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JOPC 2011 Vol.13 Number 6
2011, Vol.13 Num.6
Online: 2011-12-01

581 Du Yuansheng
Discussion about studies of earthquake event deposit in China
Earthquake event deposit has become a “hot spot” in modern sedimentary geology.By reviewing the history of domestic seismites study,the main achievements and problems about the seismites studies in China have been summed up in this paper,which focused on the earthquake-caused soft-sediment deformation,timing, distribution and sequences of earthquake event deposits etc.Earthquake-caused soft-sediment deformation is divided into syndepositional,penecontemporaneous and epigenetic deformation.The differences were also discussed respectively among earthquake-caused syndepositional veins,liquefied veins and epigenetic veins,micro-fold,liquefied convolute deformation and epigenetic folds,seismic shocks deformation and liquefied deformation,pillow structures and pillow beds.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 581-590 [Abstract] ( 2412 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 575KB] ( 903 )
591 Su Dechen, Sun Aiping
Soft-sediment deformation and occurrence frequency of palaeoearthquake in the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation, Yongding River Valley,Beijing
As the most widely distributed and the thickest deposited stratigraphic unit in Beijing area,the Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation was mainly composed of dolostone and siliceous dolostone and was basically formed in a relatively long stable peritidal environment.The sedimentary records formed in such environment are allergically to the changes of palaeoearthquakes and are rather easily preserved.Numerous soft-sediment deformation structures of palaeoearthquake origin have been identified in the upper part of Wumishan Formation along the Yongding River Valley(from Zhuanghuwa to Zhenzhu Lake).Typical soft-sediment structures described in this paper include liquefied structures(liquefied mixed layer,diapir,liquefied vein,liquefied convolute bedding),compressional deformation structures(intense fold,plate-spine breccia structures,mound-and-sag structure),extensional structures(loop-bedding,extensional pudding) and brittle deformation structures(ground fissure,intrastratal fault,seismic cracked breccia).Formation processes of typical soft-sediment deformation structures are morphologically simulated by computer.Combined the regional geological background and former geologists research achievements,the movement of main fault along the axial region of Yan-Liao aulacogen is identified as the triggering fault of palaeoearthquake since the Early Mesoproterozoic.According to the frequencies of soft-sediment deformation structures,the occurrence frequency of palaeoearthquake of the Wumishan depositional period is calculated as between 32 thousand years to 20 thousand years.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 591-614 [Abstract] ( 2319 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 30569KB] ( 1894 )
615 He Bizhu, Qiao Xiufu, Tian Hongshui, Chen Shuqing, Zhang Yanxia
Palaeoearthquake event and dinosaur fossil burial of the Late Cretaceous in Zhucheng of Shandong Province
Various and complex styles of soft-sediment deformation structures were recognized in the Upper Cretaceous of the Kugou-Longgujian-Xijiantun district at southwestern area of Zhucheng in Jiaolai Basin,which was located in Jiaodong Peninsula,eastern China.Many types of brittle,plastic and liquefied soft-sediment deformation structures were found including load structure,ball-pillow structure,injection structure(flame structure),liquefied deformation,liquefied vein,mixed plunge structure,minor earthquake fault. These deformation structures were typically formed by coarse sediments during palaeoearthquake event.Multi-bed soft-sediment deformation interclated with non-deformed beds,which indicate the earthquakes of the Late Cretaceous in Zhucheng were frequent,multi-stage,periodic and of strong-weak changing.Large scale dinosaur(hadrosaurs)fossils were found in coarse sediments from flood plain and debris flows were mainly from the Lower Cretaceous Laiyang and Qingshan Formations in the southern margin of the basin.Dinosaur fossils buried layer among the structural deformation layers of multi-layer palaeoearthquake soft-sediment deformation may be related with the sudden,strong energetic seismic events which lead to the mud-rock flow burying large scale dinosaur skeletons.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 615-626 [Abstract] ( 2674 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 8043KB] ( 815 )
627 Jia Zhihai, Ning Xiaofeng, Hong Tianqiu, Zheng Wenwu
The Neoproterozoic molar-tooth carbonate rock veins in northern Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces and their forming mechanism
