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2024 Vol.  13 No.  4
Published: 2024-10-20

Palaeobiology and palaeoecology
Facies analysis and sedimentary environments
Prediction & exploration related to oil, gas, coal & other mineral resources
Sedimentary geochemistry
621 High-frequency lacustrine sequence stratigraphy of clastic lakes: lessons from ancient successions
Carlos Zavala, Hua-Qing Liu, Xiang-Bo Li, Valentin Trobbiani, Yang Li, Mariano Arcuri, Agustin Zorzano

Sequence stratigraphic concepts and methods provide novel tools for performing stratigraphic analysis, allowing us to improve our understanding of depositional models and basin evolution. Main controls and depositional elements (e.g., surfaces, systems tracts, parasequences, etc.) recognized in conventional sequence stratigraphy are designed for marine-related systems. In contrast, the sequence stratigraphy of lacustrine successions is much more complex and poorly understood, because it is not driven by sea-level changes, but by a complex interaction between tectonics and high-frequency climatic cycles. The comprehensive analysis of the water balance of lacustrine systems allows the recognition of three types of lake conditions: Underfilled, balanced-fill and overfilled lakes. Understanding the lake conditions in ancient successions is fundamental for unraveling lacustrine sequence stratigraphy, since these conditions effectively control water salinity, internal stacking pattern and the characteristics of systems tracts. Underfilled lakes are hydrologically closed lakes, and consequently, the lake-level can highly ?uctuate, driven by high-frequency wet-dry climatic cycles. During wet periods, rivers supply water and sediments, resulting in fining-and thinning-upward elementary depositional sequences (EDS's) accumulated during the transgressive systems tract (TST). In contrast, dry periods are characterized by a relative lake-level fall with the subaerial exposure of lake margin areas during the regressive systems tract (RST). Lake water salinity can ?uctuate from brackish to hypersaline. Balanced-fill lakes are partially closed lakes, and consequently, they have characteristics of both underfilled and overfilled lakes. During the TST, the lake is in underfilled condition, and consequently, the introduction of water and sediment will accumulate a fining-upward interval until reaching the spill point during the maximum ?ooding. The RST is accumulated under an overfilled lake condition, with coarseningupward progradational littoral deltas and related subaqueous delta deposits. Lake water salinity ?uctuates from brackish to freshwater. Overfilled lakes are hydrologically open lakes. Most deposits accumulate during the RST, forming coarsening-upward progradational littoral deposits, with associated subaqueous deltas. All overfilled lakes are freshwater lakes. Subsidence is crucial for allowing the long-term preservation of lacustrine deposits. Lakes can temporarily store water and sediments in areas that lack subsidence, but these deposits will not be preserved in the stratigraphic record. Consequently, two types of lakes are recognized: 1) subsiding lakes, which have permanent accommodation space and 2) hanging lakes, having temporary accommodation space. Although they cannot permanently store sediments, hanging lakes are fundamental for lacustrine sequence stratigraphy, since they can ?ood subsiding lakes with the near-instantaneous release of a substantial volume of water, creating favorable conditions for the accumulation of organic-rich shales. This rapid ?ooding from hanging lakes induced a forced transgression (FT), which is a large-scale rapid transgression (xenoconformity) not related to the normal sediment and water supply from local source areas.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 621-645 [Abstract] ( 34 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (8472 KB)   ( 21 )
646 Spatio-temporal variability in microfossil and geochemical records of Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event-2: a review
C.P. Sooraj, Shweta Gupta, Jahnavi Punekar

The Cenomanian-Turonian boundary oceanic anoxic event (OAE-2; Bonarelli event; ~94 Ma) is associated with a species turnover in the marine calcareous microfossil record, widespread marine anoxia, black shale deposition and positive d13C excursions. This study reviews 141 CTBE sites globally, aiming to understand micropaleontological, geochemical, and sedimentological expressions of OAE-2. There is a clear palaeogeographic and palaeobathymetric heterogeneity in the development of OAE-2 marine anoxia. A majority of the documented OAE-2 sites are from deep marine environments. The calcareous nannoplankton and benthic foraminifera record a diversity decline, while planktic foraminifera shows community level shifts and no major mass extinction. The variability of total organic carbon in OAE-2 sediments across sites (<1 to >10 wt.%) and the d13C profiles (diachronous) have been attributed to different mechanisms of anoxia development. The increased primary “productivity model” gains support from productivity proxies (e.g., Ba, P, Cu, Ni), redox-sensitive elements (e.g., Mn, Mo, U, V, As), and eutrophic genera (e.g., benthic foraminifera Gabonita spp., calcareous nannofossils Biscutum spp. and Zeugrhabdotus erectus). The enhanced organic carbon “preservation model” in stratified (semi) restricted basins gains support from sites with lower enrichment of redox-sensitive elements and oligotrophic ?ora and fauna in the OAE-2 records. Geochronology of the Caribbean and the High Atlantic Large Igneous Province events (CLIP and HALIP) mark them as likely triggers of the OAE-2 related global perturbation of marine biogeochemistry. Volcanic triggers may have caused climate warming, altered hydrological cycles, enhanced continental weathering, shifts in ocean circulation, and nutrient ?ows. Addressing knowledge gaps, further research is urged, utilizing innovative proxies, and exploring underrepresented depositional systems to comprehensively understand OAE-2 onset and biotic crisis.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 646-674 [Abstract] ( 24 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (3526 KB)   ( 12 )
Facies analysis and sedimentary environments
675 The “underfilled trinity model” of foreland basins revisited: reality or myth?
Xiu-Mian Hu, Eduardo Garzanti, Juan Li, Marcelle BouDagher-Fadel, Giovanni Coletti, An-Lin Ma, Wen-Dong Liang, Wei-Wei Xue

