
Table of Content

28 June 2021, Volume 35 Issue 3
Gansu Province Cancer Surveillance Special Report
Epidemiological characteristics and trend of gallbladder carcinoma in Gansu cancer registration areas from 2009 to 2015
HUANG Yu, LIU Yuqin, DING Gaoheng, GUZANUR·Nyazi, WANG Liangliang, WU Jianjun
2021, 35(3):  193-199.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.001
Abstract ( 115 )   PDF (13873KB) ( 33 )  
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Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of gallbladder carcinoma incidence and mortality in cancer registration areas of Gansu province from 2009 to 2015,so as to provide evidence for enacting prevention and treatment strategies of gallbladder carcinoma.Methods According to the auditing method of National Cancer Registration Center,the data reported by 11 cancer registries in Gansu province were collected as sample data to describe the incidence and mortality of gallbladder carcinoma in Gansu province.The incidence and mortality,age-standardized incidence/mortality rate by Chinese standard population(ASR China),age-standardized incidence/mortality rate by World standard population(ASR World)and cumulative rate(0~74 years old)were calculated.The annual percentage change(APC)was calculated using Joinpoint Regression Program software to estimate the variation trend.Results From 2009 to 2015,there were 1 782 new cases of gallbladder carcinoma in Gansu cancer registration areas.The crude incidence rate of gallbladder carcinoma was 4.70/100 000(3.91/100 000 in male,5.54/100 000 in female),the ASR China was 4.50/100 000,and the ASR World was 5.34/100 000;There were 1 123 deaths,the crude mortality rate of gallbladder carcinoma was 2.96/100 000(2.38/100 000 in male,3.59/100 000 in female),the ASR China was 2.68/100 000,and the ASR World was 3.07/100 000.The incidence and mortality by Chinese standard population(ASR China)in urban areas(4.93/100 000,2.94/100 000)were higher than those in urban areas(1.93/100 000,1.66/100 000).The incidence and mortality of gallbladder cancer increased with age,and reached the peak in 85+ age group,showing the characteristics of urban higher than rural,female higher than male.The incidence of gallbladder cancer by ASR China in Gansu province showed a decreasing trend from 2009 to 2015(APC=-10.9%,t=-3.0,P<0.05),and the time change trend of mortality by ASR China was not obvious(APC=-10.6%,t=-0.8,P=0.4).Conclusion Gallbladder carcinoma has become one of the common malignant tumors in Gansu province,among which the urban elderly women are the key population for the prevention and treatment of gallbladder cancer in Gansu province,it should be targeted to carry out early screening,early diagnosis and early treatment,improve the early detection rate of gallbladder cancer,reduce the incidence,mortality and disease burden of gallbladder cancer.
Trends of incidence and mortality of pancreatic cancer in Gansu cancer registration areas,2009—2015
WANG Liangliang, DING Gaoheng, CHEN Lili, WU Jianjun, LIU Yuqin, WEI Xingmin
2021, 35(3):  200-206.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.002
Abstract ( 89 )   PDF (14380KB) ( 18 )  
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Objective The Objective of this study was to analyze the epidemiological characteristics and changing trends of incidence and mortality of pancreatic cancer in cancer registration areas of Gansu province from 2009 to 2015,and provide the evidence for enacting prevention and treatment measures of pancreatic cancer.Methods According to the audit methods and standards established by the National Cancer Registration Center,the pancreatic cancer data reported by 11 cancer registration areas in Gansu province were evaluated.The incidence and mortality,age-standardized incidence/mortality rates by Chinese standard population(ASR China)and by World standard population(ASR World),the cumulative rate of 0~74 years old and composition were calculated by area,sex and age groups.The annual percentage