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JOPC 2018 Vol.20 Number 3
2018, Vol.20 Num.3
Online: 2018-06-01

349 Gong Qiao-Lin, Li Fei, Su Cheng-Peng, Zeng Kai, Tang Hao, Tan Xiu-Cheng
Characteristics, distribution and mechanisms of fine-grained turbidite: A case study from the Cambrian Guojiaba Formation in Tangjiahe Section, Northern Sichuan Basin
The fine-grained turbidites are different from traditional turbidites described by A. H. Bouma in light of their much finer particle sizes(more than 50% lower than 63μm)and diagnostic features in sedimentary sequences. Study on the upper Guojiaba Formation of lower Cambrian at Tangjiahe Section shows that the fine-grained turbidite system containing typical Stow fine-grained turbidite sequences are widely developed at the Northern Sichuan Basin. The lower sequence(T0-T3)of fine-grained turbidite is stacked by fine-sand,silty and muddy laminae in ascending order,and featured by scour structures and some soft-sediment deformation structures(e.g., dish-like water escape structure). The middle sequence(T4-T6)is comprised of muddy laminae embedded with several discontinuous silty laminae. The upper sequence(T7)is consisted of homogeneous muddy laminae,and overlain by abundant bioturbation structures(T8). Meanwhile,the fine-grained sequences show clear normal grading. Therein,the siliciclastic grains are mainly composed of quartzes,micas and lithic fragments,with few feldspars. The grain size frequency distribution curves(histograms)exhibit that the grain sorting is better than traditional sand-rich turbidite,and grain sizes decreasing gradually from sandy laminae from lower to upper sequence. In addition,the frequency grain sizes show that the types of “one line”and “convex broken line”with the suspended components are dominant. The characteristics of C and M values are parallel with the “C=M”baseline suggesting a feature of suspended sediments in the system of turbidity. Moreover,both C and M values shift to the lower left zone(but also along with the “C=M”line)due to the relatively small grain sizes. In consideration of the sedimentary background of the Qiongzhusi Stage(Series 2),the Motianling Old Land located in northwest direction is probably the main sediment source. The interior and marginal topographies of neighboring mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shallow deposits may provide a favorable topographic condition for the transportation of fine-grained sediments to the shelf. Suspended transportation and paroxysmal events,such as storms and floods,are possibly the main influencing factors for the deposition of fine-grained sediments. The study of fine-grained turbidite from the Guojiaba Formation would be in favor of understanding the lower Cambrian paleogeographic condition,and would have potential value for unconventional oil and gas exploration on the Northern Sichuan Basin.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 349-364 [Abstract] ( 1443 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1832KB] ( 511 )
365 Bai Wan-Bei, Qi Yong-An, Guo Ying-Hai, Wang Min, Qing Guo-Shuai
Storm deposits and relevant trace fossils from the Cambrian Series 2 Xinji Formation in Lushan area, Henan Province
The Cambrian Series 2 Xinji Formation,a suit of siliciclastic stratum with phosphorus and glauconite deposits influenced by storm processes in Lushan area,Henan Province,mainly consists of medium- to thick-bedded quartzose sandstones and alternations of very thin-bedded mudstones and sandstones. Abundant trace fossils were preserved within cross-bedded sandstones and bedding planes between very thin-bedded mudstones and sandstones in the lower part of the formation. Skolithos sp. belongs to opportunistic trace fossil (r-selected) of Skolithos ichnofacies formed at weakening stage of the storm, dominated by short vertical dwelling burrows and low ichnodiversity and ichnoabundance. Palaeophycus tubularis,P. striatus,Taenidum sp.,Gordia marina,Planolites montanus and P.beverleyensis belong to equilibrium trace fossils(K-selected)of Cruziana ichnofacies formed during interludes between storms,which are dominated by the horizontal feeding and grazing burrows with medium ichnodiversity and ichnoabundance. The low ichnodiversity reflects dominance of the storm events with short duration of interludes which prevented the continuous colonization of substrates. The particular storm process and relatively poor burrowing ability of trace makers during the Early Cambrian may have led to the lower ichnodiversity and inchoabundance in storm deposits in study area in comparison to that during the time after Cambrian.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 365-376 [Abstract] ( 783 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2088KB] ( 437 )