The “underfilled trinity” model of foreland-basin stratigraphy was proposed based on the observation that the initial sedimentary stages along the western and northern front of the western and central Alps were represented by shallow-water carbonates (Calcaires à Nummulites) overlain by hemipelagic marls (Marnes Bleues) and capped by siliciclastic turbidites (Grès d’Annot). Subsequently, this model has been widely accepted and applied in foreland basins worldwide. We here re-investigated the Eocene-Oligocene sedimentary succession of the Western Alps to check its validity. Major geological features of this region include: i) the existence of a Cretaceous-Eocene unconformity spanning more than 25 Myr in the studied sections; ii) a virtually synchronous age of the Calcaires à Nummulites, Marnes Bleues, and Grès d’Annot formations across the Western Alps; iii) a long-term deepening-upward trend, from inner to outer ramp, documented by the Calcaires à Nummulites, followed by the pelagic Marnes Bleues and by the Grès d’Annot turbidites; iv) the provenance of the Grès d’Annot Formation from the Maures-Estérel Massif and/or Corsica-Sardinia block in the south, rather than from the Alpine orogen in the east. By integrating field observations, sedimentological, biostratigraphic, and provenance analyses, we found the Eocene “underfilled foreland” model too simplistic and inadequate to explain the basin evolution in the western Alpine region. Based on the alternative scenario proposed herein, the Annot and Barrême basins formed in the late Eocene (40-35 Ma) in an extensional/transtensional setting during a period of major change in tectonic stress fields across western Europe on the upper plate of the Apennine subduction.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 675-705 [Abstract] ( 25 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (9843 KB)   ( 15 )
706 Evolution of Neoproterozoic siliciclastic Kerur Formation in the light of sequence stratigraphic framework: Badami Basin, Karnataka, India
Soumik Mukhopadhyay, Nipun Ghosh, Pradip Samanta, Arunava Sen, Soumyadeep Bose

Field-based sedimentology, state of the art facies analysis and sequence stratigraphic framework analysis have revealed the controls of local and global tectonics, basin-marginal slope, climate and changes in relative sea level (RSL) over the sedimentation pattern and evolution of a Neoproterozoic Kerur Formation within the Badami Group of Kaladgi Supergroup in India. The entire succession shows three major cycles of deposition. Facies study and fluvial architectural elemental analysis suggest considerable variations in depositional environments as well as palaeogeography. A transition from basin-margin alluvial cone deposits to braided system, initially with fluctuating ephemeral flows then to a steadier semi-perennial nature, is discernible within the 1st cycle, in response to decreasing depositional slope with rising water table. The initial alluvial cone and braided ephemeral streams of high slope areas is designated as a product of low accommodation systems tract (LAST), while the semi-perennial system with steadier flows, representing the axial river of the initial rift valley, appears to be a product of high - accommodation systems tract (HAST). The 2nd cycle begins with a perennial and steady braided river system and grades upward to a shallow marine succession, comprising wave-dominated, well-sorted sandstone, with a granular transgressive lag at the base. Thus, the bottommost fluvial interval of the 2nd cycle constitutes the lowstand systems tract (LST). The marine succession represents deposits of outer shelf offshore to foreshore-beach settings and is composed of an initially deepening and fining upward transgressive systems tract (TST), followed by a coarsening and shallowing upward highstand systems tract (HST) with a maximum marine flooding surface (MFS) in between, demarcated by a shale-rich condensed zone. The 3rd cycle, with its prograding alluvial fan and aggrading braided fluvial deposits and restricted occurrence, represents only the low accommodation systems tract (LAST) with a subaerial unconformity at the base. The basin evidently initiated in the western sector, followed by its eastward expansion during the first major rejuvenation of the basin margin faults, after the deposition of the 1st cycle. After the basin-wide deposition of the 2nd cycle, restricted development of the 3rd cycle took place in the western sector only, following the second major rejuvenation of the fault system. The proposed sedimentological model, supported by established geochronological constraints, suggests that the sedimentation in the 1st cycle begins with scree cones, alluvial fans and braided ephemeral channel networks, originated from faulted basin margins within a riftogenic setting possibly related to the global-scale extensional tectonics of Rodinia breakup. After the expansion of the basin, the marine inundation has been correlated to the transgression that possibly took place during the post-rift maturation stages.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 706-737 [Abstract] ( 17 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (7968 KB)   ( 12 )
738 A combined tectono-climatic control on Holocene sedimentation in Ladakh Himalaya, India: Clues from Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) of lake sediments
B.V. Lakshmi, K. Deenadayalan, Md. Mujahed Baba, Saumitra Misra

Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) data from a ~27.8 m thick soft sedimentary mud sequence (~10.5-3.25 k yrs) from the Spituk Palaeolake Sequence (SPSS) of Holocene age, located in the northern bank of the Indus River in the Leh-Ladakh Himalaya, show effects of tectonic versus climate dynamics responsible for the Himalayan sedimentation. The sedimentary sequence, consisting of alternating of aeolian sand and glacio-fluvial mud flow deposits, has been subdivided into an older Last Glacier Phase I (LGP 1) and a younger Last Glacier Phase II (LGP 2), where the termination of each phase is marked by the occurrence of gravel beds of thickness ≤1 m, which were deposited due to glacial melting. The present AMS data along with previously published information on sedimentology confirm that the mudflow deposits of the LGP 1 and LGP 2 phases were deposited in a lacustrine environment under glacio-fluvial conditions. However, a weak fluvial flow towards NW and NE could have existed for the LGP 1 and LGP 2, respectively. The glacial beds terminating LGP 1 and LGP 2 appear to have formed by climatic warming and tectonic activity, respectively. Hence, the Holocene Himalayan sedimentation was influenced by both climatic and tectonic activities. However, the thickness of the gravel bed (~0.8 m) terminating LGP 2 occupies only ~ 2.8 vol % of the total studied thickness ~28 m, of the SPSS in the present study, which indicated a lesser control of tectonism in the growth of the Himalaya in and around the study area.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 738-753 [Abstract] ( 13 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (2635 KB)   ( 13 )
754 Evolution of a confined gravelly river to a braided-meandering river in the Late Cretaceous Khasi group, southern Shillong plateau, NE India
Adrita Choudhuri, Prem Raj Uddandam, Debarati Nag

This paper intends to unravel the depositional condition of the Basal Conglomerate/Jadukata Formation and the Lower Mahadek Formation in southern Shillong Plateau, NE India deposited during the Late Cretaceous period. The studied succession is entirely siliciclastics in composition and was built up on the Precambrian basement rocks. State-of-art facies analysis and palaeocurrent evidence helped us to reconstruct the palaeogeography and palaeoenvironment. The facies tracts reveal that frequent hyperconcentrated mass flow deposits dominated the proximal part of the river channels. Gradually, the river evolved to a sandy braided and finally mud-dominated, meandering system. The river channel changed its pattern through onlapping and progressive elimination of the accommodation space created by the tectonic subsidence/upliftment. Major shifts in palaeocurrent direction at different stages of the river evolution confirm the role of tectonics on the river channel evolution. QFL detrital modes of the sandstones reflecting lithic wacke composition and the recycled orogeny corroborate the interpretation. Rapid lateral and vertical facies transition suggests a pull-apart type basin due to ongoing rifting. Geochemical analyses also show signatures of the overlapping tectonic conditions supporting the pull-apart basin model.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 754-774 [Abstract] ( 13 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (9807 KB)   ( 15 )
775 Sedimentary dynamics and depositional model for mud accumulation in deep lake basins: A case study in the Upper Triassic Chang-7 Member, Ordos Basin, northern China
Wei Yu, Feng Wang, Jing-Chun Tian, Jiao Wang, Benjamin Kneller, Tian Yang, Wei-Zhen Chen

Shales in deep lake basins have become the main focus of continental shale oil and gas exploration. In order to highlight the sedimentary dynamics of mud deposition in deep lake basins, a combination of core observation, thin section examination, X-ray diffraction, and QEMSCAN (quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy) was used to analyze the depositional characteristics of mudrocks in the Chang-7 Member from the Yanchang Formation (Upper Triassic) in Ordos Basin, and to establish a depositional model for mud accumulation in deep lake basins. This study recognizes four mudrock lithofacies in the Chang-7 Member: (1) the laminated silt-bearing mudstone, which generally develops a binary composition of “silt-clay” or a ternary composition of “silt-clay-organic matter”; (2) the graded mudstone, mainly composed of dark gray and gray-black mudstone sandwiched by silt-bearing mudstone; (3) the massive mudstone, internally showing a uniform distribution of quartz, clay, and carbonate minerals, with also a small amount of organic detritus; and (4) the laminated shale, which is generally composed of clay laminae, and organic laminae of the former two. Sediment supply, topographic slope, and flood intensity combine to control the evolution of gravity flows and the transport and deposition of the mudrock in the Chang-7 Member. The influence of orogeny provides terrain gradient, water depth, abundant sediments at source areas, and triggering mechanism for the formation of gravity flows. Floods triggered by wetting events provide the impetus for sediment transport. Mud deposition in the Chang-7 Member was mainly related to the transport and sedimentation of mud by hyperpycnal flows and rapid sedimentation by buoyant plume flocculation. A comprehensive evolutionary model for shale accumulation in the deep lake basin is established by integrating various triggering mechanisms and mud transport sedimentary processes.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 775-792 [Abstract] ( 12 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (6454 KB)   ( 14 )
Sedimentary geochemistry
793 Sedimentary environment shift and organic matter enrichment mechanism in response to volcanic ash in?uence: A case study of the Permian Lucaogou Formation, Santanghu Basin, NW China
Miao Yu, Gang Gao, Miao Liu, Hui Liang, Ji-Lun Kang, Xiong-Fei Xu, Xin-Ying Zhao