change(APC)was used to analyze the time trend of the incidence and mortality by Chinese standard population of pancreatic cancer.Results From 2009 to 2015,there were 1 963 new cases of pancreatic cancer in Gansu cancer registration areas.The incidence of pancreatic cancer in the cancer registration areas of Gansu province was 5.18/100 000(6.01/100 000 in male,4.31/100 000 in female),the age-standardized incidence rates by Chinese standard population and by World standard population were 4.67/100 000 and 5.44/100 000.In the same period,there were 1 708 deaths.The mortality was 4.51/100 000(5.26/100 000 in male,3.72/100 000 in female),the age-standardized mortality rates by Chinese standard population and by World standard population were 3.78/100 000 and 4.49/100 000.The incidence and mortality by Chinese standard population in rural areas(5.32/100 000,4.63/100 000)were higher than those of in urban areas(4.60/100 000,3.54/100 000).The incidence and mortality of pancreatic cancer increased with age,which was higher in male than those in female.From 2009 to 2015,the incidence and mortality by Chinese standard population of pancreatic cancerin Gansu province showed a steady(APC=-4.2%,t=-1.6,P=0.2 and APC=-3.6%,t=-1.1,P=0.1).Conclusion From 2009 to 2015,the incidence and mortality of pancreatic cancer in Gansu province showed a stable trend,but they were higher in rural areas than those in urban areas.Among them,middle-aged and elderly men are the key population for the prevention and control of pancreatic cancer.The etiological research and early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer should be strengthened to effectively control the occurrence and development of pancreatic cancer.
Incidence and mortality of corpus uteri cancer in Gansu cancer registry areas from 2009 to 2015
GUO Wei, ZHU Yitong, DING Gaoheng, ZHU Gongjian, LIU Yuqin, WU Jianjun
2021, 35(3):  207-211.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.003
Abstract ( 78 )   PDF (10008KB) ( 15 )  
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Objective The Objective of this study was to analyze the trends of incidence and mortality of corpus uteri cancer in corpus uteri cancer.The reference data for evaluating prevention effects were provided.Methods Cases diagnosed as corpus uteri cancer from 2009 to 2015 in Gansu were extracted from the population-based database of Gansu cancer registry system and death registry system.Incidence,mortality,age-standardized rate(ASR)of China population,ASR of Segi′s world population and annual percentage change(APC)of corpus uteri cancer were calculated.Results From 2009 to 2015,the incidence rate of corpus uteri cancer was 23.57/100 000.ASR China was 19.86/100 000.The incidence rate in urban area was 23.18/100 000,ASR China was 19.27/100 000.The incidence in rural area was 26.00/100 000,ASR China was 23.15/100 000.From 2009 to 2015,mortality of corpus uteri cancer was 14.61/100 000.The mortality rate of ASR China was 12.14/100 000.The mortality in urban area was 12.33/100 000,ASR China was 10.20/100 000.The mortality in rural area was 12.08/100 000.The mortality rate of ASR China was 10.97/100 000.The age-specific incidence was at low level at 0~24 years of age,and rapidly increased after 35 years of age,then to be the maximum at 60 years of age(82.26/100 000).The age-specific mortality was at low level at 0~24 years of age,and rapidly increased after 35 years of age,then to be the maximum at 60 years of age(7.81/100 000).From 2009 to 2015,the incidence rate of ASR China of corpus uteri cancer in Gansu province showed a downward trend(APC=-4.9%,P=0.6).The mortality rate of ASR China of corpus uteri cancer in Gansu province showed a downward trend(APC=-1.1%,P=0.5).There was no statistically difference in the trend of change.Conclusion From 2009 to 2015,the incidence and mortality of corpus uteri cancer in Gansu increased show a downward trend.The female over 60 years old are the key objects of corpus uteri cancer prevention and control.
