment,the echelon-shaped shoals developed,the estuary branched eastward and moved southwards,and the river-mouth coastlines of the Yangtze River evolved from a trumpet-shaped estuary to a delta. That is the key reason for the departure port to move eastwards from the Yangzhou port to Shanghai port and even to abandon the Yangtze River mouth and shift to Mingzhou port at the Hangzhou Bay,i.e. the Qiantangjiang River estuary;(4)The development of shoals in the mouth of the Yangtze River has also caused changes in the water systems in the areas of the Yangzhou port and Shanghai port,so that the specific positions of the ports are constantly adjusted following the changes of river conditions when these two ports are used as the main departure ports of northern MSR; (5)Changes in foreign trade policies also played a certain role in promoting or hindering the changes of the main departure port.
Fund:Chinese Academy of Sciences Supported Consulting and Appraising Project “Strategic analysis of geology and marine environment along the Marine Silk Road”(No.2018-G01-B-005)
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ZHANG Yongzhan,born in 1970,Ph.D., an associate professor of Nanjing University, is mainly engaged in coastal geomorphology and Quaternary geology research. E-mail:
About author: WANG Ying,born in 1998,is a master degree candidate at the School of Geography and Ocean Science,Nanjing University. E-mail:
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WANG Ying,LIU Dezheng,ZHANG Yongzhan. Influence of environmental changes on departure ports of Northern Maritime Silk Road in Yangtze River Delta region,China[J]. JOPC, 2022, 24(4): 813-824.
WANG Ying,LIU Dezheng,ZHANG Yongzhan. Influence of environmental changes on departure ports of Northern Maritime Silk Road in Yangtze River Delta region,China[J]. JOPC, 2022, 24(4): 813-824.
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