377 Yang Wei, Zhang Ting-Shan, Yang Yang, Mao Kai-Nan, Zhang Hua-Xin
Sedimentary records and geological significance of deep-water facies from Changhsingian, Hongchiba section in Wuxi County, Chongqing
The deep-water sediments were well developed along the Hongchiba section in Wuxi County,Chongqing,which is represented by a series of Upper Changhsingian conodonts and deep shelf trace fossils. Based on the assemblage zone of conodont observed from the Hongchiba section,the Upper Changhsingian sedimentary feature and facies were investigated,and the controversial viewpoints on the boundary between Dalong Formation and Changxing Formation were discussed. During the Middle-Late Changhsingian,the sedimentary environment shifted gradually from a deep-water basin to a deep-water shelf, giving rise to unstable marine ecological environment. The analysis of trace fossil records with time series points to the unstable fluctuation change of oxygen levels in deep-water shelf facies through the Middle-Late Changhsingian. It also reflects the interaction between biology and environment when the critical geologic interval has been approaching.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 377-388 [Abstract] ( 738 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2953KB] ( 360 )
389 Tan Rui-Chang, Li Rong, Wang Yao
Sedimentary characteristics of the Middle Triassic Longtou Formation in Guizhou Province,South China: Implications for sea-level change
To better understand the deposition and sea level change histories of the Ladinian carbonate platform margin in the South China,this paper studied the sedimentary characteristics of the Middle Triassic Longtou Formation at the Pazichang section,Guizhou Province. The Longtou Formation is divided into 3 members based on lithofacies and their associations. The Lower Member of Longtou Formation consists mainly of oncoidal limestones and stromatolites,which are indicative of intertidal to supratidal environments. The Middle Member is composed of oncoidal rudstones,mudstones,laminated limestones,and pisoidal rudstones in the lower part,and oncoidal rudstones and stromatolites in the upper part. Subaerial exposure occurs at the uppermost position of the lower part of Middle Member,where the thickest laminated limestones are deposited. In contrast,the upper Middle Member was probably formed in intertidal to supratidal environment. The Upper Member consists of oncoidal rudstones and peloidal packstones,indicating an intertidal-subtidal environment. The reconstructed sea level change curve suggests a general sea level rise occurring during the Ladinian period in Guizhou. During the deposition of the Middle Member of Longtou Formation,however,sea level underwent a rapid fall, which possibly corresponds to the Ladinian Great Sea-level Regression event. Thereafter,sea level rises gradually and the deposition in tidal environment continues. Hence,the sea level change history during the deposition of the upper Middle Member to the Upper Member is consistent with the global sea level change and that in the southwestern Guizhou. The results provide clues to better understanding the origin of the laminated limestones and the latest Middle Triassic biotic recovery.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 389-408 [Abstract] ( 690 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4749KB] ( 341 )
409 Wei Xiao-Jie, Ma Yin-Sheng, Li Zong-Xing, Qi Ke-Ning, Guo Ying-Chun, Peng Bo, Hu Jun-Jie, Liu Kui
High-frequency alternations and driving mechanisms of clastic-carbonate successions in the Upper Carboniferous, northern Qaidam Basin