Analysis for characteristics and trends of colorectal cancer in Gansu cancer registry areas,2009—2015
ZHU Gongjian, ZHU Yitong, DING Gaoheng, WANG Hongzong, DU Meixia, LIU Yuqin
2021, 35(3):  212-217.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.004
Abstract ( 73 )   PDF (12125KB) ( 14 )  
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Objective The aim of this study was to understand the trends of incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer in Gansu cancer registry areas from 2009 to 2015,and to provide the opinions and suggestions for prevention and treatment strategies of colorectal cancer.Methods The data of colorectal cancer(ICD-10 code for C18-20)were collected from 11 cancer registries in Gansu province from 2009 to 2015.The incidence(mortality),the Chinese standard incidence(mortality),the World standard incidence(mortality),the age-specific incidence(mortality),and the cumulative rate stratified by age,gender and years were analyzed.The Joinpoint Regression program was used to calculate the annual percentage change(APC).Results There were 6 903 new cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed from 2009 to 2015 in Gansu cancer registry areas.The crude incidence was 18.24/100 000,the Chinese standard incidence was 16.51/100 000,and the World standard incidence was 18.97/100 000.There were 1 940 deaths of colorectal cancer reported from 2009 to 2015.The crude mortality was 11.12/100 000,the Chinese standard mortality was 9.57/100 000,and the World standard mortality was 11.81/100 000.Males had higher incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer(20.49/100 000 and 12.50/100 000)than those of females(15.87/100 000 and 9.68/100 000).The incidence and mortality in urban areas were higher those of that in rural areas.The overall incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer in Gansu province from 2009 to 2015 showed a decreased trend(APC=-8.9,t=-3.0,P<0.05;APC=-0.9,t=-0.3,P=0.8).The incidence trend was statistically significant,and no significant mortality trend have been observed.Conclusion The incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer in Gansu province are relatively high.The assessment of high-risk population for colorectal cancer should be increased,and early screening should be implemented to reduce the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer.
Epidemiological characteristics and trends of thyroid cancer in cancer registration areas of Gansu province,2009—2015
Zhang Guangyao, Guo Wei, Zhu Yitong, Ding Gaoheng, Zhu Gongjian, Wu Jianjun, Liu Yuqin
2021, 35(3):  218-223.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.005
Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (11720KB) ( 10 )  
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Objective To analyze the prevalence and mortality of thyroid cancer in cancer registration areas of Gansu province from 2009 to 2015.Methods The cases of incidence(mortality),proportion,ASR China and ASR World of thyroid cancer in cancer registration areas of Gansu province from 2009 to 2015 were reviewed and summarized,and the incidence and mortality of thyroid cancer by age were analyzed.Joinpoint regression model was used to calculate annual percentage change(APC)for time trend analysis.Results There were 1 087 cases of thyroid cancer reported in Gansu cancer registration areas from 2009 to 2015,the incidence was 2.87/100 000 and the ASR China was 2.51/100 000.The mortality was 0.86/100 000,and the ASR China was 0.80/100 000.The incidence and mortality rates were higher in females than those of males and those of rural areas than in urban areas.Incidence and mortality increase with age;The incidence and mortality of thyroid cancer showed an increasing trend from 2009 to 2015(APC=10.6%,t=2.4,P=0.10;APC=7.0%,t=1.3,P=0.30),the change trend was not statistically significant.Conclusion The incidence and mortality of thyroid cancer in Gansu province were relatively high from 2009 to 2015,and women over 50 years old in urban areas were the key targets for thyroid cancer prevention and control.