The second member of the Lucaogou Formation (P2l2) in the Tiaohu and Malang Sags of the Santanghu Basin (study area) underwent periodic volcanic activity and frequent lithological changes. This study comprehensively analyzed the organic geochemistry, mineral composition, organic matter (OM) types, volcanic cycle, and palaeoenvironment of shale in the study area. Techniques such as total organic carbon (TOC), rock pyrolysis (Rock-Eval), organic petrology, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive spectrum (EDS) analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), trace elements, and saturated hydrocarbon gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were employed. The findings suggest that limited terrigenous input during the sedimentary period of the P2l2 led to the deposition of a distinctive mixture of volcanic ash (felsic) and carbonate (dolomite and calcite), with a low average clay mineral content of 6%. The P2l2 shale emerged as a high-quality source rock, predominantly composed of type I and II kerogens, with moderate OM maturity. The deposition environment was characterized by hot and arid conditions, high salinity, and intensive reducibility, which was favorable for algae development and conducive to OM preservation. Notably, two lamalginite types, labeled as lamalginite “A” and lamalginite “B,” were identified. Lamalginite “B”-rich shales were deposited in a hotter and drier climate compared to lamalginite “A”-rich shales. Lamalginite “B”- rich shale inexhibited high levels of C28 regular sterane and β-carotenes, distinguishing it from lamalginite “A”-rich shale. A comprehensive analysis involving organic petrology, SEM, sedimentary environment, and biomarker characteristics suggests that lamalginite “B” may be a salt-tolerant green alga, while lamalginite “A” may be a cyanobacterium. Finally, an OM enrichment model for the P2l2 shale was established.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 793-822 [Abstract] ( 13 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (9146 KB)   ( 16 )
823 Geochemistry of cherts from the northern Jiangxi region, South China: Implication for paleoenvironment
Guo-Liang Xie, Gao-Jie Zhou, Yu-Yong Sun, Yan-Ran Hu, Wei-Duo Hao

The extensive bedded cherts deposited during the Ediacaran-Cambrian (E-C) transition period play a crucial role in understanding the geological evolution of this period, yet the origin of these cherts remains disputed. Here, we present new geochemical data for cherts of the Piyuancun (PYC) Formation deposited during the Late Ediacaran and the Hetang (HT) Formation deposited during the Early Cambrian in northern Jiangxi region, Lower Yangtze region, South China. The PYC cherts contain a small amount of monaxons sponge spicules and radiolarian fragments, while the HT cherts lack siliceous organism evidence. Major and trace element analysis, coupled with discriminant diagrams, indicate a possible shift in redox conditions of seawater during the E-C transition in the northern Jiangxi region. The shift suggests a change from weakly-moderately restricted euxinic conditions to strongly restricted euxinic conditions. Furthermore, the location of both cherts are distant from the source area of siliceous organisms. Fossil evidence, as well as the values of Fe/Ti and Fe/(Mn+Ti), Eu anomalies, Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) normalized REE+Y patterns, and various discriminant diagrams, support the conclusion that the PYC and HT cherts originated primarily from direct seawater precipitation, with the PYC cherts exhibiting weak hydrothermal evidence. Upwelling contributes to the formation of HT cherts and organic matter (OM) accumulation. Ocean acidification, triggered by OM degradation and biodegradation processes during the E-C transition period, leads to the extensive silica precipitation and preservation. These results enhance our understanding of the geological processes during the E-C transition.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 823-838 [Abstract] ( 11 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (3569 KB)   ( 18 )
839 Provenance and tectonic setting of sandstones of the Lomas Coloradas Formation, Cabullona Group, Sonora, México: Constraints on petrography and geochemistry
J. MadhavarajuD.G. Noriega-MontoyaE. Ramirez-MontoyaC.M. González-LeónJohn S. Armstrong-Altrin

