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JOPC 2016 Vol.18 Number 3
2016, Vol.18 Num.3
Online: 2016-06-01

285 Feng Zengzhao
On palaeogeographic map
A palaeogeographic map is the graphic representation of physical geographical characteristics in geological history periods and human history periods. It is the most important result of palaeogeographic study. The author,as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Palaeogeography,Chinese Edition and English Edition,aimed at the problems of the articles submitted to and published in the Journal of Palaeogeography in the recent years and the relevant papers and books of others,and integrated with my practice of palaeogeographic study and mapping,wrote this paper. The content mainly includes the data of palaeogeographic mapping,the problems of palaeogeographic mapping method,the “single factor analysis and multifactor comprehensive mapping method—methodology of quantitative palaeogeography”, i.e. the “four steps mapping method”,the nomenclature of each palaeogeographic unit in palaeogeographic map,the explanation of each palaeogeographic unit in palaeogeographic map,the explanation of academic significance and industrial significance of palaeogeograhic map and palaeogeographic article and book,the evaluative standards of palaeogeographic map and palaeogeographic article and book,self-evaluation, to take responsibility for authors, readers and human society. Criticisms and corrections are welcome.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 285-314 [Abstract] ( 831 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3922KB] ( 534 )
315 Mei Mingxiang
Great Oxidation Event in history of the Earth:An important clue for the further understanding of evolution of palaeogeographical background
Molecular oxygen has played a crucial role in shaping our planetary environment. The emergence of oxygen in the atmosphere and the oceans and its changing concentration through time is strongly linked to major changes on Earth such as tectonic reorganization,climatic perturbations and biological evolution. Two facts are known with certainty that are resulted from the long-term study on the rise of atmosphere oxygen,that are:(1)Earth’s earliest atmosphere was essentially devoid of oxygen,and(2)today’s atmosphere is composed of 21% oxygen. It should be emphasized that most geological indicators of atmospheric oxygen levels in geological time imply only presence or absence,which led to many difficulties on study of the rise of atmosphere oxygen. Even though,a battery of geological indicators suggest that a shift from an anoxic to an oxic atmosphere some time between 2.5 and 2.0 billion years ago,which is known and defined as the Great Oxidation Event(GOE). Further research in resent years demonstrates that several lines of evidence point to a second‘Great Oxidation Event’(GOE~Ⅱ)during the Precambrian-Cambrian transition between about 850 and 540,Ma,which is herewith referred to as the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event(NOE). In practice,the considerable variation in atmospheric oxygen levels through Phanerozoic time peaked near 150% PAL in the late Carboniferous,which is herewith defined as the Phanerozoic Oxygenation Event(POE). Because photosynthetic oxygen production by cyanobacteria led to oxygenation of the atmosphere and oceans,in turn provided an elementary condition for the aerobic respiration and the evolution of large,complex and ultimately intelligent organisms,the rise of atmosphere oxygen can be defined as the action product of geobiological process that is genetically related to the geodynamics,which become an important clue for the further understanding of the evolution of palaeogeographical background of the Earth. Furthermore,there are many intrinsically differences with respect to their consequences and merits among these Oxygenation Events,i.e. the GOE,the NOE and the POE,but the concept of themselves and the study on their forming mechanism demonstrate many new ideas and cognitions. Tracing these new ideas and cognitions will be helpful for the further understanding of this particular geobiological process represented by the rise of atmosphere oxygen,which can provide many useful thinking approaches and researching clues for the future research.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 315-334 [Abstract] ( 937 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 702KB] ( 794 )
335 Zhong Dakang
Review of sedimentation types and relevant concepts in mountain provenance
By systematically reviewing the research results of sedimentation types in exhumation provenance during recent decades to centuries at home and abroad,combined field study in modern sediments of Quaternary,based on whether sediments transport,transportation mechanism,sedimentation location,gradient and landform, etc., the sedimentation types in exhumation provenance can be divided into eluvium,deluvium,colluvium,fluvial deposits in mountain-girt valley,pluvium,alluvium,etc. Various types have obvious differences in basic conception and connotation.Eluvium is sedimentation in-situ of the parent rock weathering product on the gentle landform(<3°). Deluvium is the deposits formed from parent rock weathering by sliding or rolling to the foot of the slopes under the impact of overland flow or gravity on the tilt landform (>3°,but no more than 30°). Colluvium is the deposits formed only under the impact of gravity by sliding or rolling to the foot of the slopes in the way of caving or fall or collapse on the steep landform (>30°). Fluvial deposits in mountain-girt valley form when eluvium,deluvium,colluvium are carried to valley or channel in mountains by overland flow. Pluvium forms during flood period when plenty of parent rock weathering products carried by intermountain flood current are located in mountain pass. Alluvium forms during normal river flow period when plenty of parent rock weathering products carried by intermountain flood current are located in mountain pass.In addition,gravity flow deposits such as landslide,slump,debris flow, etc., also exist in exhumation provenance.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 335-348 [Abstract] ( 797 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1859KB] ( 438 )
349 Yu Xinghe, Li Shengli, Qiao Yarong, Gao Yang
The Cenozoic changes of seas and lands and sedimentary filling responses of different basins in northern South China Sea Hot!
