Abstract Molar-tooth carbonate rock veins are abundant in the Neoproterozoic carbonate rocks in northern Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces.According to their features in different strata,two types of molar-tooth carbonate rock vein can be identified.Type 1,mostly disorderly outcropped,coexisted with stromatolite bioherms,gravels,debris,slump structures,swash channels and hummocky cross-beddings,were formed in the upper Liulaobei, Jiuliqiao and Niyuan Formaitons which belong to the Lower Neoproterozoic.Type 2,which were stably outcropped in widely spread rhythmic units with graded beds and typical erosion surfaces,were outcropped in other formations which belong to the Upper Neoproterozoic.The initial forming power of the molar-tooth carbonate rock veins might be the crustal movements which were caused by the break-up of the Rodinia.Type 1 was formed in tempestuously changing environments during the depositional period,and might be a prelude signal of the Rodinias break-up,while Type 2 was formed in steadily,periodically changing environments during the early diagenetic process,might indicate that the intermittent release of the earth stress during the break-up period of the Rodinia.
About author: Jia Zhihai,born in 1976,is an associate professor of School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Hefei University of Technology,and is mainly engaged in microbialites and carbonate rocks.Phone: 0551-2901613,E-mail: zhihai.jia@gmail.com.
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. The Neoproterozoic molar-tooth carbonate rock veins in northern Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces and their forming mechanism[J]. JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, 2011, 13(6): 627-634.
. The Neoproterozoic molar-tooth carbonate rock veins in northern Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces and their forming mechanism[J]. JOPC, 2011, 13(6): 627-634.
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