The sedimentary rocks of the Cabullona Group are well exposed in the Cabullona Basin of northeastern Sonora, México, which represent syntectonic sedimentation associated with Laramide-style deformation during the Campanian-early Maastrichtian. The sandstones of the Lomas Coloradas Formation deposited at the upper part of the Cabullona Group. Petrography and geochemical (major, trace, and rare earth elements) studies were carried out on the sandstones to interpret the palaeoweathering, provenance, and tectonic setting of the Lomas Coloradas Formation sandstones. Most of the sandstone modal analysis data plotted in the QFL and QmFLt ternary diagrams fall into the fields of dissected arcs and recycled orogens, respectively. Geochemically the sandstones are classified as litharenites while few samples plot into the arkosic field. The chondrite-normalized REE diagrams for sandstones have LREE-enriched, relatively flat HREE patterns with negative Eu anomalies. CIA values and the A?CN?K diagram indicate a low intensity of chemical weathering in the source area. The tectonic setting diagram suggests both arc and rift settings for the studied sandstones. The bivariate and ternary diagrams and elemental ratios suggest a felsic source for the Lomas Coloradas Formation. The average REE patterns of the studied sandstones are comparable with REE patterns of the granite from the Caborca block, the rhyolite and granite of the Tarahumara Formation, and the Mesozoic felsic volcanic rocks. The modeled mixture of 40% Proterozoic granite, 30% Triassic arc, 10% Jurassic arc, and 20% Laramide arc represents the probable source rocks for the Lomas Coloradas Formation.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 839-861 [Abstract] ( 12 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (4101 KB)   ( 17 )
862 Characteristics and geological significance of carbon and oxygen isotopes of the Permian Lucaogou Formation dolomite in the southern Junggar Basin, northwestern China
Gang Liu, Guo-Zhi Wang, Na Li, Hong-Ling He, Nan-Nan Lu, Qing Lei, Zi-Ang Wang

Anomalously positive δ13C values in ancient dolomites are very rare. Dark gray argillaceous rocks of the lacustrine sediments of the Permian Lucaogou Formation are important source rocks in the Junggar Basin, and dolomites of varying thicknesses from 10 cm to 150 cm are often interspersed in argillaceous rocks. Based on the study of petrographic sections, this paper systematically analyzes the carbon and oxygen isotopes of dolomite and discusses the causes of abnormally high carbon isotope values and their significance in reconstructing paleoenvironment and paleoclimate. The results show that carbon isotope values are abnormally high in the dolomite of Lucaogou Formation, and the δ13C value is between +3.2 ‰ PDB and +19.6‰ PDB, with an average of +9.7‰ PDB. The δ18O values range from -17.4‰ PDB to -1.7‰ PDB, with an average of -8.1‰ PDB. From the lower part to the upper part of the Lucaogou Formation, the carbon isotope value gradually increases and becomes increasingly positive, and the carbon isotope of the dolomite deposited near the shore is more positive than that of the dolomite deposited far from the shore. The anomalously positive δ13C of the dolomite is mainly caused by microbial methanogenesis, with some contribution from evaporation. Microorganisms are mainly distributed at the redox interface. Evaporation controls the salinity and fluctuation of the redox interface in sedimentary water. The positive deviation difference in carbon isotopes between nearshore and offshore sedimentary dolomites may be related to the location of the redox interface during deposition. Together, the petrographic features and carbon and oxygen isotope signatures of the sections reflect the gradual evolution of the paleolake from a hydrologically open environment to a hydrologically closed one and the possible transition of the paleoclimate from a relatively warm to an arid condition, which is possibly a geochemical response to global climate change in the Permian period.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 862-882 [Abstract] ( 12 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (4597 KB)   ( 12 )
883 Global pattern of conodont similarity and faunal constraints during the highstand of the Evae eustatic event (late Floian, Lower Ordovician)
Gisella M. Della Costa, Guillermo L. Albanesi

One of the largest Ordovician sea-level rises is the Evae transgression, which occurs in the lower part of the Oepikodus evae Biozone, indicative of a late Floian age. Specifically, the characteristics associated with the highstand of this event included: a higher proportion of specimens of the index species O. evae than other species, a diversity acme in the evae Biozone, and a reduction of biogeographic barriers that resulted in a high proportion of species with cosmopolitan distribution. In the present contribution, the pattern of species similarity among Laurentia, Argentine Precordillera, Baltica, Kazakhstania, South China, and Australia is evaluated with a multiple coefficient analysis including only the sections that recorded the highstand of the Evae transgression. Moreover, the effect of possible terrestrial, latitudinal, physicochemical barriers and palaeogeographic distance on the species distribution is statistically analysed. Our results show a global pattern of conodont species distribution that is highly constrained by the tested palaeoenvironmental factors. This suggests that contrary to what was expected for a prominent transgression, faunal barriers did not decrease significantly during the Evae drowning peak.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 883-905 [Abstract] ( 11 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (2021 KB)   ( 11 )
906 Lower-order transgressive-regressive cycles within a higher-order transgression at the basin margin: an aberrant intercalation of palaeosol and biostromal ichnofabrics from the early Miocene Kutch Basin, India
Ayush Srivastava, Sudipta Dasgupta, Seema Singh

