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JOPC 2008 Vol.10 Number 1
2008, Vol.10 Num.1
Online: 2008-02-01

SPECIAL ISSUE ABOUT “Origin of Dolostone and Oil and Gas Reservoir”
1 Zhang Hong, Jin Xianglan, Li Guihong, Yang Zhiyuan, Zhang Hui, Jia Jiancheng
Original features and palaeogeographic evolution during the Jurassic-Cretaceous in Ordos Basin
The Ordos Basin is located in the western part of the North China Platform. Based on the detailed analyses of different elements,such as the contact characteristics of the strata,characteristics of structural boundaries,stratigraphic development characteristics and continuity,relationships between depositional basin and its neighboring tectonic units,properties of the provenance area,sedimentary systems and facies distribution,palaeocurrent patterns,etc.,the original features from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous in the Ordos Basin are reconstructed.The evolution of the basin can be divided into four stages. During the first stage(from the Early Jurassic to the early Middle Jurassic)and the second stage(the Bathonian-Callovian of the Middle Jurassic),the basin extent and the sedimentary system distribution were similar. The most important difference between the two stages is that coal accumulation occurred in the first stage while it did not exist in the latter, which is attributed to the palaeoclimate change. The basin shrank and was present only to the east of the Zhuozishan-Shigouyi-Liupanshan Mountains during the third stage(Late Jurassic)of the basin evolution. In the forth stage of the basin evolution(Early Cretaceous),the basin expanded slightly,and its eastern boundary maybe extend to the west of the present Lüliangshan Mountain.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 1-11 [Abstract] ( 2475 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4040KB] ( 817 )
25 Yang Yihua, Bao Hongping, Jia Yani, Yu Zhongping
Analysis on control factors of sandstone reservoir of the Upper Paleozoic in Ordos Basin
The control factors of the sandstone reservoir development of the Upper Paleozoic in the Ordos Basin include the synsedimentary volcanism,provenance conditions, tectonism, climate conditions, sedimentation and diagenesis. The easily dissolved volcanic clastic components(including grains and matrix), which were derived from the synsedimentary volcanism,have dominant controls on the formation of the high-permeabale and secondary dissolved-porous reservoirs in the study area. The thickly bedded weathered rocks abounding with medium-coarse grained quartz were eroded in the provenance area to the north of the Ordos Basin, thus the medium-coarse grained sandy sediments accumulated in the basin during the deposition of the Shanxi Formation and Shihezi Formation and thickly bedded sandstones were developed. The regional tectonic control is mainly represented by that the areas where incision of the inherited sags of the Ordovician occurred are usually the thickly bedded sandstones developing areas which were influenced by the river for a long period. Climate mainly influences the degree of the chemical weathering of source rocks and thus controls the composition maturity of rocks. The formation of the quartz sandstones in the coal-bearing Shanxi Formation of Permian in the basin is closely related with the humid climate conditions in the Permian. Sedimentary controls include sedimentary facies belts and sedimentary microfacies control. The former mainly controls the macro distribution of sandbodies, while the latter is shown as the difference of petrophysical properties of different microfacies. Diagenesis has various influences. Influences of filling, replacement and cementation of the carbonate minerals on the reservoirs tightening are analyzed in this paper. The tightening of the reservoir is probably due to the reason that the sandstones are distributed in the exposed environments near the ground surface.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 25-32 [Abstract] ( 2144 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3145KB] ( 611 )
43 Rao Zheng, Yao Pengxiang, Zhang Chunguang, Liu Jing, An Zhiyuan, Gao Zhenzhong
Braided fluvial delta facies and sedimentary evolution of the Member 1 of Qingshuihe Formation of Lower Cretaceous in Shinan 31 wellblock, Junggar Basin
Different viewpoints have been proposed about the delta sedimentary facies developed in the Member 1 of Qingshuihe Formation of Lower Cretaceous in Shinan 31 wellblock in central Junggar Basin. The authors considered it was the product of tractive current with strong hydrodynamic conditions according to the stratification character, the composition texture, the texture maturity, the developing characteristic of the pore of the conglomerates and the texture, structure, granularity and distribution characteristics of the sandstones. Its sedimentary environment belonged to the braided fluvial delta. Through the detailed observation and description of cores, combining with the logging facies analyses, on the basis of single well facies analyses of the 211 wells in the Shinan 31 wellblock, according to the across-well analyses and the synthetic analyses of sedimentary facies, it is concluded that all kinds of subfacies of the braided fluvial delta facies were developed in the