Clastic and carbonate rocks are produced from “exogenous,muddy water” and “endogenous,clean water” environment,respectively. The frequent alternations of clastic and carbonate facies reflect the repeated,major changes in multiple environmental factors,such as the nature of palaeowater,sediment supply and palaeoclimate. During the Late Carboniferous,the northern Qaidam Basin is tectonically inactive,and thus providing conditions for development of extremely thick mixed clastic-carbonate deposits,which consist of multistage cycles,recording “icehouse”information such as the glacier activities and their influence to the palaeo-sea level fluctuations as well as the frequent palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment changes. The continuous outcrop and core section from the northern Qaidam Basin are taken as the research object. In association with regional geological data and previous research results,we identify the clastic incised-valley fills and carbonate platform deposits,which are frequently alternated and constituted the mixed strata,in the target interval of the study area. The orderly superposition of the clastic-carbonate sequence succession in the vertical direction constitutes a complex sea-level change cycle sequence. The vertical change from the deformed carbonate platform to the lower river-dominated incised valley and then to the upper estuary bay-fill sequence towards flooding mudstone,into the carbonate platform from seaward to landword,suggesting a complex sea-level change cycles,which are expressed as the early regression initially—the gradual transgression in the middle period—the returned regression in the later stage. The obviously cold climate weather during the glacier period and the intensive glacioeustatic change,with high-amplitude sea-level rise and fall,have driven the migration of the shorelines and facies belts,and have contributed to the clastic-carbonate successions by affecting the supply rate of the clastic rocks and the productivity of the carbonate rocks,leading to the frequent conversion of clastic and carbonate strata.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 409-422 [Abstract] ( 683 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2711KB] ( 397 )
423 Jia Jin-Hua, Zhang Li-Ping, Chen Xiu-Yan
Sedimentary evolution of the Carboniferous-Permian in western Wushi sag,Tarim Basin
Based on the outcrop profile and regional geological data,the sedimentary evolution of Carboniferous-Permian in western Wushi sag was investigated. The Carboniferous western Wushi sag is located between the southern Tianshan residual sea basin and Keping-Wensu uplift,and is quite different from that of the inner Tarim Basin. During the early stage of Early Carboniferous,as the boundary of Suogedangtawu Fault in the northern margin of Keping-Wensu uplift controlling the sedimentation,there were shallow shelf environment that was dominated by shore littoral and diamictic carbonate. During the late stage of Early Carboniferous,the first marine-flooding made Keping-Wensu uplift partially submerged,which was accompanied by a strong subsidence,forming bathyal slope environment. The flysch deposition of the proximal-distal turbidite fan typified by Kulu Formation and Suogedangtawu Formation are seen to occur within such bathyal slope environment,and continued until the early stage of Late Carboniferous. During the late stage of Late Carboniferous,another large-scale transgression occurred in this area,which,in turn,made Keping-Wensu uplift mostly submerged. The original uplift,then shifted to the open platform environments. Typical platform margin reef were well developed in the north and west edge of the study area,and northward extended to Kezibulake area,outward to the reef front slope and shallow shelf environment,which was continued until the early stage of Middle Permian. After the Middle Permian,due to the large-scale intracontinental volcano activity,large-scale regression developed in this area. At the end of the Late Permian,accompanied by the combination of Tarim Plate and Middle Tianshan Massif,the South Tianshan Ocean disappeared and formed the ancient Tianshan orogenic belt of the Hercynian period. This completely ended the marine sediments and entered the stage of continental deposition. In addition to the Carboniferous shoreline facies sandstones,the reef limestone reservoirs of the Early-Middle Permian were widely distributed,the buried depth of the reservoirs is relatively shallow and the physical properties are relatively good,giving rise to an important target for oil and gas exploration.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 423-434 [Abstract] ( 604 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1632KB] ( 290 )
435 Liu Da-Wei, Ji You-Liang, Gao Chong-Long, Jin Jun, Yang Zhao, Duan Xiao-Bing, Huan Zhi-Jun, Luo Ni-Na
Microfacies and sedimentary models of gravelly braided-river alluvial fan: A case study of modern Baiyanghe-river alluvial fan in northwestern margin of Junggar Basin