Epidemiological characteristics and trends of cervical cancer in cancer registries in Gansu province,2009—2015
YAO Liping, WANG Hongzong, DING Gaoheng, LIU Yuqin
2021, 35(3):  224-230.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.006
Abstract ( 78 )   PDF (13654KB) ( 31 )  
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Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in cancer registration areas of Gansu province from 2009 to 2015,and to provide the basis for the development of cervical cancer prevention and treatment strategies.Methods According to the audit methods of National Cancer Registry,data of cervical cancer reported by 10 cancer registration were collected from 2009 to 2015,calculate the crude incidence and crude mortality,ASR China and ASR World.ASR China and ASR World were calculated using the 2000 Chinese standard population age structure and Segi′s World standard population age structure,respectively.Annual percentage change(APC)was calculated using the JoinPoint Regression Program From 2009 to 2015,there were 3 454 new cases of cervical cancer in cancer registration areas of Gansu province.The crude incidence rate was 18.75/100 000,the ASR China was 15.81/100 000,and the ASR World was 15.95/100 000.Incidence of the urban area(18.86/100 000)were higher than the rural area(18.34/100 000).There were 2 107 death cases of cervical cancer in cancer registration areas of Gansu province,from 2009 to 2015.The mortality was 11.44/100 000,the ASR China was 10.67/100 000,and the ASR World was 10.81/100 000.Mortality of the urban area(11.51/100 000)was higher than the rural area(11.18/100 000).From 2009 to 2015,the age-specific incidence and age-specific mortality of cervical cancer increased with the increase of age,and the incidence peaked in the 50-year-old group(52.64/100 000),and the mortality peaked in the 80-year-old group(47.29/100 000).The crude incidence and crude mortality rate of cervical cancer in Gansu province showed a decreasing trend from 2009 to 2015(APC=-0.9,P=0.9;APC=-4.3,P=0.5),there was no statistically significant change in trends.After age calibration,the incidence of ASR China and mortality of ASR China showed a decreasing trend(APC=-5.3,P=0.2;APC=-12.9,P=0.1),the trends were not statistically significant.Conclusion Although the incidence and mortality rate of cervical cancer in Gansu province have a decreasing trend,which poses a serious threat to the life and health of middle-aged and elderly women.Health education of cervical cancer prevention knowledge should be carried out actively,and healthy lifestyle should be advocated,so as to realize the effective prevention and control of cervical cancer.
Epidemiological Research
Analysis of lung cancer screening rate and screening results of urban residents in Hefei from 2014 to 2016
WEI Donghua, MA Yanling, ZHANG Juan, YIN Huiping, ZHANG Xiaopeng, ZHANG Yuhan, DAI Min, QIAN Liting
2021, 35(3):  231-236.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.007
Abstract ( 73 )   PDF (11802KB) ( 23 )  
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Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the lung cancer screening rate and screening results of urban residents in Hefei from 2014 to 2016,and evaluate the effect on lung cancer screening.Methods A cluster sampling method was used to conduct a cancer risk factor questionnaire survey and an assessment of lung cancer risk factors among permanent residents aged 40~69 years old in seven districts of Hefei city.The chest low-dose spiral computed tomography(LDCT)examination was performed on the assessed high-risk population of lung cancer.The screening rate and detection rate of high-risk population were analyzed.The active follow-up and passive follow-up were used to count the number of confirmed lung cancers and calculate the incidence density of lung cancer.Results A total of 58 105 questionnaires and high-risk assessment of lung cancer were completed from 2014 to 2016,and 12 449 people were assessed at high-risk for lung cancer.The high risk rate of lung cancer was 21.43%.A total of 5 646 people participated LDCT screening(the screening participation rate was 45.35%),1 540 people were detected for lung nodules(the nodule detection rate was 27.28%),354 people were positive for nodules(the positive nodules was 6.27%)and 54 people were suspected of lung cancer(the detection rate of suspected lung cancer was 0.96%).The incidence density of lung cancer in high risk of lung cancer patients was 131.01 per 100 000 person-year.The incidence density of lung cancer with positive nodules in CT screeners was 1 255.36 per 100 000 person-year.The incidence density of lung cancer with negative nodules in CT screeners was 103.12 per 100 000 person-year.Conclusion LDCT can effectively find nodules and related lesions in the lung.It is necessary to further improve the screening mechanism,improve the screening rate of lung cancer in high-risk groups,and improve the screening effect on the level of cancer prevention and control.