Multiple continental margin basins of different property and evolution were formed in the multi-cycle movement of the South China Sea since the Cenozoic. Based on the stratigraphic characteristics,seismic and drilling data of the basins,the analyses of relative sea level changes and sedimentary environment were conducted. And chronostratigraphic correlation method was used to discuss the changes of seas and lands in response to the structural evolution. Eventually the structure-sedimentary filling integrated patterns of continental margin rift basin,strike slip pull apart basin and continental rift basin in the northern South China Sea were established. The changes of seas and lands of the continental margin in the northern South China Sea was reconstructed to determine the scope of the sea water in the Cenozoic. The sea level shows a rising trend through the whole Cenozoic,with continental river,coarse delta and lacustrine facies in Paleogene and delta and littoral-neritic sea facies mainly in Neogene. The transgression of sea water occurred later in continental rift basin (Beibuwan Basin, closer to land),resulting in a larger coarse delta filling thickness in Paleogene than that in the Neogene. However,the strike slip pull apart basin(Yinggehai basin,closer to sea)is characterized by fine-grained marine deposits in Neogene. And the continental margin basins show a relative sedimentary balance between the Paleogene and Neogene,respectively deltas and carbonate rock platform. Sedimentary filling of different basins is mainly controlled by tectonic movements and transgressive scale,thus their resource potentials are different.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 349-366 [Abstract] ( 1179 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 15365KB] ( 402 )
367 Zhu Xiaomin, Ge Jiawang, Song Shuang, Wang Ruiliang, Yuan Lizhong, Liu Jun
Seismic responses and forming conditions of the Oligocene shelf-edge delta and deepwater fan system in Changchang-Heshan sag,northern South China Sea Hot!
Changchang-Heshan sag is a deepwater sedimentary basin and located on the continental slope in the northern South China Sea. It is an important strategic exploration block after oil and gas exploration breakthrough in Baiyun and Liwan sags in adjacent deep-water regions. Guided by the theory of classic sequence stratigraphy and based on the characteristics of the seismic reflection and stratigraphic cycles,the Oligocene Zhuhai Formation could be divided into six third-order sequences(namely ZHSQ1,ZHSQ2,ZHSQ3,ZHSQ4,ZHSQ5 and ZHSQ6 from bottom to top). Six types of seismic facies,including high continuity,weak-medium amplitude sheet seismic facies of shelf,S-shaped and oblique progradational seismic facies of shelf-edge,variable amplitude,medium continuity,mound-shaped bidirectional overlap seismic facies of continental slope and so on,are identified within the Zhuhai Formation. S-shaped and oblique progradational seismic facies represents shelf-edge delta,while mound-shaped bidirectional overlap seismic facies represents deepwater fan. The shelf-edge delta and deepwater fan systems have been changed with the formation condition of tectonic and sea level variation. The results show that during the deposition of ZHSQ1 and ZHSQ2,the boundary faults of the sag were active and the shelf slope-break belt was controlled by these faults. The depositional system was limited by the assemblage of shallow marine and proximal deltas. The basin stepped into depression stage and the boundary faults were inactive during the depositional period from ZHSQ3 to ZHSQ6;meanwhile,the shelf slope-break belt was characterized by the sedimentary slope break belts,migrated forward to the central sea direction and became larger all the time under the control of relative sea level falling with stable material source supply from the ancient Pearl River. At the same time,the shelf-edge delta prograded with distance nearly 20,km,and the slope got increasingly steep. Therefore,the occurrence frequency and scale of deep-water fans in front of the shelf-edge delta increased from early to late,and the position became closer to the shelf-edge delta.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 367-380 [Abstract] ( 1089 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3261KB] ( 423 )
381 Zhong Jianhua, Ni Liangtian, Shao Zhufu, Li Yong, Liu Xuan, Mao Cui, Liu Shengxin, Sun Ningliang, Chen Bin, Wang Kai, Luo Ke, Wang Shaojie, Liu Chuang, Liu Bao, Xiong Zhiqiang
Tempestites and storm deposites in the Lower Cretaceous from Lingshan Island, Qingdao
