Geochemistry characteristics and sedimentary environment of oil shale from the Eocene Bahuli Formation in Liushuhe Basin,Heilongjiang Province
Zheng Yulong1,2, Ma Zhiqiang2, Wang Baichang2, Yuan Guoli1, Qin Jianxun1
1 School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083; 2 Daqing Oilfield Mudanjiang New Energy Company Ltd.,Mudanjiang 157032,Heilongjiang
Abstract:Several layers of oil shale were developed in the Eocene Bahuli Formation of Liushuhe Basin,Heilongjiang Province. Based on the characteristics of major,trace and rare earth elements,sedimentary environment of oil shale was analyzed. In the oil shale of Bahuli Formation of Liushuhe Basin,major elements are characterized by rich in Al2O3,Fe and CaO,and poor in SiO2,MgO,Na2O and K2O;trace elements are generally depleted in different degree,and the amount of rare earth elements(REE)averages 140.7×10-6,which show mild enrichment of light rare earth elements. Relatively consistent change trend of rare earth elements indicates that the provenance and sedimentary environment were relatively stable. The ratio of Mn/Ti shows that the transported distance of material composed oil shale experienced changes from far to near,then to far,which reflects that the depth of water changed from deep to shallow,then to deep. The ratios of Sr/Cu and Rb/Sr indicate that the climate was relatively hot and dry. The ratio of Sr/Ba reflects the salt water lake at that time. The ratios of V/(V+Ni),δEu and the content of organic carbon show that the oil shale was developed in the anaerobic reducing sedimentary environment. As a whole,the oil shale in Liushuhe Basin was developed in the lake with the condition of hot and dry climate,salt water and anaerobic reduction.
Zheng Yulong,Ma Zhiqiang,Wang Baichang et al. Geochemistry characteristics and sedimentary environment of oil shale from the Eocene Bahuli Formation in Liushuhe Basin,Heilongjiang Province[J]. JOPC, 2015, 17(5): 689-698.
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