Journal of Practical Oncology ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 485-490.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2023.06.005

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Research progress on the anticancer activity and mechanism of phytochemical - gamma-tocotrienol

ZHU Hao1, WANG Falin1, SUN Wenguang2, LIU Jiaren1   

  1. 1. Department of Clinical Laboratory,The Forth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin 150001,China;
    2. International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
  • Received:2022-02-21 Revised:2023-03-07 Online:2023-12-28 Published:2024-03-18

Abstract: γ-Tocotrienol(γ-T3)is a common phytochemical belonging to a major subclass of natural vitamin E,mainly derived from palm oil and rice bran.Compared to saturated tocopherol(TOC),the γ-T3 side chain contains unsaturated bonds and forms isoprene chains.γ-T3 has therapeutic activity for various chronic diseases with broad potential applications,especially in inhibiting tumor proliferation and invasion.With deeply research,more and more evidence suggests that γ-T3 plays an important role in inhibiting cancer cell migration and metastasis,inducing tumor cell apoptosis,arresting cell cycle and regulating cancer-related signaling pathways.Therefore,this article will review the anti-cancer effects and mechanisms of γ-T3.

Key words: γ-Tocotrienol, Anti-cancer activity, Phytochemicals

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