Molar-tooth carbonate rock veins are abundant in the Neoproterozoic carbonate rocks in northern Anhui and Jiangsu Provinces.According to their features in different strata,two types of molar-tooth carbonate rock vein can be identified.Type 1,mostly disorderly outcropped,coexisted with stromatolite bioherms,gravels,debris,slump structures,swash channels and hummocky cross-beddings,were formed in the upper Liulaobei, Jiuliqiao and Niyuan Formaitons which belong to the Lower Neoproterozoic.Type 2,which were stably outcropped in widely spread rhythmic units with graded beds and typical erosion surfaces,were outcropped in other formations which belong to the Upper Neoproterozoic.The initial forming power of the molar-tooth carbonate rock veins might be the crustal movements which were caused by the break-up of the Rodinia.Type 1 was formed in tempestuously changing environments during the depositional period,and might be a prelude signal of the Rodinias break-up,while Type 2 was formed in steadily,periodically changing environments during the early diagenetic process,might indicate that the intermittent release of the earth stress during the break-up period of the Rodinia.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 627-634 [Abstract] ( 2226 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 7331KB] ( 541 )
635 Yang Wentao, Wang Xiaofeng, Yang Jianghai, Du Yuansheng
Soft-sediment deformation structures caused by palaeoearthquake in the Middle-Late Triassic in Yima area,western Henan Province
Soft-sediment deformation structures,which contain cylindrical structure,pillow structure,load structure and curly bedding structure,were largely preserved in the Middle-Upper Triassic in Yima region, western Henan Province.Most of them occurred in the upper part of fluvial and deltaic deposits,which represents fine-grain and more water-contained sediments.Although it is beneficial to liquefaction of sediments, the trigger of soft-sediment deformation structures is the palaeoearthquake activities from the Qinling Orogen.Comparison of soft-sediment deformation assemblages from the Youfangzhuang Formation with data from the Chunshuyao Formation reveals the initial orogeny of the Qinling Orogenic Belt happened in the later Middle Triassic and more intense activities in the Late Triassic.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 635-644 [Abstract] ( 2153 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 5855KB] ( 734 )
645 Tian Hongshui, Zhang Banghua, Zhu Jiewang, Zhang Zengqi, Li Hongkui
Seismic effects from Yishu Fault Zone during the earlier Early Cambrian
In the earlier Early Cambrian,with the proceeding of the marine invasion from the Paleo-Yishu Strait to west,uneven thick deposits of sandstone,mudstone and carbonate rock of littoral,lagoon and neritic facies were deposited in western Shandong Province.The horizon of these layers belongs to the bottom part of Lower Cambrian consisting of the Liguan and Zhushadong Formations.Together with the depositional and formation processes,tectonic rift-depression was taking place in the Yishu Fault Zone,characterized by frequent submarine earthquakes with different seismic effects within 200km range from the Yishu Fault Zone to west.Various seismogenetic syndepositional deformation structures are formed in the seismicrecords.Seismic effect records developed in the Zhushadong Formation are mainly soft-sediment deformations such as diapir structure,carbonate lime-mud volcano,liquefied vein,liquefied breccia,seismic fold,graded-fault,siliceous vein etc.,besides a few brittle deformation of semi-consolidated sediments.Those preserved in the Liguan Formation are not only slump fold,load structure and ball-and-pillow structure,but also some seismo-turbidite.Magnitude reflected by submarine seismic effects might be Richater magnitude of 5.0~8.9.These evidences indicate that strong tectonic activities occurred along the Yishu Fault Zone in the Early Cambrian.Analyses from the viewpoint of marine engineering geology show that seismic effects mentioned above are destructive forms of sediment layers caused by earthquake at the sea-bottom.This paper has provided intuitive materials for understanding earthquake destruction to rock-soil layers of seafloor-engineering foundation.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 645-656 [Abstract] ( 2069 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 5846KB] ( 824 )
657 Zhu Meng, Li Dewei, Liu Demin, Zhu Yunhai, Luo Wenxing, Qin Yadong
Characteristics and significance of seismites in the Pleistocene in southwestern margin of Qaidam Basin
A great deal of soft-sediment deformation structures with seismite characteristic were found in the lacustrine strata of the Pleistocene in the southwestern margin of Qaidam Basin.Soft-sediment deformation markers mainly include liquefied sandstone(mudstone)vein,liquefied breccia,load structure,ball-pillow structure,liquefied convolute deformation structure etc.,and the syn-seismic structure deformation markers were also developed including large-scale syn-seismic fault,seismic fissure,syn-fold.The discovery of seismites in the southwestern Qaidam Basin indicates that tectonic movements were frequent and intense since the Pleistocene along the northern margin of the Kunlun Mountain and in the Qaidam Basin.The seismites made it possible to study the tectonic activities since the Pleistocene which has important significance for the study of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,basin-mountain coupling and paleo-earthquakes.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 657-664 [Abstract] ( 2396 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 3605KB] ( 728 )
665 Xin Renchen, Jia Jinhua, Yang Bo
Sequence stratigraphic framework and palaeogeography of the Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous in Tarim Basin
