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2021 Vol.  10 No.  3
Published: 2021-07-20

Lithofacies palaeogeography and sedimentology
284 Coevolution of global brachiopod palaeobiogeography and tectonopalaeogeography during the Carboniferous
Ning Li, Cheng-Wen Wang, Pu Zong, Yong-Qin Mao
The global brachiopod palaeobiogeography of the Mississippian is divided into three realms, six regions, and eight provinces, while that of the Pennsylvanian is divided into three realms, six regions, and nine provinces. On this basis, we examined coevolutionary relationships between brachiopod palaeobiogeography and tectonopalaeogeography using a comparative approach spanning the Carboniferous. The appearance of the Boreal Realm in the Mississippian was closely related to movements of the northern plates into middle-high latitudes. From the Mississippian to the Pennsylvanian, the palaeobiogeography of Australia transitioned from the Tethys Realm to the Gondwana Realm, which is related to the southward movement of eastern Gondwana from middle to high southern latitudes. The transition of the Yukon-Pechora area from the Tethys Realm to the Boreal Realm was associated with the northward movement of Laurussia, whose northern margin entered middle-high northern latitudes then. The formation of the six palaeobiogeographic regions of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian brachiopods was directly related to “continental barriers”, which resulted in the geographical isolation of each region. The barriers resulted from the configurations of Siberia, Gondwana, and Laurussia, which supported the Boreal, Tethys, and Gondwana realms, respectively. During the late Late Devonian-Early Mississippian, the Rheic seaway closed and North America (from Laurussia) joined with South America and Africa (from Gondwana), such that the function of “continental barriers” was strengthened and the differentiation of eastern and western regions of the Tethys Realm became more distinct. In the Barents Ocean tectonic domain during the Pennsylvanian, the brachiopods on the northern margin of the Barents Ocean formed the Verkhoyansk-Taymyr Province, while those on the southern margin formed the Yukon-Pechora Province. The Mongolia-Okhotsk Province was formed by brachiopods of the Mongolia-Okhotsk Ocean tectonic domain. The Northern Margin of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean Province and the Southern Margin of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean Province were formed, respectively, by brachiopods on the northern and southern margins of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean tectonic domain. South China and Southeast Asia were dissociated from the major continental blocks mentioned above, and formed the South China Province.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 284-301 [Abstract] ( 192 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (2283 KB)   ( 57 )
302 The new ichnotaxon Eubrontes nobitai ichnosp. nov. and other Saurischian tracks from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province and a review of Chinese Eubrontes-type tracks
Li-Da Xing, Martin G. Lockley, Hendrik Klein, Li-Jun Zhang, Anthony Romilio, W. Scott Persons IV, Guang-Zhao Peng, Yong Ye, Miao-Yan Wang
The Jiaguan Formation and the underlying Feitianshan Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in Sichuan Province yield multiple saurischian (theropod-sauropod) dominated ichnofaunas. To date, a moderate diversity of six theropod ichnogenera has been reported, but none of these have been identified at the ichnospecies level. Thus, many morphotypes have common “generic” labels such as Grallator, Eubrontes, cf. Eubrontes or even “Eubrontes-Megalosauripus” morphotype. These morphotypes are generally more typical of the Jurassic, whereas other more distinctive theropod tracks (Minisauripus and Velociraptorichnus) are restricted to the Cretaceous. The new ichnospecies Eubrontes nobitai ichnosp nov. is distinguished from Jurassic morphotypes based on a very well-preserved trackway and represents the first-named Eubrontes ichnospecies from the Cretaceous of Asia.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 302-320 [Abstract] ( 155 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (7325 KB)   ( 47 )
321 Microfabric features of microbial carbonates: Experimental and natural evidence of mold holes and crusts
Ya-Sheng Wu, Hong-Xia Jiang, Ying Li, Gong-Liang Yu
