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2022 Vol.  11 No.  2
Published: 2022-04-20

Lithofacies palaeogeography and sedimentology
Palaeogeography and mineral resources
Lithofacies palaeogeography and sedimentology
151 The primary dolostone in the Meso-Neoproterozoic: Cases study on platforms in China
Zhi-Dong Bao, Han-Cheng Ji, Yuan Wang, Zong-Feng Li, Ting Liang, Bo Niu, Ming-Yang Wei, Kai Lu, Yan-Qing Shi, Hua Zhang, Pu Wan, Zhuo-Lun Li, Zhi-Bo Yang, Rui Liu, Can-Xing Liu, Xu-Lin Zhong, Xiao-Qi Guo, Peng-Fei Xiang, Zhong-Xian Cai, Shui-Chang Zhang
Meso-Neoproterozoic dolostone is abnormally well-developed in the platform areas in China, detailly, in the Mesoproterozoic Calymmian Wumishan Formation of North China Basin, Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Qigbulak Formation of Tarim Basin, and the Neoproterozoic Ediacaran Dengying Formation of Sichuan Basin. The outcrops and drilling cores from these basins show that these dolostones are mostly thick-bedded to massive, with mud-sized to silt-sized crystalline dolostone reaching 86% to 97% of the total dolostone thickness. These dolostones basically suffered no secondary metasomatism, regardless of containing microorganisms (such as algae and bacteria) or not. The analyses of sedimentary palaeogeographic features indicate that: (1) the Meso-Neoproterozoic dolostone nearly covered the entire area basins, and was widely deposited in supratidal to intertidal zones, as well as in open platform environments; (2) the dolostone was subdivided according to the crystalline size, with the distribution controlled by geomorphology, i.e., the pure mud-sized crystalline dolostone developing in depression areas, whereas the grainy mud-sized crystalline dolostone or the mound stromatolitic mud-sized crystalline dolostone developing in uplift areas; (3) deep-water basins developed between the carbonate platforms, and the seismic profiles show that these basins were formed by syngenetic deep faults in the Meso-Neoproterozoic strata. These syngenetic faults increased Mg2+ concentration in the seawater by injecting rich-Mg2+-bearing hydrothermal fluids into the carbonate platforms. The analyses of geochemical and paleoclimatic indexes reveal that there is no obvious difference in carbon and oxygen isotope ratios between dolostones having different textures, with the ratios similar to those of the global seawater of the Meso-Neoproterozoic, indicating that the silt-sized crystalline dolostone has the same sedimentary origin as the mud-sized crystalline dolostone, i.e., the former is from authigenic recrystallization of the latter rather than secondary metasomatism. Therefore, whatever the crystalline sizes are, the dolostones are all originated from sedimentation. All the petrological, sedimentary and geochemical data suggest that the dolostones covering almost the whole Meso-Neoproterozoic typical platform areas of China are of relatively primary sedimentary origin.
2022 Vol. 11 (2): 151-172 [Abstract] ( 203 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (43065 KB)   ( 48 )
173 Tracking sources and paleotectonic settings of Mesozoic sandstones in interlinked rift basins of western India: an integrated approach using petrography and heavy mineral chemistry
Pawan Kumar Rajak, Angana Chaudhuri, Naraga Prabhakar, Santanu Banerjee
Based on integration of field, petrographic and heavy mineral chemical data, this study highlights the source and tectonic setting of the Mesozoic sandstones of Kutch, Saurashtra, Narmada and Cambay basins at the western margin of India, formed by the progressive splitting of the eastern Gondwanaland. The Kutch Basin is dominated by arkosic sandstone, whereas Saurashtra, Narmada and Cambay basins show the predominance of sub-arkose and sub-litharenite. The modal analyses of framework grains in Kutch sandstones indicate basement uplift and transitional continent settings. In contrast, the sandstones of Saurashtra, Narmada and Cambay basins bear imprints of recycled orogenic and craton interior belts. The presence of abraded and detrital quartz overgrowth and rounded zircons in most sandstones reveal the recycling of sediments in these basins. Tourmaline and rutile mineral compositions constrain the possible lithology of source rocks. The tourmaline mineral chemistry (Ca-Fetot-Mg plot) suggests the derivation of sediments from various sources, including Li-poor granitoids associated with pegmatites, aplites, Ca-poor metapelites, metapsammites and quartz-tourmaline-rich granitic rocks. The compositions of rutile grains (Cr vs. Nb plot) in sandstones indicate metapelitic sources. The gamut of all mineral chemical data supports the predominance of sediment sources from quartzo-feldspathic rocks with minor inputs from mafic rocks. Based on available paleocurrent data and correlation of source compositions, we infer that the Mesozoic sediments of Kutch, Saurashtra, Narmada and Cambay basins were primarily sourced by various lithologies of the Aravalli Craton. The Narmada Basin possibly received additional sediment input from the Bundelkhand Craton.