Alluvial fan coarse-grained reservoirs are characterized by fast facies change and poor continuity,which shows the complexity of the depositional environments. In this study,a modern Baiyanghe-river alluvial fan is located at the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin,and it is studied to explore the complex sedimentary characteristics and sedimentary model of alluvial fan,by using abundant outcrop data,hydrological data and alluvial fan publications. According to the depositional mechanism,the Baiyanghe-river alluvial fan belongs to a braided river alluvial fan,with a large scale of fan area(~327.6 km2),gentle slope(4‰~7‰),abundant coarse-grained sediments and little flooding fine-grained sediments. Sixteen lithofacies are recognized in the Baiyanghe-river alluvial fan. According to the hydrodynamic differences,the forming mechanism of lithofacies are classified into five genetic types,which are debris flow,high-flow traction current,low-flow traction current,hydrostatic deposition and aeolian deposition. The constructional process of the Baiyanghe-river alluvial fan can be divided into two periods,flood period and inter-flood period. During the flood period,deposition plays a major role. From proximal to distal part of alluvial fan,six types of microfacies can be recognized,followed as feeder-channel and sheetflood deposition in proximal part,sheetflood and braided-stream deposition in intermediate part,channel and wetland deposition in distal part. However,during the inter-flood period,reworking is the major process. Three microfacies are developed form proximal part to distal part,including main-channel deposition in proximal part,braided-trench deposition in intermediate,and wetland deposition in distal. Each microfacies is in transitional contact,without obvious interface. Sedimentary models of gravelly braided-river alluvial fan were finally established based on the data of Baiyanghe-river alluvial fan.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 435-452 [Abstract] ( 899 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 9425KB] ( 529 )
453 Mei Chao-Jia
Glauconitization and pyritization of stromatolites:A case of the Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation at Jixian section, Tianjin, North China
As the main type of microbial carbonates,it has become the consensus that stromatolites are mainly constructed by microbial mats. The stromatolitic bioherm of the Second Member of the Tieling Formation in Jixian section,Tianjin,are made of fine-grained stromatolites, interpreted as a microbial structure formed by trapping carbonate muds on microbial mats; they are different from the modern stromatolites and most of the Phanerozoic stromatolites. Particularly, the glauconite and pyrite preserved in the stromatolites represent two types of special mineralization. As a result of sulfate-reducing bacteria,pyrite commonly produced in the study area,is a window to understand the ancient microorganisms. Glauconite that is developed in the high-energy shallow sea is different from the modern glauconite in the production environment; it may not be used as the indicator mineral of the slow depositional rate,nor has the geological significance of sedimentary discontinuity. The two types of mineralization directly suggest that the Tieling stromatolites are formed by precipitation,rather than the capture of carbonate muds. This study provides some useful clues for understanding the characteristics and formation of the Mesoproterozoic stromatolites.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 453-464 [Abstract] ( 622 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1945KB] ( 374 )
465 Li Mi, Yao Jing-Li, Guo Ying-Hai, Li Zhuang-Fu, Wang Huai-Chang, Song Xue-Juan
Sandbody architecture types and diagenesis differences of quartz sandstone of the Member 23 of Permian Shanxi Formation,eastern Ordos Basin
There exists a certain correlation between sandbody architectures and single well production of quartz sandstone of the Member 23 of Permian Shanxi Formation in the Zizhou-Qingjian area in the Ordos Basin. Based on the vertical grain-size cycles of the individual sandbody and natural gamma logging data,the sandbody architectures of the study area has been divided into block,normal grading and superimposed types. The paper shows the differences of diagenesis in types,characteristics,intensity,products,vertical variation and pore evolution of the three type sandbodies by casting thin sections observation and particle size analysis. The study shows the intensity and distribution characteristics of the dissolution and compaction of the three type sandbodies are quite different. The vertical distribution of particle size is the direct