Basic Research
The expression of TMIGD1 in colon cancer and its effect on the proliferation and invasion of colon cancer cells
WU Yunhua, TAN Min, WANG Zijun, SUN Xuejun, LI Fanni
2021, 35(3):  237-242.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.008
Abstract ( 107 )   PDF (12333KB) ( 48 )  
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Objective The aims of this study were to detect the expression of TMIGD1 in colon cancer tissues and its corresponding adjacent colonic epithelial tissues,the effect of overexpression of TMIGD1 on the biological behaviors of colon cancer cells and to explore the potential molecular mechanisms.Methods The bioinformatics database and immunohistochemical staining were used to detect the expression of TMIGD1 in colon cancer and its corresponding adjacent colon tissues,and analyze its relationship with different clinicopathological factors.The colon cancer SW480 cells were stably overexpressed TMIGD1 through the lentiviral packaging system.MTT,clone formation experiment,cell cycle kit and Western blot were used to detect the effect of TMIGD1 on proliferation,clone formation,cell cycle and the expression of key proteins in the cell cycle of colon cancer cells.The Western blot was used to detect the expression of EMT-related proteins in SW480 cells,and Transwell experiment was used to detect cell migration and invasion.Results The results of bioinformatics analysis and immunohistochemical staining showed that TMIGD1 was low expressed in colon cancer tissues(P<0.05).The negative expression of TMIGD1 was closely related to the lymph node metastasis and TNM staging of colon cancer(P<0.05).The results of MTT,clone formation experiments and cell cycle analyses showed that overexpression of TMIGD1 could inhibit the proliferation and colony formation,and increase the number of cell cycle at the G0/G1 phase,and inhibit the expression of Cyclin D1,while promoting the expression of p21 in colon cancer SW480 cells(P<0.05).TMIGD1 had no effect on EMT protein,but after stably overexpressing TMIGD1,the migration and invasion abilities of colon cancer cells were significantly reduced,while the adhesion ability was significantly enhanced(P<0.05).Conclusion TMIGD1 is low expressed in colon cancer.Overexpression of TMIGD1 can inhibit the proliferation,migration and invasion of colon cancer cells.
Clinical Research
The expression and clinical significance of MT2-MMP at the stage II of lung adenocarcinoma
WANG Junmei, PAN Huiqing, LI Jingyi, JIA Di, ZHAO Weiming, LV Changlian
2021, 35(3):  243-247.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.009
Abstract ( 194 )   PDF (10721KB) ( 68 )  
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Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of MT2-MMP in lung adenocarcinoma and its clinical significance.Methods A total of 40 cases of lung adenocarcinoma with pathological TNM stage Ⅱ were collected,and the adjacent normal tissues were used as controls.Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of MT2-MMP for semi-quantitative analysis.Chi-square test was used to analyze the relationship between MT2-MMP expression and clinicopathological characteristics.Combined with TCGA lung adenocarcinoma data,the expression of MT2-MMP was analyzed in lung adenocarcinoma.Results Lung adenocarcinoma tissues showed obvious pathological characteristics of disordered tumor proliferation.The expression of MT2-MMP in lung adenocarcinoma tissues was higher than that in adjacent normal tissues,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).The level of MT2-MMP in lung adenocarcinoma tissues was related to the tumor size of patients(P<0.01),but was not significantly correlated with gender,age,presence or absence of lymphatic metastasis(P>0.05).The TCGA data analysis results showed that the expression of MT2-MMP at the stage II of lung adenocarcinoma and other stages was significantly higher than that in normal tissues,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).Conclusion MT2-MMP is highly expressed at the stage II of lung adenocarcinoma,which may be involved in the early malignant progression of lung adenocarcinoma,and has potential value for the early diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma.
