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JOPC 2009 Vol.11 Number 2
2009, Vol.11 Num.2
Online: 2009-04-01

125 Wu Xichun
Sedimentary facies analysis of the Late Triassic Carnian siliceous sponge reef-oolite bank complex in northwestern Sichuan Province

The Late Triassic Carnian reef-oolite bank complex belongs to the Maantang(Hanwang)Formation, and is distributed along the margin of present Longmen Mountains in Mianzhu, Anxian and Jiangyou districts of northwestern Sichuan Province. It was discovered by the geologic mapping group led by the author in 1975. By microfacies analysis of reefs in this area, and comparison with similar reefs in the world, the results demonstrate that the reefs were built up owing to both baffling function of siliceous sponges mainly of hexactinellids and binding function of thrombolites formed mainly by cyanobacteria. Hence the reefs are of deep water reef mounds of bindingbaffling type, and of limemud matrix-supported reefs. By microfacies analysis, especially comparison with standard microfacies of rimmed shelf model and ramp model of the world, the author considers that the foundation for reef cluster growth(the oolitic bank and bioclastic bank)was formed not only on a ramp, but also on a homoclinal ramp. The inference of the Carnian homoclinal ramp in northwestern Sichuan Province, the installation of reef window model, and the compilation of sedimentary facies and palaeogeography maps serve as grounds for understanding geotectonic framework and sedimentary environments of the region.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 125-142 [Abstract] ( 3626 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 9039KB] ( 1022 )
143 WANG Yigang, WEN Yingchu, HONG Haichao, JIA Maolong, FAN Yi, WEN Long, KONG Lianxia, WU Chuanhong
Carbonate slope facies sedimentary characteristics of the Late Permian to Early Triassic in northern Sichuan Basin

The carbonate platform and trough facies of the Late Permian to the Early Triassic Feixianguan Formation are outcropped in the east Fankuai in Xuanhan County, northeastern  Sichuan Basin. The distance between the Jichang carbonate slope facies section which separates the platform facies and trough facies, and the platform margin facies section is less than one kilometer. According to the characteristics of the outcrops of carbonate slope facies,  the carbonate slope facies can be identified on the seismic sections of KaijiangLiangping trough in northern Sichuan Basin and the shallow water carbonate sedimentary area and deep water carbonate sedimentary area was subdivided. Slope facies is characterized by the obvious inclined reflection. High amplitude reflection caused by the mudstone of Dalong Formation and the bottom of the Feixianguan Formation of the trough facies onlapped towards the platform and disappeared. The twoway travel time of trough facies in the Upper Permian is less than 100 ms and is far less than that of the Feixianguan Formation, while the twoway travel time of platform facies is more than 150 ms which is similar to or slightly longer than that of the Feixianguan Formation. The incline reflection characteristics of slope facies,  indicate that the carbonate slope of KaijiangLiangping trough was developed in the middle Late Permian and migrated to the carbonate platform with transgression occurred. It became the steepest slope when the transgression reached the maxium at the end of the Late Permian. In the Feixianguan Period, slope gradient decreased with the sea level fall and the slope migrated to the trough. At the end of the Late Permian, the slope gradient of Liangping area which is the south of the trough was around 3°and slope became steep towards the northeast and northwest. In the Xuanhan area, the slope gradient was about 20°, and it achieved the highest gradient of  40° in Yilong area. The trough was a basin which became deeper to wards the north. According to the height of the inclined reflection of slope in the Late Permian, it is calculated that the depth of the KaijiangLiangping trough was around 350 to 450 meters. The slopes are characterized by obvious progradation of the Feixianguan Formation in Cangxi, Yilong and Liangping areas and the slope is dominated by aggradation in Xuanhan area. The currently drilled thickest oolitic beach reservoir is located in the platform margin adjacent to the aggradational slope in Xuanhan area. The thickness oolitic dolomite reservoir in individual wells is larger than 300 meters.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 143-156 [Abstract] ( 3144 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 397KB] ( 1172 )
157 Wang Rui,Jiao Yangquan,Wu Liqun,Rong Hui
Reef-forming model of Honghua reefs of the Upper Permian Changxing Formation in Kaixian, Chongqing