The typical tempestites and storm deposites developed well in detritus rocks in the Lower Cretaceous of Lingshan Island,Qingdao,Shandong Province. The features are as follows: (1)Hummocky or swaley structures and hummocky or swaley cross-stratification often occur and the hummocky cross-stratification is symmetrical or nearly symmetrical,commonly developed in thin-bedded sand and mud rocks that form in delta foresets. The thin layers are 1-2,cm in thickness and sometimes thicker. The parallel bedding or lower dipping angle cross bedding commonly occurs in the sandstones and sometimes hummocky cross-stratification and hummocky structure can also been observed. The laminea of hummocky cross-stratification is relatively thick,commonly between 1-2,cm,even 3-4,cm. Swaley cross-stratification relatively seldom occurs and commonly not perfect. Nevertheless,the swale structure is relatively common observed. (2)The swashing-eroding surface is considerably developed well and displace wavy ups and downs or is uneven with 20-30,cm height differences or even larger. The inner swashing-eroding surface commonly is not continuous and the bottom swashing-eroding surface is continuous very well. (3)The swashing-eroding surface developing in the medium and thick sandstone can be divided into several sub-layer,and because of discontinuity they combined together. (4)The sandstone contains commonly mudstone intraclast,most of them are dark mudstone with the diameters from 1-2,cm to 10,cm and the shape is polytropic. The long axis of mudstone gravels distributes mostly along the bedding plane. (5)The tempestites and storm deposites are fine to medium sandstones and not true conglomerate. (6)Intergrowth with a lot of multiple-scale and multiple-type soft sidement deformation structures. (7)Sometimes containing a bit of carbonized detritus of mm-scale. The discovery of tempestites and storm deposites reveals that the stratum is formed in relatively shallow water environment,not deep water environment like the sea and ocean. Otherwise,the storm makes the sandstone being sorted better and moves to the lower position of the foresets,resulting in being contacted with hydrocarbon rock and optimize its combination with sandstone reservoir,benefiting to formation of oil and gas trap.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 381-398 [Abstract] ( 922 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2582KB] ( 561 )
399 Wang Zepeng, Zhang Yaguan, Du Yuansheng, Chen Guoyong, Liu Jianzhong, Xu Yuanyuan, Tan Daiwei, Li Lei, Wang Dafu, Wu Wenming
Reconstruction of quantitative lithofacies palaeogeography of the Sinian Doushantuo Age of phosphorite depositional zone in Kaiyang area,central Guizhou Province
The deposition and mineralization of phosphorite had intimate relationship with the paleogeographic environment of phosphogenesis. This paper first used the single factor analysis and multifactor comprehensive mapping method to analyze and predict the phosphorite deposits in Kaiyang area during Sinian Doushantuo Age. This paper selected the stratum thickness of the Doushantuo Formation and its each lithologic section and the ore grade of phosphorite bed as the single factors to reflect the palaeogeographical pattern of Kaiyang area. Based on these isoline maps of single factors and other factors like lithologic combinations and sedimentary characteristics,the sedimentary environments of metallogenic epoch were clearly recovered and at last the quantitative lithofacies palaeogeographical maps of the Early,Middle and Late Doushantuo Age were compiled. According to the result of reconstruction of quantitative lithofacies palaeogeography, we proposed that Kaiyang area was in seashore environment which was located in north margin of Central Guizhou Old Land,and the topography became higher from north to south and local terrain was rugged. The nearshore areas were targeted as the most advantageous metallogenic belt and the changeful local terrain affected the thickenss and ore grade of phosphorite, and the phosphorite which experienced multi-stages erosion,exposure,leaching and reworking would had higher ore grade. Using quantitative lithofacies palaeogeography can accurately recover the palaeogeographical environment of metallogenic epoch and analyze the sedimentation and mineralization processes,and it has important significance for confirming the controlling factors of phosphorite, constructing mineral prediction model and predicting the spatial location of orebody.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 399-410 [Abstract] ( 702 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1231KB] ( 448 )
411 Li Jiateng, Liu Jianbo, Sun Yongchao, Yan Zhen, Wu Rongchang, Zhan Renbin
On the Lower Ordovician Lunshan Formation in Lower Yangtze Region, South China:Its petrology, stratigraphy and palaeogeography