Clinical Application
Automatic applicator segmentation based on U-net model in the brachytherapy of cervical cancer
HU Hai, LI Jie, WANG Pei, TANG Bin, WANG Xianliang, YANG Qiang
2021, 35(3):  248-253.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.010
Abstract ( 93 )   PDF (10576KB) ( 231 )  
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Objective In the preparation of CT-guided three-dimensional brachytherapy treatment plan for cervical cancer,the U-net model was used to complete the automatic segmentation of the applicator.Methods A deep learning model was created based on the U-net network.The data of 27 cervical cancer patients from December 2019 to October 2020 were preprocessed and written into the data set,which was divided into ratios of 15∶2∶10 for a training set,a verification set and a test set,respectively.The training set and verification set were put into the model for training and verification.The test set was applied to the trained neural network to segment the applicators.Dice similarity coefficient(DSC),95th percentile house dove distance(HD95),relative volume diffidence(RVD),precision and recall were used to evaluate this model.Results The average DSC of 10 patients in the test set was 0.90,HD95 was 1.26mm,RVD was-0.06,the accuracy rate was 0.94,the recall rate was 0.88,and the segmentation time was 5s.Conclusion In this study,the U-net network was used to realize the automatic segmentation of the applicator in the three-dimensional brachytherapy treatment plan for cervical cancer.It can be applied to the reconstruction of the applicator,which has great significance in realizing the automation of clinical planning.
Epidemic situation about prevention and control of malignant tumor in Gansu province
CHEN Lili, LIU Yuqin, DING Gaoheng, SU Haixiang
2021, 35(3):  254-257.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.011
Abstract ( 94 )   PDF (9137KB) ( 37 )  
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Cancer is a major chronic disease that seriously endangers human health.Cancer prevention and control have become one of the health problems for governments all over the world.In recent years,the incidence and death of cancer in Gansu province have always been in a high incidence and increasing state.This paper analyzes the current situation of prevalence of cancer epidemic in Gansu province,compared with the prevalence of malignant tumors in the same period of the country,the incidence of malignant tumors in Gansu was lower than the national average,but the incidence of malignant tumors in men was similar to the national average.The mortality of malignant tumors in Gansu was similar to the national average.In addition,the course of cancer prevention and control in Gansu Province was reviewed,the connotation of the comprehensive cancer prevention and control system construction in Gansu Province was summarized:(1)To build a cancer monitoring platform;(2)To build a research platform for early diagnosis of cancer;(3)Construction of health education and health promotion platform for cancer prevention and treatment;(4)Establishment of oncology alliance.Finally,puts forward the next cancer prevention and control strategy.
Exploration of “immunotherapy moving forward” for digestive system tumors
MA Mingrui, LIAN Jie, LIU Chao, LOU Changjie, ZHANG Yanqiao
2021, 35(3):  258-262.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.012
Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (11267KB) ( 26 )  
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The emergence of immunosuppressive checkpoint inhibitors has brought new hope for tumor treatment.Immune checkpoint inhibitors need to activate autoimmune anti-tumor cells,so immunotherapy may bring more benefits to patients when their immune status is better.At present,immunotherapy is mostly used for the posterior line treatment of tumor,but the patients after multi-line treatment are generally in poor condition,and the effect of immunotherapy may be reduced.“Immunotherapy forward” refers to the application of immunotherapy in the process of tumor treatment in order to achieve better therapeutic effects.This article reviews the background,clinical trials and problems to be solved of “immunotherapy forward” in digestive system tumors.
Application of imaging technology in image-guided brachytherapy for cervical cancer
LI Min, RAN Li, CHANG Jianying
2021, 35(3):  263-267.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.013
Abstract ( 84 )   PDF (11415KB) ( 26 )  
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Image-guided radiotherapy is a promising radiotherapy technology,which can improve the local control rate of cervical cancer patients and reduce the incidence of complications.MRI has high resolution of soft tissue,which is recognized as the gold standard of image-guided brachytherapy for cervical cancer.Although CT soft tissue resolution is lower than MRI,it is easier to identify the applicator,source and source path.In the radiotherapy plan of cervical cancer,the utilization rate of CT is much higher than that of MRI.New imaging technologies,such as PET and MRI,have improved the delineation of target areas in the radiotherapy plans,especially,PET combined with CT and MRI is becoming more and more important in functional imaging.Ultrasound has been replaced by MRI in the initial stage of patients,but it plays an important role in image-guided gynecological implantation and intracavitary brachytherapy.The purpose of this review is to evaluate the application of various imaging techniques in image-guided brachytherapy for cervical cancer.