The Chhasra Formation (CF) of Kutch Basin exemplifies a typical mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system with alternations of biostromal carbonate and fine-grained siliciclastic beds. The CF is subdivided into two members: the lower Claystone (CM) and the upper Siltstone (SM) member. Three CM outcrops (P1-P3) comprising buried palaeosols that formed under a specific environmental set-up involving imperfectly to poorly drained conditions, are exposed along the Berwali River. The biostromal carbonate beds, alternating with the palaeosols, contain invertebrate bioclasts (bivalves, gastropods, echinoids, etc.) and are characterized by a paucispecific firmground Thalassinoides ichnofabric. At section P1, below the contact between the underlying palaeosol and overlying carbonate, Thalassinoides transforms into firmground Gyrolithes inside the palaeosol forming a compound ichnotaxon. The palaeosol intervals of sections P1 and P2 consist of a Vondrichnus?Termitichnus?root trace ichnofabric defining the Termitichnus ichnofacies. At section P3, lenses of fully bioturbated siltstones with a monospecific firmground Thalassinoides ichnofabric can be observed within an overall silty palaeosol horizon, thereby, locally cross-cutting the pedogenic features. The ichnofabrics of section P3 indicate polyphase pedogenesis with three stages: (1) initial stage: pedogenesis in siltstone of undefined depositional affinity which was obscured by pedogenic processes, (2) transient stage: recurring marine incursions and colonization by crustaceans within the lens-shaped palaeotopographic depressions overprinting the palaeosol, and (3) final stage: subaerial exposure and another preserved phase of pedogenesis. The CM shows an apparent low-order T-R (transgressive-regressive) cyclicity within a 3rd-order TST (transgressive systems tract) that is supported by pedogenic intensity, ichnofabrics, and reciprocal sedimentation near the Miocene basin margin, though the cyclicity can be the result of both autogenic and/or lower-order allogenic changes.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 906-923 [Abstract] ( 15 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (9130 KB)   ( 16 )
924 Girvanella fossils from the Phanerozoic: Distribution, evolution and controlling factors
Hua-Shan Zhang, Ming-Yue Dai, Yong-An Qi, Lan-Lan Han, Zhong-Lei Yin, Song-Hua Chen, Liang-Biao Lin

Girvanella is one of the common genera of cyanobacteria that plays a monumental role in the evolution of life on Earth and the formation of microbialites. Based on a detailed search in the literature of Girvanella fossils, we have compiled a global database of Girvanella fossils and revealed the evolution of Girvanella fossils throughout the Phanerozoic. Four species, Girvanella kasakiensis, Girvanella problematica, Girvanella wetheredii, and Girvanella staminea, are recognized and described. These data show that Girvanella fossils have well-defined temporal distribution during the Paleozoic Era, have a significant temporal gap in the Mesozoic Era, and have only been recorded sporadically in the Cenozoic Era. They were relatively abundant during the Cambrian Epoch 2-Early Ordovician, Late Ordovician, Late Devonian-Mississippian, and tended to lesser degrees during the Silurian-Early Devonian, Lopingian Epoch-Middle Jurassic, and Cretaceous-Present day. Furthermore, the evolution of the abundance and diversity of Girvanella fossils was fundamentally consistent and showed episodical declining during the Phanerozoic. To further explore these relationships, we thoroughly compared them with environmental factors such as seawater carbonate saturation state, Ca2+ concentration, pH values, and atmospheric partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2). This study indicates that seawater carbonate saturation state and Ca2+ concentration are major controls on secular patterns of the abundance and diversity of Girvanella fossils, together with the secondary factors of pH values and pCO2. Considering the long history of Girvanella fossils, their abundance and diversity offer the potential to assist the interpretation of the long-term evolution of marine and atmosphere components during the Phanerozoic.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 924-938 [Abstract] ( 12 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (4267 KB)   ( 16 )
939 Late Ordovician cornulitid tubeworms from high-latitude peri-Gondwana (Sardinia and the Pyrenees) and their palaeobiogeographic significance
Olev Vinn, Jorge Colmenar, Samuel Zamora, Sofia Pereira, Gian Luigi Pillola, Abdullah A. Alkahtane, Saleh Al Farraj, Magdy El Hedeny

