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The 15th National Academic Conference on Paleogeography and Sedimentology was successfully concluded

    The 15th National Academic Conference on Paleogeography and Sedimentology concluded successfully at Southwest Petroleum University in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, sept 15-17, 2018.

    This conference is another grand gathering in the field of paleogeography and sedimentology.The participants were from more than 60 institutions of higher learning, research institutes, petroleum and coal production units, geological teams, publishing units, and a total of 521 experts and scholars.The conference received 639 abstracts, 11 academic reports, 34 sub-sessions, 49 thematic reports, 322 academic reports, 169 exhibition panels, showing new achievements in the study and application of paleogeography and sedimentology in China in the past two years.
    The 16th National Academic Conference on Paleogeography and Sedimentology will be held by Northwest University in 2020. Notice no. 1 will be issued in October 2019.Let's meet in the ancient capital of Xi 'an in 2020.
    Thanks again for all the efforts of Southwest Petroleum University to hold this meeting!
    Thanks again to the excellent young volunteers of Southwest Petroleum University for your hard work!
    Chinese Society for Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemisitry
    In Chengdu, sept 17, 2018
Telephone:010 6239 6246
Copyright 2009 Journal of Palaeogeography Editorial