The Lunshan Formation is one of the lowest stratigraphic units of the Lower Ordovician in the Lower Yangtze Region in South China. The formation is characterized by massive dolostone in comparison with other contemporaneous lithological units,and extends widely. A detailed analysis on the Lunshan Formation at Hongjia section of Chizhou County, Anhui Province, as well as a comprehensive review of the previous studies, indicates that the Lunshan Formation consists of dolostone,lime dolostone,dolomitic limestone,and minor,intercalated grainstone and packstone. The upper boundary of the formation is marked by the occurrence of medium- to thick-bedded bioclastic grainstone and packstone in the study area. The lower boundary of the formation is marked by occurrence of dolomitic limestone or lime dolostone in inner,northern and southeastern Lower Yangtze Region and occurrence of dolostone in most parts of southern Lower Yangtze Region. Although fossils are commonly rare in the Lunshan Formation,five conodont biozones are established in an ascending order:Monocostatus sevierensis biozone,Acanthodus lineatus-A. costatus biozone, Scolopodus? pseudoplanus biozone, Glyptoconus quadraplicatus biozone,and Paltodus deltifer-Tripodus proteus biozone, corresponding to the early Tremadocian of Early Ordovican. The Lunshan Formation was deposited in shallow subtidal to deep subtidal settings. The spatial changes in the thickness of the formation as well as those of dolostone were mainly controlled by palaeogeographic factors. The sedimentary properties of dolomite in the Lunshan Formation imply that these dolostones were mostly formed by penecontemporaneous dolomitization superimposed with moderate burial dolomitization.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 411-423 [Abstract] ( 853 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 7038KB] ( 389 )
424 Li Zhong, Gao Jian
Characteristic source-sink systems and palaeogeographic reconstruction in active tectonic regions: A case research on detrital zircons recording the Pan-African event in northern Tarim Block

Full understanding basin-range system is the inevitable research trend of palaeogeographic reconstruction,in which an analysis of characteristic source-sink systems, both in stable tectonic region and active one,is an key step. Some magmatic and metamorphic records related to the Pan-African orogeny occure in the actively northern Tarim Block,but the characteristic tectonic event is seldom discovered from detrital depositions. For the Devonian-Carboniferous sandstones in the northern Tarim Block,the authors present in situ analysis on geochronology of detrital zircons in the paper. Detrital zircon U-Pb dating of the Lower Carboniferous Yeyungou Formation sandstones dominantly show the middle-late Neoproterozoic ages,corresponding to the duration of the Pan-African orogeny. The depositional records with such zircon ages were firstly and remarkably discovered in the study area. The corresponding εHf(t) values of the detrital zircons are almost negative,reflecting melting origin of the ancient crust. However,there was no obvious information on the Pan-African orogeny revealed by detrital zircons of sandstones from the sedimentary strata underlying or overlying the Yeyungou Formation. In the Devonian,southward subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean led to island arc systems developed in the northern margin of Tarim Block. Up to the early Visean of early Carboniferous,the South Tianshan Ocean gradually closed,which evidently changed tectonic-palaeogeographic framework of the study area due to collage and collision between tectonic blocks. As a result,subsequently magmatic and metamorphic basements related to the Pan-African orogeny rapidly uplifted,which provided primary provenance for the Yeyungou Formation sedimentation. In the Late Carboniferous,the exhumation of the above crystalline basements ceased due to sea level rise and synchronous sedimentary overlap. Based on integrated regional correlation of detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological data,no detrital deposition recording the Pan-African event can be found from the Phanerozoic strata except the Lower Carboniferous mentioned above. In addition, few detrital deposition recording the Pan-African event was also reported from the Upper Ordovician Sangtamu Formation. These evidences probably demonstrate the northern Tarim Block finitely influenced by the Pan-African orogeny and,on the other hand,the associated basement rocks mainly exhumated during the Early Carboniferous and, shortly, the Late Ordovician. The above revealed informations are of important significances to realize the Paleozoic palaeogeomorphology,clastic source-sink system and tectonic paleogeography of the northern Tarim Block.