Seven Cornulites species, including a new one - Cornulites leonei n. sp., are described from the Upper Ordovician Portixeddu Formation (Katian, stage slices Ka2-3) of Sardinia and the Cava´ (lower Katian, stage slice Ka2) and Estana (upper Katian, stage slices Ka3-4) formations of the Pyrenees. The Sardinian and Pyrenean cornulitids represent an adaptation to live in environments with high sedimentation rates and limited hard substrates availability. Their prominent annuli could have had a stabilizing function in the soft sediment that helped cornulitids to keep a favourable position in the sediment to enable suspension feeding. The known Late Ordovician cornulitid diversity in different Gondwana areas is low, usually ranging from one to three taxa, being higher (seven) in Sardinia. Like other benthic groups during the Late Ordovician, the cornulitid tubeworm faunas within the high-latitude peri-Gondwana Province indicate a certain endemism and share morphological and ecological affinities, such as a small body size and tubes with a strikingly small apical angle. Although essentially endemic, some links with cornulitids from the Late Ordovician of Scotland are revealed.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 939-953 [Abstract] ( 12 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (6446 KB)   ( 15 )
Palaeobiology and palaeoecology
954 Three-dimensional reconstruction of Late Miocene Trapa from eastern Zhejiang Province, China: Insights into its phytogeography and evolution
Liang Xiao, Man Yuan, De-Shuang Ji, Li-Yan Guo, Xiang-Chuan Li, Xing Wang, Jia-Nan Wang, Jia-Qi Liang, Mei-Ting Wang

Abundant plant fossils were found in the Upper Miocene Shengxian Formation, eastern Zhejiang Province, China, among which Trapa belongs to a dominant population. The fossil fruits of Trapa were well preserved with abundant details. However, due to compaction during fossilization, Trapa fruits were often ?attened, leading to the loss of some characteristic features. Thereby, a bias in taxonomic and phylogenetic studies would occur when such studies were based on these fruit fossils. In this study, we present the first quantitative three-dimensional reconstruction of compressed Trapa fruit fossils to restore their original morphology prior to burial. This approach provides a novel perspective for the identification and classification of compressed fruit fossils. The three-dimensional reconstruction of Trapa fruit fossils enabled accurate comparisons with extant species. We subsequently identified it as a new species, named Trapa radiatiformis L. Xiao sp. nov., revealing differences from previously known taxa of Trapa. Importantly, our comparison suggests that the long lower horns and residual stalk may represent inherent characteristics of early Trapa fruits. However, these traits gradually degenerated during fruit evolution, resulting in morphological simplification during geological time. T. radiatiformis with primitive features exhibits good resemblance to Trapa natans fruit characteristics, which means it may be an ancestor of T. natans. We summarize the palaeogeographic distribution of fossil Trapa using previously published literature and demonstrate that the genus was most prosperous in the Miocene and exhibited the same distribution as that at present. Additionally, through detailed morphological comparisons between Trapa and Hemitrapa fruits, along with phylogenetic analysis within the Primotrapa genus itself, we propose a homology between Trapa and Hemitrapa, suggesting that they could have a common ancestor.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 954-970 [Abstract] ( 14 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (3461 KB)   ( 17 )
Prediction & exploration related to oil, gas, coal & other mineral resources
971 Magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental record of late Cenozoic sediments in the Taiyuan Basin, North China
Zhi-Qiang Feng, Qian Li, Wei Han, Kun-Yuan Ma, Yong-Jiang Liu, Rong-Zhu Wei, Yan-Wei Du, Yong Lei, Guang-Hui Li

The Taiyuan Basin is of importance for intraplate tectonic deformation in North China and contains Cenozoic strata with a maximum thickness of 3800 m. A ~853.5-m-deep borehole (ZK01) with an overall core recovery rate of 85.09% was drilled at Yuci (3735037ʺN, 11239047ʺE) in the central Taiyuan Basin, to obtain high-resolution records of paleomagnetism, paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions, and depositional environment of the sediments. The obtained magnetic polarity sequence consists of 13 normal and 12 reverse zones, which correspond to C1n-C4An.2n of the geomagnetic polarity time scale. Magnetostratigraphic data show that the evolution of ZK01 core covers the interval from 8.1 Ma to the present, and the bottoms of Pliocene, Quaternary, and Middle Pleistocene were identified in Taiyuan Basin, with a sedimentary accumulation rate ranging from 62.5 m/Ma to 175.9 m/Ma. Geochemical data reveal that the source rocks in the study area underwent intense weathering and the sediments mainly formed in a semi-arid and oxygen-rich conditions. In addition, paleoclimatic changes occurred at ~7 Ma, 3.8 Ma, and 1.7 Ma, which can be closely related to the tectonic uplift of the Loess Plateau and Tibetan Plateau, as well as the variations in the Asian monsoon and associated regional and global climatic change.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 971-992 [Abstract] ( 11 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (5579 KB)   ( 14 )
993 Upwelling current and its relationship to the enrichment of organic matter in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation, northern Chongqing-western Hubei area, southern China
Jun-Jun Shen, Jia-Kai Yan, Peng-Wan Wang, Yu-Man Wang, Lin Zhou, Yu-Bing Ji, Min Xu