Research progress in anticancer activity of β-ionone
SHI Yuanyang, LIU Jiaren
2021, 35(3):  268-272.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.014
Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (11511KB) ( 19 )  
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Beta-ionone(BI)is a type of cyclized isoprene,widely distributed in fruits and vegetables.BI has a variety of biological activities,and its anti-cancer activity is a hot spot in current research.It can become a potential cancer chemopreventive agent.In order to better understand its effect on anti-tumor activity and its possible mechanism,this article briefly reviews the research progress in the effects of β-ionone on the activity of anti-tumor in recent years.
Research progress of MYO10 and malignant tumors
GUO Haonan, QIN Tao
2021, 35(3):  273-276.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.015
Abstract ( 104 )   PDF (9252KB) ( 27 )  
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Myosin X(MYO10)is a molecular motor based on actin,which can induce the formation of filopodia and promote cell migration in vitro and in vivo.In recent years,many studies have shown that the abnormal expression of MYO10 in the formation of invasive pseudopodia is closely related to the invasion and metastasis of malignant tumors.This article reviews the biological function of MYO10 and its research progress in the occurrence and development of malignant tumors.
Research progress of Sirtuins in breast cancer
LI Yuying, ZHANG Yue
2021, 35(3):  277-281.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.016
Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (11233KB) ( 28 )  
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Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in women.The two major factors leading to its related deaths are recurrence,metastasis and multidrug resistance(MDR).Sirtuins family proteins are a class of NAD+-dependent deacetylases,which play an important role in various biological processes and diseases,and are related to the occurrence and development ofbreast cancer and MDR.It is very important to grasp the mechanism of Sirtuins in Breast cancer.Therefore,this article summarizes the role of Sirtuins in breast cancer,discusses the mechanism of each subtype of Sirtuins family on the occurrence and development of breast cancer and MDR,and summarizes the current research progress of Sirtuins related drugs.
Research progress of the correlation between adipokine omentin-1 and tumor
PAN Hongyan, LI Aiping, LI Qiang
2021, 35(3):  282-286.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.017
Abstract ( 81 )   PDF (10647KB) ( 23 )  
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Omentin-1 is the main form of adipokine omentin in blood circulation.It has been found that Omentin-1 is associated with many kinds of tumors,such as digestive system tumor,urinary system tumor,female tumor and nervous system tumor,but it shows high heterogeneity in different types of tumors.Omentin-1 is involved in the regulation of multiple tumor related signaling pathways and tumor suppressor factors.There are more and more studies on the role of Omentin-1 in tumorigenesis and development and related mechanisms.
Research progress of CDK4/6 inhibitors combined with endocrine therapy for advanced breast cancer
TI Qian, ZHANG Qingyuan
2021, 35(3):  287-290.  doi:10.11904/j.issn.1002-3070.2021.03.018
Abstract ( 96 )   PDF (9058KB) ( 52 )  
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Endocrine therapy is the main treatment method for patients with hormone receptor positive(HR+)advanced breast cancer due to its remarkable curative effect and safety.In recent years,the field of endocrinology has developed rapidly.How to delay or reverse endocrine resistance and new endocrine therapy drugs have become the focus of clinical research.Studies have found that endocrine therapy resistance may be related to the CDK-RB-E2F pathway.It has been found that endocrine therapy resistance may be related to the CDK-RB-E2F pathway.Cyclin-dependent kinase(CDK)4/6 inhibitors targeting this pathway can significantly delay endocrine resistance in patients with HR+ advanced breast cancer.The combined use of CDK4/6 inhibitors and endocrine drugs can improve the objective response rate of patients with HR+ advanced breast cancer,and can significantly improve progression-free survival(PFS).This article reviews the mechanism of action,drug effectiveness and safety of CDK4/6 inhibitors,and related clinical trials.