2016 Vol. 18 (3): 424-440 [Abstract] ( 1052 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5600KB] ( 823 )
441 He Lingyuan, Bao Zhidong, Qin Qin, Tian Zuoji, Mao Shuwei, Song Jian, Zhang Yunyi, Deng Kun
The Cenozoic tectonic-sedimentary evolution characteristics of sedimentary basins in middle Western Pacific
The middle Western Pacific is characterized by the trench-arc-basin system,because it is located in the junction area of the Euro-Asia Plate,the Pacific Plate and the India Plate. Three different types of basins developed in this area,including fore-arc basins,back-arc basins and continental margin basins. Based on the comprehensive study of tectonic environment,formation and evolution of the basins,and sedimentary characteristics of the seventeen basins in this area,we made the following conclusions.(1)All types of basins have experienced four stages of tectonic-sedimentary evolution. The tectonic-sedimentarg evolution of fore-arc basins and back-arc basins can be divided into subduction stage(K2-E),basin-forming stage((N-N3),subsidence stage(N4-N5)and compression stage(N2-Q): Volcanic rocks and metamorphic basement mainly developed in the subduction stage,with marine clastic rocks deposited in local areas. Marine sediments took dominance in the basin-forming stage,accompanied by volcanic activities and some local continental sediment. Marine facies and delta facies mainly developed in the subsidence stage and compression stage while local areas also developed fluvial and lacustrine facies in the latter stage. Meanwhile,that of continental margin basins can be divided into pre-rift stage(K2-E1),rift stage(E2-(E3),depression stage(E32-N3)and subsidence stage(N4-Q): The continental alluvial fan-fluvial-lacustrine sedimentary system primarily developed in the pre-rift stage and rift stage,with intense volcanic activities. Depression stage is characterized by the evolution from continental facies to transitional facies. Marine facies and transitional facies both developed in the subsidence stage. (2)Different types of basins possess different features of tectonic-sedimentary evolution. The fore-arc basins are 3.6 km,meters thick on average,and their evolution were primarily controlled by compression and plate subduction,which experienced an evolution of marine-continental sedimentation-continental sedimentation. The back-arc basins are 4.8 km,meters thick on average,and their tectonic environments are controlled by subduction retreat and back-arc oceanic crust expansion which experienced an evolution of marine sedimentation-marine-continental sedimentation. The continental rift basins are more than 10 km thick on average with double fault structure,which experienced an evolution of continental sedimentation-marine sedimentation.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 441-456 [Abstract] ( 842 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3311KB] ( 350 )
457 Mou Chuanlong, Wang Xiuping, Wang Qiyu, Zhou Kenken, Liang Wei, Ge Xiangying, Chen Xiaowei
Relationship between sedimentary facies and shale gas geological conditions of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in southern Sichuan Basin and its adjacent areas
On the basis of detailed study of sedimentary facies of the Lower Longmaxi Formation of Silurian in southern Sichuan Basin and its adjacent areas,combining with the results of experimental methods such as polarizing microscope,X-ray diffraction and element geochemistry,the relationship between sedimentary facies and shale gas geological conditions were studied. Tidal flat and shallow shelf facies are the two main sedimentary facies in the study area. The lower section of the Longmaxi Formation is rich in organic matters and siliceous shales,which were conducive to the enrichment and development of shale gas. The formation of siliceous shale riched in organic matter of the lower member of Longmaxi Formation was due to the anoxic retention environment,layered water caused by a rapid transgression,appropriate deposition rate and relative high biological yield. The tidal flat deposits are unfavourable for shale gas formation. Deep-water shelf facies in the depocenter are dominated by carbonaceous siliceous shale,carbonaceous shale and calcium carbonaceous silty shale,which are favorable for shale gas formation. Sandy and muddy shallow shelf is the secondary favorable area for shale gas development containing more organic matters;marlite and muddy shallow shelf is composed mainly of “calcareous mudstone and carbonaceous argillaceous limestone”,which are not favorable for shale gas formation with relative low organic matter content.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 457-472 [Abstract] ( 849 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 22631KB] ( 308 )
