Journal of Practical Oncology ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 367-371.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2024.06.003

• Yunnan Province Cancer Surveillance Special Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Incidence and mortality of lung cancer in cancer registration areas of Yunnan province in 2020 and the trends from 2012 to 2020

XU Xianhui1, CHEN Yang2, ZHU Yunfang2, LI Mingsong1, WEN Hongmei2   

  1. 1. Baoshan Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control,Baoshan 678000,China;
    2. Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control
  • Received:2024-09-22 Revised:2024-11-08 Online:2024-12-28 Published:2025-01-06

Abstract: Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in tumor registration areas of Yunnan province in 2020,as well as the changing trends from 2012 to 2020,in order to provide the data support for lung cancer prevention and control. Methods The reported cases of lung cancer from 2012 to 2020 in tumor registration areas of Yunnan province were collected,and SAS 9.4 software was used to calculate the incidence,mortality and other indicators to describe the current situation of lung cancer incidence and mortality.JoinPoint software was used to calculate the annual percentage change(APC)to analyze the trend of lung cancer incidence and mortality. Results In 2020,the crude incidence of lung cancer in Yunnan province was 46.68/100,000(male 58.56/100,000 and female 34.21/100,000),age-standardized incidence rate by Chinese standard population(ASIRC)was 30.83/100,000,age-standardized incidence rate by World standard population(ASIRW)was 30.61/100,000;The crude mortality was 33.88/100,000(male 45.94/100,000 and female 21.21/100,000),age-standardized mortality rate by Chinese standard population(ASMRC)was 21.70/100,000,age-standardized mortality rate by World standard population(ASMRW)was 21.61/100,000.In 2020,the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in Yunnan province showed an upward trend with the increase of age,and was at a low level before the age of 39,and increased rapidly after the age of 40.It reached its peak in the age groups of 75-79 and 80-84,respectively.The crude incidence of lung cancer in urban and rural areas was 47.21/100,000 and 46.52/100,000,respectively;The crude mortality of lung cancer was 32.66/100,000 and 34.27/100,000,respectively.From 2012 to 2020,the crude incidence of lung cancer in Yunnan province increased with the year(APC=2.94%,95% CI=0.29%-5.67%,P<0.05);The crude incidence of female lung cancer and ASIRW increased with the year(crude incidence rate:APC=6.30%,95% CI=2.52%-10.21%,P<0.05;ASIRW:APC=5.91%,95% CI=1.21%-10.82%,P<0.05). Conclusion In 2020,the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in Yunnan province increase significantly after the age of 40.The overall incidence and mortality of lung cancer in men are higher than those in women,and higher in rural areas than that in urban areas.At the same time,the incidence of lung cancer in women is increasing year by year.Therefore,males 40 years old and over above in rural areas should be identified as key populations for lung cancer prevention and control.Simultaneously,women lung cancer also pay attention to the prevention and control.

Key words: Lung cancer, Incidence, Mortality, Annual trend, Yunnan province

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