Journal of Practical Oncology ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 361-366.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2024.06.002

• Yunnan Province Cancer Surveillance Special Report • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of the esophageal cancer incidence and mortality in Yunnan province in 2020 and the trend from 2012 to 2020

WANG Meixian, ZHENG Keqin, YU Qiuli, WEN Hongmei, YANG Cangjiang, REN Siying   

  1. Chronic Disease Institute,Yunnan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Kunming 650022,China
  • Received:2024-09-01 Revised:2024-11-19 Online:2024-12-28 Published:2025-01-06

Abstract: Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence and mortality of esophageal cancer in Yunnan province in 2020,as well as the changing trends from 2012 to 2020,in order to provide the data basis for the prevention and control strategies of esophageal cancer in Yunnan province. Methods The incidence and mortality data of esophageal cancer in tumor registration areas of Yunnan province from 2012 to 2020 were collected and analyzed.The crude incidence,crude mortality,age-standardized incidence rate by Chinese standard population(ASIRC),age-standardized mortality rate by Chinese standard population(ASMRC),age-standardized incidence rate by World standard population(ASIRW)and age-standardized mortality rate by World standard population(ASMRW),0-74 years old cumulative rate and other indicators of esophageal cancer in Yunnan province in 2020 were calculated by gender and age,and the annual incidence and mortality trends of esophageal cancer in Yunnan province from 2012 to 2020 were analyzed by using the Joinpoint regression model. Results In 2020,the crude incidence of esophageal cancer in Yunnan province was 5.84/100,000,including 10.19/100,000 men and 1.28/100,000 women.ASIRC was 3.85/100,000,and ASIRW was 3.88/100,000.The incidence of esophageal cancer was at a low level before the age of 45,rising rapidly after the age of 45,and reached the peak in the 75-79 age group.The crude mortality of esophageal cancer was 5.08/100,000,with a male mortality of 9.02/100,000 and a female mortality of 0.95/100,000.ASMRC was 3.31/100,000,and ASMRW was 3.35/100,000.The mortality of esophageal cancer was at a low level before the age of 50,but rapidly increased after the age of 50,reaching its peak in the 75-79 age group.The incidence and mortality of men in all age groups were higher than those of women.From 2012 to 2020,the crude incidence(APC=8.14%,P<0.05),ASIRW(APC=7.65%,P<0.05),crude mortality(APC=8.99%,P<0.05),and ASMRW(APC=9.20%,P<0.05)of esophageal cancer all showed an upward trend. Conclusion The incidence and mortality of esophageal cancer in Yunnan province are on the rise.The incidence and mortality of men are higher than those of women.Age is an important factor affecting the occurrence and development of esophageal cancer.Men and the elderly should be the focus of daily intervention.

Key words: Esophageal cancer, Incidence, Mortality, Trend

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