473 Ma Zhixin, Luo Liang, Liu Xiting, Liu Wei, Sun Zhiming
Palaeoenvironment of the Datangpo Formation of Nanhua System in Xiaochayuan Manganese Deposit in Xiushan area of Chongqing
In order to provide a new understanding of sedimentary tectonic setting of the Nanhua system for manganese ore exploration in Chongqing-Hubei-Hunan area,we carried out sedimentological and geochemical analyses of the Qianzimen and Datangpo Formations of Nanhua System from Core ZK0606 at Xiaochayuan Manganese Deposit in Xiushan area of Chongqing. Based on the sedimentological analysis results,three kinds of sedimentary facies were distinguished,including shallow glacial marine,limited marginal basin and shallow shelf. The geochemical analysis data of higher total REE,LREE-rich,with a negative Eu anomaly,ratios of Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3)and Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)reflect that the Datangpo Formation deposited in a passive continental margin. The trace element content and ratios(U,V,Mo,V/Cr)show that the Member 1 of Datangpo Formation formed in the anoxic environment,with a gradual transition to oxic environments in the Member 2 of Datangpo Formation. The Al/Ca ratios and the chemical index of alteration(CIA)indicate that the chemical weathering and terrigenous supply were gradually increased from bottom to top, correspondind to the end of Sturtian glaciation,global warming and sea level rise. Based on the above analyses,it is indicated that the Manganese ore mainly formed in limited marginal basin with relatively deep water and anoxic conditions during the depositional period of lower section of the Member 1 of Datangpo Formation.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 473-486 [Abstract] ( 1179 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2253KB] ( 664 )
487 Ji Yunping, Yang Zhenjing, Zhao Hua, Wang Likang, Yang Jinsong, Dong Qiuyao
Climate change since the late Middle Pleistocene indicated by geochemical characteristics of major elements of Jing'erwa section in Yangyuan Basin,Hebei Province
Filled up by a succession of Quaternary fluvial and lacustrine sediments,and containing a large number of remains of ancient human beings,Yangyuan Basin is one of the ideal regions to study the living environmental background of ancient human beings. Based on the contents and their ratios of major element oxides,geochemistry elements characteristics of Jing'erwa section as well as the climate change process of Yangyuan Basin since 220,ka were studied. The results showed that:(1)The sediment of Jing'erwa section was mainly composed of SiO2,Al2O3 and CaO,with the contents of 27.85%~53.23%,3.38%~12.97% and 5.43%~28.36% respectively. Contents of Fe2O3 and MgO,with the range of 2.65%~7.67% and 1.93%~14.42% respectively,are also considerable. Those reflected the environmental change from semi-humid to semi-arid.(2)The climate in this area since the late Middle Pleistocene varied from warm-wet,slightly warm-slightly wet,warm-slightly wet,cold-slightly wet to warm-dry. Features of hydrothermal combination and evident secondary climatic fluctuations of each period reflected the complexity of environmental evolution.(3)Comparison with the oxygen isotope phases of deep sea shows that the changing process of climate for the Yangyuan Basin not only responds to the trend of the global climate change but also bears obvious regional features.
2016 Vol. 18 (3): 487-496 [Abstract] ( 805 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 830KB] ( 349 )

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