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2021 Vol.  10 No.  3
Published: 20 July 2021

Lithofacies palaeogeography and sedimentology
284 Coevolution of global brachiopod palaeobiogeography and tectonopalaeogeography during the Carboniferous
Ning Li, Cheng-Wen Wang, Pu Zong, Yong-Qin Mao
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 284-301 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00095-z
[Abstract] ( 223 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (2283 KB)   ( 61 )
302 The new ichnotaxon Eubrontes nobitai ichnosp. nov. and other Saurischian tracks from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province and a review of Chinese Eubrontes-type tracks
Li-Da Xing, Martin G. Lockley, Hendrik Klein, Li-Jun Zhang, Anthony Romilio, W. Scott Persons IV, Guang-Zhao Peng, Yong Ye, Miao-Yan Wang
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 302-320 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00096-y
[Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (7325 KB)   ( 53 )
321 Microfabric features of microbial carbonates: Experimental and natural evidence of mold holes and crusts
Ya-Sheng Wu, Hong-Xia Jiang, Ying Li, Gong-Liang Yu
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 321-333 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00100-5
[Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (7928 KB)   ( 50 )
334 Late Oligocene Melia (Meliaceae) from the Nanning Basin of South China and it's biogeographical implication
Wei-Qiu Liu, Sheng-Lan Xu, Qiong-Yao Fu, Cheng Quan, Jian-Hua Jin
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 334-340 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00097-x
[Abstract] ( 218 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (4146 KB)   ( 51 )
Lithofacies palaeogeography and sedimentology
341 Deltas: a new classification expanding Bates's concepts
Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Mariano Di Meglio, Agustin Zorzano, Germán Otharán, Ainara Irastorza, Antonela Torresi
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 341-355 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00098-w
[Abstract] ( 173 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (3891 KB)   ( 43 )
356 Manganese carbonate stromatolites of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in Chengkou, northern Yangtze Craton, China
Yi Zhang, Jian Li, Long Chen, Yi Wei, Qiang Shi, Dong-Ge Wang, Qing-Ming Wu, Liao-Yuan Song, Meng Tian, Hong-Wei Kuang, Yong-Qing Liu, Kaarel Mänd, Hua-Qing Bai, Zi-Liang Liu, Yu-Chong Wang, Da-Wei Qiao, Wen-Jun Zhu
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 356-381 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00099-9
[Abstract] ( 189 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (28565 KB)   ( 43 )
382 Provenance of sediments from Barra del Tordo and Tesoro beaches, Tamaulipas State, northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Mayla A. Ramos-Vázquez, John S. Armstrong-Altrin
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 382-398 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00101-4
[Abstract] ( 167 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (6747 KB)   ( 52 )
Geochemistry and sedimentary environments
399 Spatiotemporal patterns of sediment deposition on the northern slope of the South China Sea in the last 150,000 years
Zhe Hu, Bao-Qi Huang, Le-Jun Liu, Na Wang
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 399-415 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00102-3
[Abstract] ( 185 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (3874 KB)   ( 41 )
416 First record of stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) and element ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) of Middle to Late Jurassic belemnites from the Indian Himalayas and their potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
Matthias Alberti, Franz T. Fürsich, Dhirendra K. Pandey, Nils Andersen, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, Suraj Bhosale, Ketan Chaskar, Jörg M. Habermann
Journal of Palaeogeography, 2021, 10 (3): 416-437 doi:10.1186/s42501-021-00103-2
[Abstract] ( 185 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (16569 KB)   ( 43 )
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