A detailed study of internal architecture and reefforming model of Honghua reefs has been conducted  by outcrop observation and microfacies analysis. The Honghua reefs consist of three depositional cycles: Reef A consisting of bioclastic micrite limestone and framestone, reef B consisting of bioclastic micrite limestone, bindstone, framestone and bioclastic limestone,and reef C consisting of bindstone, framestone and bioclastic limestone. Reefbuilding organisms are calcareous sponges, calcareous algae, bryozoans and hydrazoans. The organisms adhering to the reef are foraminifera, brachiopods, bivalves, gastropods and echinoderms. The evolution of organisms in an individual reef is from group of brachiopods, bivalves and foraminiferas to calcareous algae to group of calcareous sponges, calcareous algae, hydrazoans and bryozoans to bioclasts, and that of lithology is from bioclastic micrite limestone to bindstone to framestone to bioclastic limestone. Considering the good rounding and sorting  of bioclasts in bioclastic bank of reef B, and the cementation by micrite, it is concluded that the bioclasts were transported from the adjacent high energy bank and deposited in reef B flank where the energy is low. Reef A was formed in low energy environment. Reef B and reef C were deposited over the highland made up by reef A in high energy environments. The individual reef-forming model is that calcareous algae binds grains and makes the basement hard, and calcareous sponge and calcareous algae abundantly buildup on the basement and form the reef that can resist waves, then the reef forms a bioclastic bank when it dies and is destroyed by waves and tide.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 157-166 [Abstract] ( 2825 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 407 )
167 JIA Jin-Hua
Sedimentary characteristics and palaeogeography of the Early Cretaceous in Tarim Basin

Based on the plentiful data of drilling wells and outcrops, the sedimentary characteristics and palaeogeography of the Early Cretaceous have been analyzed. Continental alluvial(or pluvial)fan facies, fan delta facies, braided fluvial delta facies and lacustrine facies were developed in the Lower Cretaceous. They were widely distributed throughout  the Lower Cretaceous. Sedimentary systems are dominated by three types: alluvial fan-fan delta, braided fluvial delta, and shallow lacustrine.In the Tarim Basin,  Early Cretaceous deposition occurred in two areas: northeastern and southwestern part. The basin was an  inland separated depressional basin with arid and oxygenative climate conditions. During the deposition of the Kapushaliang Group in the early Early Cretaceous, shallow lacustrine basin with multi-provenances develop in the northeastern area of the Tarim Basin. The sediments were controlled by four provenances surrounding the basin. The topography of the basin was higher in the south, and lower in the north, and higher in the east, lower in the  west. There were mainly alluvial fan, fan-delta, and braided fluvial delta in the basin margin, and lacustrine facies in the hinterland of the basin. During the deposition of the Bashijiqike Formation in the late Early Cretaceous, a new tectonic activity period occurred in the margins of the Tarim Basin. The palaeoclimate was more torrid and arid. The lacustrine basin disappeared. Controlled by the four provenances, the extensive coarse grain alluvial fan and braided fluvial delta systems were mainly developed in the northeastern  Tarim Basin. The topography of the southwestern  Tarim Basin was higher in the west and lower in the east during the deposition of the Kezilesu Group. Controlled by the two provenances in the north of Kashi Mountain and palaeo-Kunlun Mountain, the sediments were distributed in the front of palaeo-Kunlun Mountain in a long and narrow belt. Mainly alluvial fan—fan-delta—shore-shallow lacustrine facies were developed, with thickness decreasing from west to east.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 167-176 [Abstract] ( 2969 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 358 )
177 SHAO Xiao-Yan, TIAN Jing-Chun, ZHANG Jin-Quan, DIAO Xian-Chao, HAN Yong-Lin, WANG Hai-Gong
Paleoseismic records of Chang 4+5 oilbearing intervals of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in  Ordos Basin