study area. The sedimentary microfacies including the braided channel, fluvial flood deposit, subaquaeous distributary channel, mouth bar, front delta mud etc., were identified. During the earlier sedimentary period of the Member 1 of Qingshuihe Formation(K1q21), the study area was dominated by lacustrine facies and braided fluvial delta was only developed in the southeast of the study area. Then the two deltas in two directions developed towards the same direction(K1q1-3-41,K1q1-3-31). Then, the delta plain disappeared in the southeast and only delta front was developed(K1q1-3-21). During the sedimentary period of K1q1-3-11, it was dominated by fine-grained sediments and the sedimentary setting was similar as the former period. During the sedimentary period of K1q1-21, the braided fluvial delta plain and delta front were developed in the north, while in the southeast, only delta front was developed. In the late period of the Member 1 of Qingshuihe Formation(K1q1-11), due to the sudden rise of the lake level, the study area was dominated by front delta facies and was composed of front delta muds with the development of strip-belt-shaped front delta ditch sandstones.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 43-52 [Abstract] ( 2355 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3436KB] ( 678 )
SPECIAL ISSUE ABOUT “Origin of Dolostone and Oil and Gas Reservoir”
13 Wu Yinye, Sun Longde, Gu Jiayu, Hou Yuan, Shu Hong, Niu Xin
Sedimentary sequence analysis and reservoir evaluation of the Donghe Sandstone of Carboniferous in Manxi area of Tarim Basin
The Donghe Sandstone of Carboniferous in the Tarim Basin were mainly developed in the shoreline sedimentary system and the forced regressive systems tract. The sedimentary sandbodies show a set of downstepping prograding wedges. During the deposition of Donghe Sandstone, the shoreline environment was dominated by high-energy sandy and pebbly shore deposits and few muddy shore sediments. The main controlling factors of potential reservoirs in the Donghe Sandstone are shifting of shoreline and facies distribution. Oil and gas migration conditions and distribution of high-quality reservoirs determine the potential belts for oil exploration. The prediction of oil reservoir distribution is based on the distribution pattern of the forced regressive systems tract wedges with the shifting of the shoreline. On the basis of sedimentary sequence analysis and reservoir evaluation combined with the current petroleum exploration status and structural traps analysis, the authors suggested three potential belts for oil exploration in the Manxi area of the Tarim Basin. The subsequent drilling confirmed that significant discoveries could be made according to this idea.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 13-24 [Abstract] ( 2268 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3779KB] ( 900 )
33 Meng Yuanlin, Li Na, Huang Wenbiao, Xiao Lihua, Liu Delai, Zhang Qingjiu, Sun Hongbin, Xiu Hongwen
Diagenetic facies analysis and high quality reservoir prediction of the Cenozoic in southern segment of western slope of Liaohe Depression
The analyses of measured porosity data,thin sections,casting thin sections and scanning electronic microscopes of the reservoirs indicate that three secondary porosity zones were vertically developed in the Cenozoic reservoirs of the southern segment of the western slope of the Liaohe Depression in the Bohaiwan Basin.As a result,the high quality reservoirs are developed in a generally low porosity and permeability background. Sedimentary microfacies and diagenesis are the main factors controlling the formation and distribution of the high quality reservoirs which were mainly developed as braided channel,mouth-bar and sheet-like sand microfacies. They belong to the early diagenetic stage B to intermediate diagenetic stage A1 and dissolution diagenetic facies were developed. The diagenetic stages and diagenetic facies distribution are predicted by simulating the paleotemperature,vitrinite reflectance,sterane isomerization rate and authigenetic quartz variation in space and time. The distribution of high quality reservoirs of Member 3 of Shahejie Formation is predicted by superimposing the diagenetic facies maps on the microfacies maps. The results show that the high-quality reservoirs of Member 3 of Shahejie Formation were developed in the middle part of the western slope.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 33-41 [Abstract] ( 2421 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3395KB] ( 776 )
53 Du Haifeng, Yu Xinghe, Chen Faliang
Sedimentary characteristics of saltrocks and their petroleum geologic significance of the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Dongpu Sag,Henan Province