Based on logging curves and well logging data of 110 drilling wells,combining with seismic data,the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous was established in the Tarim Basin using sedimentologic and sequence stratigraphic principles.From bottom to top,4 third-order sequences were developed from the Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous in the Tarim Basin namely as SQd、SQb1、SQb2 and SQk1,and each sequence can be subdivided into transgression systems tract(TST)and high systems tract(HST).The stratigraphic distribution and palaeogeography framework of each sequence was also studied.From bottom to top,the stratigraphic distribution of each sequence widened and overlapped.The palaeogeography evolved from shallow sea bay-peninsula during the depositional period of SQd to shallow sea-isolated island during the depositional periods of SQb1 and SQb2,and the northern Tarim Basin was all sank below the water during the depositional period of SQk1 which led to the formation of a broad shallow sea.Strata of SQd,SQb1 and SQb2 overlapped to “peninsula” and “isolated island”,and the surrounding areas of the “peninsula” and “isolated island” are potential zone for the development of stratigraphic traps.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 665-676 [Abstract] ( 2678 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 1287KB] ( 748 )
677 He Xiaoyuan, Liu Chiyang, Wang Jianqiang, Zhao Hongge, Wang Feifei
Palaeotectonics of the Late Paleozoic in Ordos Basin
The basement of the Ordos Basin in the Late Paleozoic inherited the Ordovician palaeotectonics,which was higher in the center and lower in the west and the east,and steep in the west and gentle in the east.Based on a large number of stratigraphic division of drilling wells,the remnant strata thickness maps of each period in the Paleozoic were complied,and its spatial changes reflected the palaeotectonics of the Ordos Basin.Combining the EW and SN comparison profiles of the stratigraphic thickness and the evolutionary profile in the Ordos Basin,the analyses indicate that the deposition of the Benxi-Taiyuan Periods in Late Paleozoic is mainly controlled by the Central Paleouplift,with obvious difference between the east and the west in strata spatial distribution.Until the depositional period of Shanxi Formation,the role of Central Paleouplift turned gradually less important.Differentiation between east and west gradually transfered into differentiation between north and south in stratigraphic distribution,the change in depositional pattern is consistent with the palaeogeographic evolution,showing that the deposition is controlled by palaeotectonics.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 677-686 [Abstract] ( 2397 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 1024KB] ( 656 )
687 Zhang Jian, Man Zhimin, Zhang Junhui
Extreme precipitation in the Middle Reaches of Yellow River in 1819: Historical facts,characteristics and climate background
In this paper,the situation and space-time differentiation picture of extreme precipitation happened in more than one river valley over the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River in 1819 A.D. is reproduced by means of historical literature records,weather character,accompanied disasters,social impact(e.g.houses collapsed,fields deserted,population casualties,river runoff overflowing etc.)and the external affecting factors in this year have been discussed,and they were extreme climatic events and serious meteorological disaster in the cold background of little Ice Age during Ming and Qing Dynasties.The researchers found the summer rain lasted long(overcast and rainy),the main types of rain were heavy rain,and even rainstorm.From June to September,it was more than 40 days to the rainfall duration in the secondary river basin such as Fen River and Wei River in the Middle Reaches of Yellow River in 1819.With comparison,the rainfall change nearly keeps in step with the water level change process records of the Wanjintan in the Middle Reaches of Yellow River at the same time.Therefore,it is obvious that the floods in the Lower Reaches of Yellow River was caused by the extreme precipitation in the Middle Reaches of the Yellow River.In addition,the records of water level change process of the Wan Jin Tan are tested on the Pearson-Ⅲ model of hydrologic distribution curve.The results indicate that the highest water level in flood in that year is once in a hundred year.By this measure,we can also infer that it produced extreme precipitation events in the Middle Reaches of theYellow River in 1819.The research shows three rainy centers:(1)from Hequ county to Jiazhou in the Middle Reaches of theYellow River mainstream;(2)the upstream of Jing River and Wei River;(3)the Middle and Lower Reaches of Fen river and the triangular areas among the Wei,Luo and Yellow Rivers.Precipitation anomalies and the characteristic feature of the years of anti-El Nio and Antarctic Oscillation Index cant correspond.In addition,the other factors,which cause these extreme precipitation events,are a smaller-value phase of solar activity period and the continued influence of Tambora volcanic activity in 1815.
2011 Vol. 13 (6): 687-698 [Abstract] ( 2123 ) [HTML 0KB] [PDF 4107KB] ( 661 )

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