Syndepositional deformation structures were well developed in the lacustrine delta front deposits of Chang 4+5 oilbearing intervals of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin. It is concluded that these structures, such as sand balls,sand pillows,ballpillows, graded microfaults, microfissures, liquefied convolute deformation beddings were mainly produced by seismic liquefaction. According to seismite sedimentary characteristics,seismic sedimentary process can be divided into A, B, C, D and  E  units, which are respectively associated into five sedimentary sequence types,namely as type ABCD, BCD or CD, AB,BCE or BE and BEBE, of which types BCD(CD)and AB are the most dominant types. Through analyses of the palaeotectonics, it indicates that the paleoseismic activities are mainly formed due to the activation of the northwesttrending basement and the activities of the northwesttrending and northeasttrending growth normal faults in the depression center during the Late Triassic in the Ordos Basin.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 177-186 [Abstract] ( 3006 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 341 )
187 XI Shing-Li, LI Wen-Hou, LIU Xin-She, GUO Ying-Hai
Sedimentary characteristics of shallow water delta of the Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation in Shenmu area,Ordos Basin

 The Taiyuan Formation is dominated by shallow water delta deposits in a north uplifting and south inclining tectonic setting. Its characters are as follows: when the sedimentscarrying river flew into the seawater, due to the different density between river and seawater, and a little latteral diffusion, the delta front would move along the seabed rapidly, and the subaqueous distributary channel extended a long distance. The study area is characterized by a gentle slope and shallow water setting, thus the delta plain extended forward and decreased the topographic slope furthermore which led to the decrease of energy of fluids carrying the sediments and most of the sediments were deposited in the distributary channel in the  delta plain. Otherwise, due to the shallow water setting, mouth bar and sheetlike sandbodies of delta front were easily exposed by the transgressive subaqueous distributary channel and were difficult to be preserved. Distributary channel was well developed, prodelta was relatively not well developed and delta front was dominated by subaqueous distributary channel deposits. Distributary channel and subaqueous distributary channel usually strongly eroded the underlying sediments, including the sediments deposited during early periods even the deep water sediments including marine sediments. During the abandonment period of delta, sediments of delta front were usually rebuilt by tidal action. Distributary channel sandbodies of delta plain and subaqueous distributary channel of delta front are distributed in belt  which are the favorable targets for natural gas exploration.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 187-0197 [Abstract] ( 3238 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 439 )
195 HU Guang-Cheng, BAO Zhi-Dong, ZHANG Zhen, LUO Xiao-Yu, CA Yu, LIU Li
Petrological characteristics and sedimentary environment analysis of the Lower and Middle Triassic of Songkan section in Tongzi County, Guizhou Province

The Songkan section in Tongzi County of Guizhou Province, with a complete development of the Lower and Middle Triassic, abundant fossils and favorable exposure is an ideal section for the study of marine strata in the  Upper Yangtze area. According to the stratigraphic division and correlation, the Lower Triassic is divided into the Yelang and Maocaopu Formations, and the Middle Triassic comprises the Guanling Formation. Carbonate rocks and clastic rocks dominate the Lower and Middle Triassic with the former one making up 67% of the entire section and the latter one  24% respectively. Carbonates are distributed in the Yelang, Maocaopu and Guanling Formations, while clastics are confined to the Yelang Formation. The research results show that the Lower and Middle Triassic was characterized by a multicycle deposition. The Yelang Formation includes two transgressiveregressive cycles with sedimentary environments of tidal flat, open platform and shoal, and the Maocaopu Formation includes three cycles with sedimentary environments of open platform and restricted platform. The Guanling Formation is mainly a regressive succession, with sedimentary environments of restricted platform and tidal flat. Upon these researches, the sedimentary model of the Lower and Middle Triassic is established, ie., tidal flat-restricted platform-shoal-open platform pattern.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 195-204 [Abstract] ( 3312 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 401 )
205 JIANG De-XIn, WANG Yong-Dong, WEI Jiang
Palynoflora and its environmental significance of the Middle Jurassic in Wuqia, Xinjiang Autonomous Region

