Journal of Practical Oncology ›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 295-299.doi: 10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2024.05.003

• Cancer Surveillance • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Attributing malignant tumor deaths to alcohol exposure and DALY burden in China

ZHENG Gaojian1, YAO Xiaoni1, WU Zhongze2, GONG Xinyu2, CHEN Wangyang2, PANG Junwei1   

  1. 1. Department of Psychiatry,Taizhou Second People′s Hospital,Taizhou 317200,China;
    2. School of Medicine,Taizhou University
  • Received:2024-06-22 Revised:2024-09-13 Online:2024-10-28 Published:2025-01-09

Abstract: Objective The Objective of this study was to analyze the 2021 global burden of disease database assessment of deaths and disability-adjusted life year(DALY)attributed to alcohol exposure induced malignant tumors in China,providing a scientific basis for the prevention and control of alcohol exposure-related malignancies in China. Methods The 2021 global burden of disease database were retrieved,analyzed the number of deaths and mortality,DALYs,and DALY rates for malignant tumors in China,and analyzed the mortality and DALY situations attributed to alcohol exposure for different gender and types of tumors. Results In 2021,the number of cancer-related deaths in China was 2.8178 million,accounting for 28.50% of the global total cancer deaths(2.8178 million vs. 9.8884 million).The DALYs of malignant tumors in China were 2.8209 million person-year,accounting for 30.20% of the global DALY of malignant tumors(2.8209 million person-year vs. 9.3407 million person-year).The mortality of malignant tumors attributed to alcohol exposure in males(12.80/100,000 vs. 1.37/100,000)and DALY rate(354.08/100,000 vs. 34.96/100,000)were higher than those in females.From the perspective of age distribution,the mortality of malignant tumors caused by alcohol exposure increased with age,and the DALY rate reached its peak in the 70-year-old age group and then decreased again.The top three tumors with the highest disease burden caused by alcohol exposure were esophageal cancer,liver cancer,and colorectal cancer. Conclusion Alcohol exposure in China leads to a heavier burden of malignant tumor mortality and DALY,with higher in male malignant tumor mortality than that in females.Alcohol exposure mainly causes gastrointestinal tumors.The prevention and treatment of male gastrointestinal tumors should focus on alcohol exposure.

Key words: Tumor, Alcohol, Disease burden, Attributable risk, Disability adjusted life year

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