2022 Vol. 11 (2): 173-193 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (109585 KB)   ( 39 )
194 Initiation and evolution of coarse-grained deposits in the Late Quaternary Lake Chenghai source-to-sink system: From subaqueous colluvial apron (subaqueous fans) to Gilbert-type delta
Dao-Tao Dong, Long-Wei Qiu, Peng-Jie Ma, Guo-Ding Yu, Yu-Zhe Wang, Shi-Bo Zhou, Bao-Liang Yang, He-Qing Huang, Yong-Qiang Yang, Xin Li
Investigating the formation and evolution of coarse-grained deposits in modern lakes and the relevant controlling conditions is indispensable to the prediction of reservoir sandbodies, disaster prediction, and limnological research. The source-to-sink system of coarse-grained deposits in Lake Chenghai, a deep, scarped Late Quaternary lake, was investigated in this study based on 62 outcrops, Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) digital elevation model (DEM) data, and regional geological survey data. The findings include the following: (1) the source areas of coarse-grained deposits in Lake Chenghai were lithologically classified into carbonate source areas, basaltic source areas and siliciclastic source areas, and were geomorphically categorized as scarp type or confluence type. Subaqueous colluvial aprons have formed downstream of the carbonate source areas and scarp-type basaltic source areas, while Gilbert-type deltas have formed downstream of siliciclastic source areas and confluence-type basaltic source areas. (2) The formation and evolution of coarse-grained deposits are controlled by the sediment flux that evolves in synchrony with the geomorphic evolution of the source areas and the sink regimes. Scarps represent the initial landform of the source areas. Source material rolls off or slides down scarps or forms small-scale debris flows before entering the lake. The source material initially formed subaqueous colluvial apron (synonymous with subaqueous fans) where sufficient space was present to accommodate sediments and the basement angle exceeded than the natural angle of repose. As weathering and denudation have progressed, the initial scarps have transformed into confluence-type slopes, and the source material has formed medium- and large-scale debris flows that have entered the lake, resulting in an increase in sediment flux. Consequently, the subaqueous colluvial aprons have rapidly grown and developed subaerial deposits, which have evolved into larger-scale Gilbert-type deltas that overlie the initial aprons. (3) The morphology and distribution of coarse-grained deposits vary in response to differences in quantity and composition of materials from different source areas, which resulting from different rates of weathering and denudation and different sediment input regimes. Firstly, the size and surface slope angle of a subaqueous colluvial apron from a carbonate source are smaller than those of a subaqueous colluvial apron of basaltic origin. Secondly, a Gilbert-type delta from a basaltic source features a greater slope angle and a thicker topset than does a Gilbert-type delta of siliciclastic origin, and the latter exhibits a longer foreset and a thicker bottomset than in the former. Thirdly, the sizes of subaqueous colluvial aprons are not strongly correlated with the sizes of the source areas, while the sizes of Gilbert-type deltas are.