Based on the investigation of 48 species of fossil spores and pollen belonging to 33 genera found in the Middle Jurassic Taerga Formation in the Wuqia area of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, the late Middle Jurassic palynoflora in the area has been established. The palynoflora of the Taerga Formation is characterized by the dominance of Coniferales including Cheirolepidiaceae, Pinaceae,Podocarpaceae,Araucariaceae and Taxodiaceae, and the subdominance of Filicales including Cyatheaceae, Dicksoniaceae, Osmundaceae, Lygodiaceae and Dipteridaceae. In accordance with the character of the palynoflora, the late Middle Jurassic paleoecological,paleoclimatic and paleogeographic character as well as the relationship between paleoenvironment and petroleum source rocks in the area have been discussed. The results of this study indicate that the late Middle Jurassic paleoclimate in Wuqia area should belong to the semihumid to semiarid type of subtropic zone. It is suggested that the climate should be relatively humid during the Bathonian Stage. By the Callovian Stage, the climate began to dry out and had a tendency towards drought. The biodiversity of the palynoflora and the zonation of the plant geographic distribution reflect that the late Middle Jurassic palaeogeography in the area should possess various landscapes,including multipeaked mountains, rivers, lakes, marshes, deltas,etc. The palynological data show that the lacustrine and marsh deposits under the hot or warm and relatively humid climate conditions in the Bathonian Stage in Wuqia area might be favorable source rocks for the formation of oil and gas.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 205-214 [Abstract] ( 2805 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 181 )
215 SHAO Long-Yi, GAO Di, LUO Zhong, ZHANG Feng-Fei
Sequence stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Lower and Middle Jurassic coal measures in TurpanHami Basin

This paper analyses the sequence stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Lower and Middle Jurassic coal measures in the TurpanHami Basin, northwestern China. The controls of the palaeogeography and sequence stratigraphy on the coal accumulation in this Basin have been discussed. The results show that the coal measures were formed in a fluvial-delta-lacustrine sedimentary system, and a total of 4 thirdorder sequences were developed, corresponding to the Badaowan Formation, Sangonghe Formation, the Members 1, 2 and 3, 4 of the Xishanyao Formation, respectively. The TurpanHami Basin had experienced the swamping(Sequence Ⅰ)—lake flooding(Sequence Ⅱ)—swamping(Sequence Ⅲ)—lake flooding(Sequence Ⅳ)processes. The thick coal seams were developed during the deposition of the late transgressive systems tract and the early highstand systems tract corresponding to the maximum flood surface, when the rate in creation of accommodation kept balance with the peat accumulation rate. There is a negative correlation between the thickness of coal and carbonaceous mudstone and the content of sandstones and conglome ̄rates,ie. the thicker coals are associated with the lower contents of sandstones and conglomerates. This implies that the coalforming environments are interdelta bays, lower delta plains and back swamps in the fluvial system. The thickest coal seams occur in areas with a strata thickness ranging between 300~500m for Sequence I and between 400~550m for Sequence Ⅲ. This suggests that the most ideal sites for coal accumulation are those with moderate rates of subsidence and relatively little input of coarsegrained sediments, which favors the development of interdelta bays, lower delta plains and back swamps in fluvial systems. The coalaccumulating centers during the deposition of sequence I and sequence Ⅲ in the TurpanHami Basin, such as Ewirgol, Kerjian, Taoshuyuan, Qiquanhu, Kekeya, Shanshan, Aidinghu, Shaerhu, Dananhu and Sandaoling, were developed in these environments.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 215-224 [Abstract] ( 2742 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 324 )
225 MENG Yuan-Lin, WANG You-Chun, JIANG Wen-Ya, ZHANG Jing-Jun, LIU De-Lai, NIU Jia-Yu, SUN Hong-Bin, SHI Chang-Ming, GU Tuan, XIU Hong-Wen
Porosity evolution simulation of the Member 4 of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Shuangqing area, Liaohe Depression