factor that restricts the diagenetic evolution of the different types of sandbodies,which in turn affect physical property of sandstone reservoirs and finally determine the vertical distribution of gas-bearing layer and tight layer. The reservoir of the block type sandbodies has both primary pores and induced pores of which the gas-bearing layer is thick and tight layer is locally developed. The middle and lower part of reservoirs of normal grading type sandbodies are characterized by poor dissolution degree, which have more primary and less induced pores and are gas-bearing layer. The upper part of reservoir is tight due to strong compaction and cementation. The superimposed type sandbodies formed in the sedimentary environment of gradually strengthened fluvial influence have characteristcs of the both two former types, with the gas-bearing layers are thick and multizone.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 465-476 [Abstract] ( 713 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1675KB] ( 330 )
477 Liu Yun-Ming
Formation of the Yellow River terrace about 1.1Ma along the Shanxi-Shaanxi Gorge and its tectonic background

Detailed field investigation on river terraces was carried out in Hequ,Heiykou,Yanshuiguan,and Hukou along the Shanxi-Shaanxi Gorge of the Yellow River. Three terrace staircases and one strath were found in the Hequ area. The strath was formed during the Neogene(Tangxian Age)and hence is named Tangxian Strath,whereas the terraces were formed during the Quaternary based on the overlapped aeolian deposits. The altitude of the Tangxian Strath is about 1000m(150m above local modern Yellow River). Heights of three terraces above local modern Yellow River are 110m,80m and 12m. Development of five terrace staircases below the Tangxian Strath was also found in the Heiyukou area. The Tangxian Strath is higher on the western bank and lower on the eastern bank and has an altitude ranging from 940m to 970m. The heights of these five terraces above modern Yellow River are 130m,80m,50m,12m,and 4m. Six terrace staircases are present in the Yanshuiguan area. The heights of these terraces above local modern Yellow River are 180m,130m,95m,50m,20m,and 4m. Eight terrace staircases were counted in the Hukou area. The heights of river terraces in this area are 260m,210mm,180m,120m,80m,60m,35m,and 15m. In both Yanshuiguan and Hukou areas,all the terraces were formed during the Quaternary. Stratigraphic studies at the Hukou area indicate that the topmost terrace is overlain by a layer of loess which is about 110m in thickness. Oriented loess samples were also collected from the highest terrace in the Hukou area. Twelve paleosols were counted,and L13 is recognized in the lowest part of the section. Magnetostratigraphic analysis indicates that the terrace was formed around 1.1Ma B.P. Three stages of the Yellow River can be divided during the development of the river terraces and Tangxian Strath along the Shanxi-Shaanxi Gorge. Firstly,Ordos Block experienced a long stable phase before 3.3Ma B.P.,when the Tangxian Strath formed. Dominant processes of the Yellow River during this stage was lateral cutting with minimal downcutting. The second stage was during 3.3Ma B.P. to 1.1Ma B.P. The stable Ordos Block was probably disrupted,and the Yellow River experienced a slight downcutting. After 1.1Ma,the Yellow River suffered significant downcutting. The Yellow River terrace about 1.1 Ma and the Shanxi-Shaanxi Gorge were formed due to a quick uplift of the Ordos Block during this period.

2018 Vol. 20 (3): 477-488 [Abstract] ( 789 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1098KB] ( 388 )
489 Mou Xue-Song, Ma Jun, Wang Yong-Da, Fan Yu-Xin
End-member modeling analysis and test of grain-size distribution:A case from the late Quaternary sediments of Borehole DK-12 in the western Jilantai-Hetao Basin
End-member modeling analysis is beneficial to extract the end-members with different transporting dynamics from sediments characterized by complex multimodal distribution. However,because the grain-size distribution of sediments is affected by many factors besides depositional environment,the effectiveness of this method and the geological significance of each end-member need to be tested. In this paper,the BEMMA algorithm is used to analyze grain size data of samples from the Borehole DK-12 obtained in the Dengkou sub-uplift at the western Jilantai-Hetao Basin. Four end-members are recognized including remote dust(EM 1),aeolian sand(EM 2),and fluvial sand(EM 3 and EM 4).