Resultsof our study based on examination of induced precipitation of carbonate by a cyanobacterium, Lyngbya in the laboratory, and the analyses of microphotographs of both modern and ancient microbial carbonates, demonstrated the importance of recognition of mold holes and carbonate crusts in understanding microbial carbonates. In the experiment, only cyanobacteria Lyngbya can induce precipitation of carbonate, forming scattered grains on the surface of Lyngbya filaments. Carbonate crusts enclosing the old parts of the filaments were formed through aggregation of these scatter grains while mold holes were formed after decay of the filaments. Mainly based on the experiment, six different ways of microbial carbonate formation were recognized: (1) trapping without mold holes, (2) trapping with mold holes, (3) particle-forming induced-precipitation of carbonate, (4) discrete crust-forming induced-precipitation of carbonate, (5) induced precipitation, forming tangled crusts that build a porous construction, and (6) induced precipitation, forming a dense construction. And mold holes and crusts can form in ways (4), (5), and (6). Examination of both modern microbial carbonates from the Shark Bay of Australia, Highborne Cay of Bahamas and the atoll of Kiritimati and the microbialites from the Cambrian dolostone sequence in Tarim, Xinjiang, China all demonstrated the limitation of recognizing only mesofabric features and importance of examining microfabric features for understanding of the genesis of the microbial carbonates and their proper classification. The shape, size and arrangement of the mold holes, crusts, and the features of the minerals filling in pores between the crusts, which are referred as the microfabric features here, are keys to better understand the formation and environments of both modern and ancient microbial carbonates.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 321-333 [Abstract] ( 152 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (7928 KB)   ( 41 )
334 Late Oligocene Melia (Meliaceae) from the Nanning Basin of South China and it's biogeographical implication
Wei-Qiu Liu, Sheng-Lan Xu, Qiong-Yao Fu, Cheng Quan, Jian-Hua Jin
Melia L. is a small genus of only 2-3 species, which is native to Indo-Malesia, India, Pakistan and southern parts of tropical Africa. Fossil records of Melia are known from the early Miocene to the Pleistocene. Here we describe some mummified fossil endocarps of Melia from the upper part of the Yongning Formation (late Oligocene) in Nanning Basin, South China. These well-preserved stony endocarps are 8-14 mm long and 5-9 mm wide, and have 5 locules with a single spindle seed per locule. We interpret these endocarps as the internal remains of a Melia drupe, and assign them as a new species: M. santangensis sp. nov. This is the only fossil record of anatomically preserved Melia found in China, and also the oldest fossil record of Melia so far reported globally. The fossil record confirms the presence of Melia in Asia at the late Oligocene, and provides evidence supporting the distribution and dispersal hypothesis of the Meliaceae.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 334-340 [Abstract] ( 176 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (4146 KB)   ( 44 )
Lithofacies palaeogeography and sedimentology
341 Deltas: a new classification expanding Bates's concepts
Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Mariano Di Meglio, Agustin Zorzano, Germán Otharán, Ainara Irastorza, Antonela Torresi
Deltas constitute complex depositional systems formed when a land-derived gravity-flow (carrying water and sediments) discharges into a marine or lacustrine standing body of water. However, the complexity of deltaic sedimentary environments has been oversimplified by geoscientists over the years, considering just littoral deltas as the unique possible type of delta in natural systems. Nevertheless, a rational analysis suggests that deltas can be much more complex. In fact, the characteristics of deltaic deposits will depend on a complex interplay between the bulk density of the incoming flow and the salinity of the receiving water body. This paper explores the natural conditions of deltaic sedimentation according to different density contrasts. The rational analysis of deltaic systems allows to recognize three main fields for deltaic sedimentation, corresponding to (1) hypopycnal (2) homopycnal and (3) hyperpycnal delta settings. The hypopycnal delta field represents the situation when the bulk density of the incoming flow is lower than the density of the water in the basin. According to the salinity of the receiving water body, three different types of hypopycnal littoral deltas are recognized: hypersaline littoral deltas (HSLD), marine littoral deltas (MLD), and brackish littoral deltas (BLD). The basin salinity will determine the capacity of the delta for producing effective buoyant plumes, and consequently the characteristics and extension of prodelta deposits. Homopycnal littoral deltas form when the density of the incoming flow is roughly similar to the density of the water in the receiving basin. This situation is typical of clean bedload-dominated rivers entering freshwater lakes. Delta front deposits are dominated by sediment avalanches. Typical fallout prodelta deposits are absent or poorly developed since no buoyant plumes are generated. Hyperpycnal deltas form when the bulk density of the incoming flow is higher than the density of the water in the receiving basin. The interaction between flow type, flow density (due to the concentration of suspended sediments) and basin salinity defines three types of deltas, corresponding to hyperpycnal littoral deltas (HLD), hyperpycnal subaqueous deltas (HSD), and hyperpycnal fan deltas (HFD). Hyperpycnal littoral deltas are low-gradient shallow-water deltas formed when dirty rivers enter into brackish or normal-salinity marine basins, typically in wave or tide-dominated epicontinental seas or brackish lakes. Hyperpycnal subaqueous deltas represent the most common type of hyperpycnal delta, with channels and lobes generated in marine and lacustrine settings during long-lasting sediment-laden river-flood discharges. Finally, hyperpycnal fan deltas are subaqueous delta systems generated on high-gradient lacustrine or marine settings by episodic high-density fluvial discharges.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 341-355 [Abstract] ( 137 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (3891 KB)   ( 37 )