Based on the studies of the influence of sedimentary microfacies and diagenesis on the reservoir porosity, the reservoir porosity of the Member 4 of Shahejie Formation was  predicted, the porosity evolution history was modeled, and the distribution areas of  effective petroleum reservoirs were determined by establishing correlation relationships between the diagenetic intensity indexand reservoir average porosity for various sedimentary microfacies in Shuangqing area of the Liaohe Depression. The results of porosity prediction show that the effective oil and gas reservoirs are distributed in areas with the porosity  larger than 5.8% in the northern part of the study area. The porosity history simulation results suggest that the reservoir porosity during the early burial period was mainly affected by sedimentary microfacies, while in the late burial period controlled by diagenesis. The absolute error between the predicted porosity and practically measured porosity is less than 2.7%. However, the porefilling material content is up to 1.0%~40.0%,averaging at 21.7%. It means that these kinds of porosity simulating models are suitable for predrilling porosity prediction of reservoirs with higher content of porefilling materials and simulation of porosity evolution history.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 225-232 [Abstract] ( 3321 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 322 )
233 YUE Da-Li, CHEN De-Po, XU Zhang-You, WU Shing-He, FAN Zheng, JIANG Ting-Ting
Channel reservoir architecture 3D modeling of meandering fluvial reservoir in Gudong Oilfield,Jiyang Depression

The Upper Guantao Formation in west 7th Block of the Gudong Oilfield,Jiyang Depression,is dominated by meandering fluvial deposits, among which two large point bar sandbodies were developed in the layer Ng522. Based on the systematic characterization of subsurface reservoir architecture of point bar reservoir, the geometry modeling method of architectural bounding surface is investigated here, and the architectural bounding surface model is embedded into the facies model based on the 3D structured grid mesh. The 3D reservoir architectural modeling of well 26-295 area is established, and it is more accordant to the practical formational conditions in a real meaning. The spatial distribution characteristics of architecture element and bounding surface within the microfacies are reconstitued excellently, which meets the requirements of 3D numerical reservoir simulation. The results show that lateral accretion beds in the point bar are inclined to the abandoned channel and extend to the position of  2/3  to the top of point bar which is presented as “semicommunicated sandbody”. The remaining oil distribution patterns within point bar sandbodies are established and the potential exploitation measures are proposed. The application effects of the reservoir architecture characterization and modeling in the study area are good and can be applied to other similar oilfields. It has important significance both in enriching reservoir geology theory and enhancing exploitation efficiency of reservoirs.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 233-240 [Abstract] ( 2674 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 366 )
241 LI Shu-Qing, WANG Li
Reservoir characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous Nantun Formation in Beier Sag of Hailar Basin

 The Hailar Basin is one of the larger petroliferous basins currently explored by the  Daqing Oilfield Company. The  Beier Sag is the biggest sag in the basin and it is one of the structural units comprising the  Beierhu  Depression in Hailar Basin. The sag is also the most prospective prospecting area. The main reservoirs include the Lower Cretaceous Nantun Formation and Tongbomiao Formation and the rock types are sandstone, tuffaceous glutenite, tuff and base rock weathering  crusts. The main reservoirs consist of sandstone, tuffaceous gravelly sandstones, and tuffs in the Nantun and Tongbomiao Formations, and weathered crust of the basement. The main reservoir rock types in the Lower Cretaceous Nantun Formation include volcanic clastics, siliciclastics and subordinate volcanic rock. Its main porosity types are intergranular pore, intragranular pore, calking pore, fracture pore and dissolution pore. The pore texture is not favorable, throat distribution is not centralized,  throat sorting is not very good, and throat radius is small. Due to the influence of sedimentary facies, compaction and secondary porosity, the main reservoir petrophysics is  characterized by moderate to low porosity, and low permeability. The reservoirs are   distributed in West Beier Subsag, West Beier monocline belt, Huoduomoer faultd nose structure belt, Surennuoer and Sudeerte fracture belts.

2009 Vol. 11 (2): 241-249 [Abstract] ( 2646 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 325 )
2009 Vol. 11 (2): 250-250 [Abstract] ( 2525 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 288 )

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