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Notice No. 2-17th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology (2023-05-23)
Notice No. 2-17th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology (2023-05-23)
Notice No. 1-17th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology - Final Edition(2022-10-18)
Notice No. 1-17th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology - Final Edition(2022-10-18)
Prize for outstanding paper of 16th National Conference of Palaeogeography and Sedimentology(2021-08-27)
Award list of Outstanding Paper of 16th National Conference of Palaeogeography and Sedimentology(2021-08-26)
Schedule handbook of the 16th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology(2021-08-19)
The 16th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology(Notice Ver.3)(2021-05-25)
The 16th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology(Notice Ver. 2)(2020-12-28)
The 16th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology(Notice Ver. 3)(2021-05-20)
"Journal of Palaeogeography" will participateGeosciences Association (18-21 October 2020, Chongqing)(2020-10-20)
The 16th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology was postponed for one year(2020-07-14)
The article of Journal of Palaeogeography was selected as the outstanding scientific paper(2019-12-19)
The 16th National Conference on Palaeogeography and Sedimentology (Notice Ver. 1)(2019-10-31)
Results of 20 Excellent Articles in the 20th Anniversary of Journal of Palaeogeography(2018-12-28)
List of 20 Outstanding Reviewers for the 20th Anniversary of Journal of Palaeogeography(2018-12-28)
List of outstanding contributors for the 20th anniversary of Journal of Palaeogeography(2018-12-28)
The 15th National Academic Conference on Paleogeography and Sedimentology was successfully concluded(2018-10-24)
Winners of the 15th National Academic Conference on Paleogeography and Sedimentology(2018-10-24)
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