356 Manganese carbonate stromatolites of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in Chengkou, northern Yangtze Craton, China
Yi Zhang, Jian Li, Long Chen, Yi Wei, Qiang Shi, Dong-Ge Wang, Qing-Ming Wu, Liao-Yuan Song, Meng Tian, Hong-Wei Kuang, Yong-Qing Liu, Kaarel Mänd, Hua-Qing Bai, Zi-Liang Liu, Yu-Chong Wang, Da-Wei Qiao, Wen-Jun Zhu
The origin process of manganese ores remains unsolved worldwide. Exploring the origins of stromatolites that contain manganese may be a key to deciphering the sedimentary environments and metallogenic processes of these deposits. However, only a few manganese stromatolites have been discovered and described until now. Microbialites are well developed in the manganese deposits, located near the top of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in Chengkou area of Chongqing, northern Yangtze Craton, but has not been explicitly studied; and whether they are true stromatolites or Epiphyton microbialites remains controversial. Based on field and core observations and thin section microscopy, the characteristics of five types of manganese stromatolites and their growth modes are described in detail in this study. The results show that these stromatolites grew in a biostrome in shoal and lagoon environments and were syngenetic with oncolites and oolites on a carbonate ramp behind the shoal. Manganese stromatolites can be categorized into three forms: (1) stratiform; (2) columnar, which includes branched and columnar types; and (3) stratiform-columnar, which is a transitional type. Based on a criterion that the diameter is less than or greater than 1 mm, columnar stromatolites are further divided into micro-columnar (<1 mm) and columnar (>1 mm) columns, which display synchronous growth and are similar to Pseudogymnosolenaceae. Their shapes are mainly controlled by water depths and hydrodynamic strengths. The greater the water depth, the more columnar the columns tend to be. Excessively strong hydrodynamic conditions decrease the growth rate of stromatolites, and they even stopped growth due to wave damage. Furthermore, pillared laminar textures (not Epiphyton), which consist of dendritic, micro-branched and micro-columnar stromatolites, are a common feature of the larger stratiform, stratiform-columnar and columnar stromatolites. The alternations of laminae with different internal textures record subtle fluctuations in water depths and hydrodynamic strengths, which indicate that stromatolite growth is controlled by tidal cycles at the lamina level. Therefore, it is possible that the vertical evolution of the stromatolites could reveal the changing characteristics of both local and regional sedimentary environments, i.e., stromatolite shape changes from columnar to stratiform can represent the onset of shallower environments with weak hydrodynamic conditions. In addition, as important reef builders in shallow carbonate ramps, microstromatolites accelerate the development from ramp to platform. Indicators of microbial control on stromatolite shapes and manganese sedimentation processes include the fabric of stromatolite laminae, organic rhodochrosite with a micritic texture that is usually clotted, spherical, tubular, fibrous or dendritic, which suggests that the laminae resulted from microbially induced in situ precipitation.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 356-381 [Abstract] ( 151 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (28565 KB)   ( 37 )
382 Provenance of sediments from Barra del Tordo and Tesoro beaches, Tamaulipas State, northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Mayla A. Ramos-Vázquez, John S. Armstrong-Altrin
The mineralogy, bulk sediment geochemical composition, and U-Pb ages of detrital zircons retrieved from the Barra del Tordo (Tordo) and Tesoro beach sediments in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico were analyzed to determine their provenance. The beach sediments are mainly composed of quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, titanite, zircon, and anorthite. The weathering proxies such as the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW), and Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA), reveal a moderate-to-high intensity of weathering in the source area. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns are similar to felsic igneous rocks, with large negative europium anomaly (Eu/Eu* = ~0.47-0.80 and ~0.57-0.67 in the Tordo and Tesoro beach sediments, respectively).