Upwelling currents play a crucial role in the enrichment of organic matter, yet the mechanisms driving this process remain incompletely understood due to methodological and data resolution limitations. In this paper, we employ a combination of biostratigraphic classification, qualitative methods, and quantitative methods to systematically analyze the sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the northern Chongqing-western Hubei area, southern China. The relationship between the upwelling currents and organic matter enrichment in the shale of the Longmaxi Formation is investigated. Results indicate that the upwelling currents in the study area were primarily in?uenced by the foreland ?exure process. From the Rhuddanian (?exure-sedimentation stage) to the Aeronian (?exure-migration stage), the more intense tectonic activity led to gradual opening of the barrier between the South Qinling Ocean and the Yangtze Platform, resulting in an increase in the in?ux of the oceanic current. The upwelling currents significantly contributed to the organic matter production, albeit without substantially affecting the preservation conditions. Throughout the succession of the Longmaxi Formation, the organic matter content decreased gradually from the passive continental margin to the foreland ?exural stagnant basin, which was mainly due to deterioration of the preservation conditions as a result of sea level fall and increased terrigenous input. Despite the increase in the upwelling currents, they did not decisively control the organic matter enrichment. Spatially, during the Rhuddanian to Aeronian period, the organic matter content decreased similarly from the passive continental margin to the foreland ?exural stagnant basin, in?uenced by reduced organic matter production caused by weakening of the upwelling currents and the worsening preservation conditions caused by sea-level fall. The terrigenous input had a relatively minor impact. The results of this study provide new insights into the role of upwelling currents in the organic matter enrichment within the Longmaxi Formation, overcoming previous methodological and resolution barriers.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 993-1015 [Abstract] ( 12 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (5469 KB)   ( 15 )
1016 Extensive carbon cycle between peatland and vegetation: Insights from high net primary productivity of the Middle Jurassic in northwestern China
Yang-Yang Huang, Hao Liang, Long-Yi Shao, Bin Yang, Baruch Spiro, Jia-Min Zhou, Jing Lu, Tan-Guang Fan

Peatlands have obvious carbon storage capacity and are crucial in mitigating global climate change. As the end-product of peatlands, coals have preserved a large amount of palaeoenvironmental information. The carbon accumulation rate and the net primary productivity (NPP) of coal-forming peatlands can be used as proxies for recovering palaeoenvironments. A super-thick coal seam (42350N, 91250E) was developed in the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation in the Shaerhu coalfield in the southern margin of the Tuha (Turpan-Hami) Basin, northwestern China. In this study, we use the time series analysis to identify the periods of Milankovitch orbital cycles in the Gamma-ray curve of this super-thick (124.85 m) coal and then use the obtained cycle periods of 405 ka, 173 ka, 44 ka, 37.6 ka, 22.5 ka to calculate the timeframe of the coal- forming peatlands which ranges from 2703.44 to 2975.11 ka. Considering that the carbon content of the coal seam is 78.32% and the carbon loss during the coalification is about 25.80%, the carbon accumulation rate of the targeted coal seam is estimated to be 58.47-64.34 g C/m2·a, and the NPP is estimated to be 252.28-277.63 g C/m2·a. The main palaeoenvironmental factors controlling the NPP of peatlands are CO2 content, palaeolatitude and palaeotemperature. The reduced NPP values of the palaeo-peatlands in the Shaerhu coalfield can be attributed to the mid-palaeolatitude and/or too low atmospheric CO2 contents. To a certain extent, the NPP of palaeo-peatlands re?ects the changes in atmospheric CO2, which can further reveal the dynamic response of the global carbon cycle to climate change. Therefore, predicting the level of NPP in the Middle Jurassic and studying the final destination of carbon in the ecosystem are beneficial to under- standing the coal-forming process and palaeoenvironment.

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 1016-1028 [Abstract] ( 11 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (2348 KB)   ( 15 )
1029 A remarkable decade of learning and sharing knowledge through the Journal of Palaeogeography (JoP) (2014-2024): Reminiscences from an Associate Editor-in-Chief
G. Shanmugam

In this editorial, an Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Palaeogeography (JoP) reminisces his publication experience in JoP during the period 2014-2024. 1) During a period of nine years, he contributed eight review articles, three discussions, two replies, one book review, one glossary, and one tribute to the first Editor-in-Chief Prof. Zeng-Zhao Feng. His contributions totaled 534 printed pages. 2) His contributions examined 19 different domains, such as landslides, submarine fans, seismites, SSDS, hyperpycnites, rivers, etc. 3) His contributions coincided with the formative years of JoP. 4) The impact of his articles is evident from the Stats published by ResearchGate. For example, his review article “The Landslide Problem” has reached 11,611 Reads and 186 Citations after nine years of publication in 2015. 5) In 2023, the CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) recognized his article “Submarine fans: a critical retrospective (1950-2015)” as the Top-1% most-highly cited publications in the Journal of Palaeogeography published during a 10–year survey period: 2012–2022. 6) He was inducted as a Founding Member of the International Society of Palaeogeography (ISP) at Changping District of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing on July 16, 2022. 7) His JoP editorship during the past 10 years has been the most challenging, inspiring, and rewarding experience of his global scientific journey spanning over six decades (1962–2024).

2024 Vol. 13 (4): 1029-1040 [Abstract] ( 15 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (6089 KB)   ( 15 )
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