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 489-500 [Abstract] ( 714 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1056KB] ( 398 )
501 Cheng Yan, Li Zhi-Zhong, Jin Jian-Hui, Xu Xiao-Lin, Li Zhi-Xing, Liu Xiao-Ju
Applicability of SGC(standardised growth curve) method in quartz OSL dating of Old Red Sands at coastal areas in South China
Development of an accurate chronological and stratigraphic framework in Old Red Sands remains a challenge in practice. Compared to the traditional single aliquot regeneration(SAR)method,standardised growth curve(SGC)has unique advantages in reducing the testing time and improving the testing efficiency of luminescence dating. Therefore,it has been widely applied in the dating of loess and desert sediments in inland China. In this paper,we will attempt to apply the SGC method to the chronological analysis of the Old Red Sands deposited along the coast of South China. From the Old Red Sands along the coastal belts of Fujian and Hainan,a total of 20 samples were collected from four sections for dating using both the SAR and SGC methods. Two meaningful conclusions can be drawn from this study. Firstly,the luminescence signals in the Old Red Sands from both Fujian and Hainan are dominated by fast components. With more than 80% of fast components in the signal integration channel before 0.64s,it is suitable to use both SAR and SGC for dating. The photoionization cross section of the Fujian Old Red Sands is 2.62×10-17 cm2 and 3.24×10-18 cm2 and is 2.66×10-17 cm2 and 3.51×10-18 cm2 for the Hainan Old Red Sands. The IR depletion ratio(IRSL/OSL)of samples from these two areas shows that the IR luminescence signals in older samples are significantly higher than those in the younger ones,which may be affected by the feldspar inclusions. Nevertheless,all the IRSL/OSL values are less than 10%,complying with the SAR and SGC test requirements. Secondly,the SGC method is more effective in OSL chronological studies of the Old Red Sands at coastal areas in South China. The dose growth curves among different samples show similar growth model. Therefore,a standard growth curve can be established. However,the standard growth curves between Fujian and Hainan Old Red Sands show significant differences. Therefore,extra cautions need to be exercised when applying the standard curve method to larger areas.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 501-514 [Abstract] ( 835 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1561KB] ( 327 )
515 Xu Xiao-Tao, Shao Long-Yi
Limiting factors in utilization of chemical index of alteration of mudstones to quantify the degree of weathering in provenance
In recent years the chemical index of alteration(CIA),chemical index of weathering(CIW)and plagioclase index of alteration(PIA), have been widely used in attempts to quantify the degree of weathering in the provenance areas and to infer paleoclimatic conditions in provenance areas. There are,however,some limiting factors in the application of these indices which merit careful consideration. The CIA does not exclude the effect of potassium metasomatism so that it is necessary to use the A-CN-K[Al2O3-(CaO*+Na2O)-K2O]triangle to identify it and make corrections,or to utilize the CIAcorr formula. The CIW provides a correction for K2O,but no allowance is made for Al in potassium feldspar. The PIA considers the Al in potassium feldspar,but is only useful to judge changes involving plagioclase feldspars. Comprehensive analyses have shown that use of the CIA is the most effective way of obtaining an estimate of weathering severity and provenance. Before utilizing CIA values to estimate the degree of weathering in the provenance area,the influences of sedimentary differentiation(grain size differences),sediment recycling,further weathering in sedimentary region,pedogenesis and potassium metasomatism should be taken into account. We recommend a procedure,that is,(1)analyzing elemental compositions of mudstones,(2)calculating an index of compositional variability(ICV),(3)selecting samples with ICV>1 and using these values for the CIA calculation,(4)using the A-CN-K ternary diagram or CIAcorr formula to correct for potassium metasomatism. The corrected CIA values can then be used to estimate the degree of weathering to which the provenance area has been subjected.
2018 Vol. 20 (3): 515-522 [Abstract] ( 1356 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 533KB] ( 568 )

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