Dongpu Sag is located in the southwestern Bohai Bay rift basin. It is a part of the Linqing Depression. In contrast with other sags in the Bohai Bay rift basin,the Dongpu Sag has a remarkable feature that the sag is a prolific salty sag. There are three sets of salt beds in the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in the central uplift and its vicinity in northern Dongpu Sag. Each set of salt beds consists of numerous salt cyclothems that are composed of salt rock and mudstone. The concentrated salt area is the main productive fairway in the Dongpu Sag. There is an intimate relationship between salt beds and oil gas enrichment. By analyzing the cores,logs,and seismic data,the authors sum up the lithologic,electric and seismic characteristics of the saltrocks. The evolutionary regular pattern of saltrock lithology is from sandstone and mudstone through gypseous mudstone,gypsum halite,halite,gypsum mudstone,to sandstone and mudstones. Electric characteristics are represented by very low density,very low natural gamma,very high electric resistivity,and expanded hole diameter in fresh water drilling mud. Seismic response are characterized by high amplitude and low frequency. Based on studies of development characteristics of the saltrocks,saltrock distribution pattern is known. At the same time the authors study the relationship between saltrocks and source rock,reservoir and cap rock,and rank the source-reservoir-seal assemblages. Ten types of the assemblages are identified. Based on this,the authors sum up the hydrocarbon accumulation. The study results define the significance of the saltrocks for petroleum geology. It is important for rolling exploration for mature oilfields.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 53-62 [Abstract] ( 1729 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3478KB] ( 552 )
63 Guo Zhengquan, Zhang Lirong, Chu Meijuan, Huang Jinxiu
Pre-Jurassic palaeogeomorphic control on the hydrocarbon accumulation in the Lower Yanan Formation in southern Ordos Basin
The Indosinian Movement at the end of the Triassic uplifted the whole Ordos Basin. The top of the Yanchang Formation suffered a strong weathering and fluvial erosion which formed a palaeogeomorphic landscape with widely distributed streams, ditches and pools alternated,uplands and lowlands. Based on the compilation of stratigraphic isopach maps of the interval 10 of Yanan and Fuxian formations and the top surface structure contour map of the Yanchang Formation,the pre-Jurassic palaeogeomorphic framework was divided into valley,slope,terrace land,upland,plain and burial hill. It had a great control on the sedimentary facies types,sedimentary facies belts distribution,and the structure formation of the Fuxian Formation and the Lower Yanan Formation of Lower Jurassic. The incision of the palaeo-valley not only decreased the distance between the Lower Yanan Formation and the hydrocarbon source intervals,but also provided hydrocarbon migration pathways. If there existed profitable reservoirs combining with anticline and nose-uplifting structures,they can entrap hydrocarbons and form hydrocarbon reservoir. The formation water characteristics show that the slope area has the best preservation conditions,and the slope mouth,terrace land and burial hill on the pre-Jurassic palaeogeomorphic slope are the profitable areas for the exploration of the Lower Yanan Formation.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 63-71 [Abstract] ( 1787 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3169KB] ( 558 )
73 Liang Feng, Fan Junxia, Li Hongwei, Hou Bogang
Relationship between tectonic transfer zones and petroleum accumulation in Banqiao Sag, Dagang Oilfield
The tectonic transfer zones have a great control on petroleum in the extensional rifted basin and petroleum usually accumulates near these zones. They are usually developed in the area where the stretching throws of the fracture have a decreasing-increasing change along the strike direction. The magnitude of subsidence of the strata tends to decrease near the tectonic transfer zones, thus the differencial of subsidence along the tectonic transfer zones leads to the development of a tectonopalaeogeographic framework of the alternated structural highs and lows. The faulted nose structures are developed adjacent to the tectonic transfer zones, therefore petroleum usually accumulates along the zones. The results show that the tectonic transfer zones are widely developed in the Banqiao Sag of Dagang Oilfield. Due to the development of the faulted nose structures near the tectonic transfer zones which are located in the hydrocarbon generation sags, the tectonic transfer zones are the favorable areas for petroleum to accumulate.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 73-76 [Abstract] ( 1696 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5148KB] ( 574 )
77 Jiang Dexin, Wang Yongdong, Wei Jiang
Palynoflora and its environmental significance of the Early Cretaceous in Baicheng,Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Based on the investigation of 48 species of spores and pollen belonging to 29 genera found in the Lower Cretaceous Shushanhe Formation in the Baicheng district of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region,the early Early Cretaceous palynoflora in the area has been established. The palynoflora of the Shushanhe Formation is characterized by the dominance of Cheirolepidiaceae of Coniferales and the influence of Lygodiaceae of Filicales. In accordance with the characters of the palynoflora,the early Early Cretaceous palaeoecological,palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic characters have been discussed. Because the Cheirolepidiaceous plants were drought resistant and thermophilic trees and shrubs,and both the Cheirolepidiaceae and Lygodiaceae were most common in subtropical climates in that period,the palynoflora indicated a dry and rather hot climate. Judging from the palynological data,the early Early Cretaceous palaeoclimate in the Baicheng district should belong to the arid type of subtropical zone. The biodiversity of the palynoflora and the obvious zonality of the plant geographic distribution show that the early Early Cretaceous palaeogeography in the area should possess complex and various landscapes,including multi-peaked mountains,mountain valleys,mountain streams,river delta marsh and marsh wetland etc.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 77-86 [Abstract] ( 2310 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 0KB] ( 313 )