Three major zircon U-Pb age groups are identified in the Tordo and Tesoro beach sediments, i.e., Proterozoic (~2039-595 Ma), Mesozoic (~244-70.3 Ma), and Cenozoic (~65.9-1.2 Ma). The differences of the zircon age spectrum between the Tordo and Tesoro beach sediments are not significant. The comparison of zircon U-Pb ages in this study with ages of potential source terranes suggests that the Mesozoic and Cenozoic zircons of the studied Tordo and Tesoro beach sediments were derived from the Eastern Alkaline Province (EAP) and Mesa Central Province (MCP). Similarly, the likely sources for the Proterozoic zircons were the Sierra Madre Oriental (SMOr) and Oaxaquia in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. The results of this study further indicate that the sediments delivered to the beaches by rivers and redistributed by longshore currents were crucial in determining the sediment provenance.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 382-398 [Abstract] ( 125 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (6747 KB)   ( 49 )
Geochemistry and sedimentary environments
399 Spatiotemporal patterns of sediment deposition on the northern slope of the South China Sea in the last 150,000 years
Zhe Hu, Bao-Qi Huang, Le-Jun Liu, Na Wang
The source-to-sink system of the northern South China Sea (SCS) has been widely discussed during the past few decades. Sr-Nd isotope, clay minerals and trace elements were extensively used as the proxies of sediment provenance, however, still little is known about the transport processes and controlling mechanisms on detailed spatiotemporal scales due to the limitations of these methods. Here we put forward the new provenance proxies RAK and RKCN based on major element compositions to study the spatiotemporal changes in sediment provenance since 150 ka mainly from four sites, DLW3101, MD12-3429, ZHS-176 and MD12-3432, which are located on the northern SCS continental slope. Our results show that, spatially, the pathways and intensities of contour currents and gravity flows play important roles in sediment transport. For alongslope processes, the South China Sea Branch of Kuroshio Current (SCSBKC) and the Deep Water Current (DWC) transport sediments from southwestern Taiwan, while the Intermediate Water Current (IWC) can carry sediments from Hainan, the Red River or the Indochina Peninsula. For downslope processes, gravity flows transport materials from the Pearl River delta and shelf to the slope. Moreover, seafloor bathymetry influences sediment transport by altering the pathways of ocean currents. Temporally, the impacts of sea level and monsoon rainfall fluctuations are always superimposed over the last 150 ka. Sea level fluctuations could significantly change the distance from the Pearl River estuary to the slope, while variations in the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) rainfall would affect continental erosion rates in the source regions.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 399-415 [Abstract] ( 150 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (3874 KB)   ( 39 )
416 First record of stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) and element ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) of Middle to Late Jurassic belemnites from the Indian Himalayas and their potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
Matthias Alberti, Franz T. Fürsich, Dhirendra K. Pandey, Nils Andersen, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, Suraj Bhosale, Ketan Chaskar, Jörg M. Habermann
Middle to Late Jurassic belemnites from the Spiti and Zanskar valleys in the Indian Himalayas were used for stable isotope (δ13C, δ18O) and element (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) analyses. Although the Himalayan orogeny deformed and altered a large portion of the collected fossils, cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy in combination with analyses of iron and manganese contents allowed the identification of belemnites believed to still retain their original chemical composition. Results indicate a long-term temperature decrease from the Middle Callovian-Oxfordian to the Tithonian, which is proposed to have been caused by a concomitant drift of eastern Gondwana into higher palaeolatitudes. Reconstructed absolute temperatures depend on the used equation and assumed δ18O value of seawater, but most likely varied between 17.6°C to 27.6°C in the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian with average values between 22°C to 24°C. This way, temperatures were similar to slightly warmer than today at comparable latitudes. The reconstruction of absolute temperatures for the Middle Callovian-Oxfordian was hindered by a larger number of poorly preserved belemnites representing this time interval.
2021 Vol. 10 (3): 416-437 [Abstract] ( 144 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (16569 KB)   ( 36 )
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