Journal of Practical Oncology ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 372-376.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2024.06.004

• Yunnan Province Cancer Surveillance Special Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of gastric cancer incidence and mortality in cancer registration areas of Yunnan province in 2020 and the trends from 2012 to 2020

KONG Hongqian1, DONG Juan2, WEN Hongmei3, SHAO Ying3, CHENG Huirong3, YU Qiuli3   

  1. 1. Non-communicable Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Department of Qujing Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Qujing 655000,China;
    2. Non-communicable Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Department of Chuxiong Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
    3. Non-communicable Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Department of Yunnan Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Received:2024-09-04 Revised:2024-11-14 Online:2024-12-28 Published:2025-01-06

Abstract: Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence and mortality of gastric cancer in tumor registration areas of Yunnan province in 2020,as well as the changing trends from 2012 to 2020,and provide suggestion for the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer in Yunnan province. Methods The incidence and death cases of gastric cancer in tumor registration areas of Yunnan province from 2012 to 2020 were collected and complied.After the quality control,the data was included in 89 monitoring points in 2020.Excel 2016 and SPSS 18.0 software were used to calculate the crude incidence,crude mortality,age-standardized incidence rate by World standard population(ASIRW),age-standardized mortality rate by World standard population(ASMRW),cumulative rate and other indicators of gastric cancer in Yunnan province in 2020.Joinpoint software was used to calculate the annual percentage change(APC)and 95% CI of the ASIRW and ASMRW of gastric cancer from 2012 to 2020,and analyze the trend of change. Results In 2020,the crude incidence and ASIRW of gastric cancer in Yunnan province were 11.59/100,000 and 7.60/100,000,respectively.Males(14.90/100,000 and 10.25/100,000)were higher than those in females(8.10/100,000 and 5.04/100,000).In 2020,the crude mortality and ASMRW of gastric cancer in the Yunnan in 2020 were 9.06/100,000 and 5.82/100,000,respectively.Males(11.51/100,000 and 7.89/100,000)were higher than those in females(6.48/100,000 and 3.82/100,000).The crude incidence and mortality of gastric cancer in Yunnan province increased with age.They were at a low level before the age of 45 years old,and then increased rapidly.The 80-84 age group reached the peak(64.12/100,000 and 72.67/100,000),respectively.The APC for ASIRW and ASMRW of gastric cancer in Yunnan province from 2012 to 2020 were-0.35% and 0.22%,respectively,there were no significant difference in the trend of change(P>0.05). Conclusion ASIRW and ASMRW of gastric cancer of Yunnan province in 2020 are higher for men than women.The trend of ASIRW and ASMRW maintained stable from 2012 to 2020,and the males and middle-aged elderly people over 45 years old in Yunnan province are the key population for gastric cancer prevention and control.

Key words: Yunnan province, Gastric cancer, Incidence, Mortality, Trend of change

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