87 Li Congxian, Fan Daidu, Yang Shouye. Cai Jingong
Characteristics and formation of the Late Quaternary incised-valley sequences in estuary and delta areas in China
Four incised-valley systems including the Luanhe fan-delta,the Changjiang delta,the Qiantangjiang estuary,and the Zhujiang delta in China, are discussed based on over 800 drilling-holes. These incised vallies are elongated or fan-shaped and with tens to hundreds of kilometers in length,tens of kilometers in width and 40~90m in depth. Four facies assemblages(FS-Ⅰ, FS-Ⅱ,FS-Ⅲ and FS-Ⅵ)are distinguished in the incised-valley sequences. An ideal incised-valley sequence may include all four types,with FS-Ⅰ near the coastline region and FS-Ⅵ at the top of the deltas,which indicates a decreasing marine influence and an increasing terrestrial effect. The Late Quaternary incised-valley sequence in these deltas and the estuary areas may be distinguished into transgressive and regressive succesions. The thickness of the transgressive succession make up more than 50% of the total thickness of the entire sequence and the transgressive sediment volume constitutes approximately 60%~70% of the total. The transgressive succession of the incised-valley sequences was formed by retrogressive aggradation during sea level rising. The fluvial-channel facies in the transgressive succession,was formed in the river reach where the retrogressive aggradation extended but the flood tidal currents did not arrive. It usually contains no marine microfossils and tidal sedimentary structures. A regionally comparable erosional surface is not found in the transgressive succession of the incised-valley sequence,which means there is no erosional record resulting from the fluctuations of the postglacial sea level rising rate or even minor sea level fall. The regressive succession in the incised-valley sequences was developed as the estuary was filled and delta prograded. The Changjiang paleo-estuary was filled by strong tidal facies and then by deltaic facies,and the tidal regime in it was changed from macro-tidal to meso-tidal process. In the Luanhe fan-delta and the Zhujiang delta areas,the paleo-estuaries were filled by fluvial facies and then by deltaic deposits. The Qiantangjiang estuary is being filled by the strong tidal facies.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 87-97 [Abstract] ( 2013 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3704KB] ( 745 )
99 Wang Zhanghua, Zhao Baocheng, Chen Jing, Li Xiao
Chronostratigraphy and two transgressions during the Late Quaternary in Changjiang delta area
The present study focuses on the stratigraphy of two Late Quaternary boreholes that are primarily composed of fine-grained sediments. Analyses of the two boreholes include OSL and U-series dating, pollen and microfossils, tending to reconstruct the high resolution climatic stratigraphy, and therefore to define the chronostratigraphy of the Late Quaternary. It is also our aim to discuss the two transgressions and their mechanisms during that period. Results demonstrate that climate fluctuations recorded by the two boreholes correspond to the marine oxygen isotope stages(MIS). Thick layer of coarser grained fluvial deposits and the third layer of “hard mud” were deposited in the study area during MIS 6, reflecting a cold climate. The sediments became fine-grained and indicate a coastal marsh depositional environment during MIS 5. The second layer of “hard mud” was deposited during MIS 4. Fine-grained coastal marsh deposits dominated in the study area during early MIS 3, while lagoon-beach ridges prevailed during middle and late MIS 3, forming a layer of silt and fine sand in the coastal plain. The MIS 2 strata are composed of a typical sedimentary sequence with coarse grain in the lower section and fine grain in the upper section, i.e. yellowish grey or brownish yellow silt and brownish yellow or dark green “hard mud”,respectively. The three “hard mud” layers of MIS 6, MIS 4 and MIS 2 are the marker beds in the upper Quaternary in the Changjiang delta area. Marine incursions occurred during both MIS 5 and MIS 3. Higher topography and abundant freshwater and terrigenous material inputs determined that the marine influence during MIS 5 was weak. By contrast, the lagoon-beach ridges environment lack of freshwater supply led to the formation of the widely developed transgressive strata of middle and late MIS 3.
2008 Vol. 10 (1): 99-110 [Abstract] ( 2674 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3699KB] ( 733 )

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