2022 Vol. 11 (2): 194-221 [Abstract] ( 154 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (123283 KB)   ( 306 )
222 Detrital zircon ages of Oligocene to Miocene sandstone suites of the southern Apennines foreland region, Italy
Annamaria Fornelli, Francesca Micheletti, Salvatore Gallicchio, Fabrizio Tursi, Sara Criniti, Salvatore Critelli
U-Pb spot ages on detrital zircons from turbidite quartzarenites, quartz-feldspathic and volcaniclastic sandstones of the Tufiti di Tusa (TTF), Numidian Flysch (NF), Bifurto (BF), Gorgoglione (GF) and Serra Palazzo (SPF) formations, exposed in southern Italy, were detected to define their provenance signatures aiming to contribute to reconstructing the complex geodynamic evolution of the southern Apennine chain. The deposition ages of these sandstones range from Priabonian to Rupelian (TTF), Burdigalian p.p. - Early Langhian (NF and BF) and Langhian-Serravallian - Early Tortonian (GF and SPF). The detrital zircon ages in each deposit show different clusters. In TTF, the zircon age clusters are: 610±6 Ma; 390 ±4 Ma; 287±3 Ma; 157±2 Ma; 78±1 Ma and 67±1 Ma; 33±1 Ma. In NF and BF formations, the prevalent zircon ages are clustered at 661±10 Ma, 607±8 Ma and 547±8 Ma. In GF sandstones, the ages of detrital zircons are clustered around 672±28 Ma, 458±9 Ma, 297±8 Ma and 24±1 Ma. The sandstones of SPF contain zircons showing age clusters at 649±10 Ma, 486±7 Ma and 315±5 Ma. Zircons and lithic fragments from TTF display a dominant provenance from Oligocene calc-alkaline effusive products located on western domains of the Mesomediterranean Microplate, and minor detritus from granitoids and metamorphic rocks of Variscan ages. Zircons of NF and BF indicate a provenance of detritus from the African Craton without evidence of Variscan or Alpine signatures. Zircons from GF and SPF show a provenance from both Variscan crystalline basement rocks forming the Alpine chain (Calabria-Peloritani Terranes) and Variscan magmatic and metamorphic rocks unaffected by Alpine tectonics, similar to Sardinia-Corsica (pro-parte) block. In addition, the Oligocene magmatic component dated at 24 Ma in GF sandstones is evidence for the maximum age of sedimentation for these deposits. In light of the recent and preliminary geochronological data acquired, a revised paleogeographic restoration could be inferred for the location of sedimentary basins during the Apennines tectonics. The Rupelian sedimentation age of TTF suggests that the deposition domains of the Numidian sequences and the successive deposits of GF and SPF, were located in a more complex paleogeographic scenario along the orogenic system.
2022 Vol. 11 (2): 222-237 [Abstract] ( 148 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (13559 KB)   ( 181 )
238 Sediment provenance of a carbonate bioclastic pocket beach - Le Dune (Ionian Sea, South Italy)
Isabella Lapietra, Stefania Nunzia Lisco, Salvatore Milli, Beatrice Rossini, Massimo Moretti
This study focuses on the analysis of a carbonate bioclastic pocket beach located along a coastal sector of the Apulia Ionian Sea, Le Dune beach, South Italy. The beach develops for about 800 m and it is exposed to the south-westerly and southerly seas. Coastal sediments range from very coarse to medium-fine sands and they are mainly composed of bioclasts (more than 90%) which include molluscs, foraminifers, echinoderms, algae branched, bryozoans, spicules of sponges and arthropods. The study area is one part of a marine protected reserve characterised by 15 different habitats of the typical Mediterranean submerged populations and the presence of Posidonia oceanica meadows. The aim of our research is to highlight the correlation between physical and biological processes influencing Le Dune beach dynamics and its sediment provenance by analysing the textural and compositional characteristics of beach sands, which is fundamental for pocket beach conservation. The beach sand analysis, deriving from textural, compositional and bioclast investigations, underlines that one of the main indicators of the beach dynamics is the bioclast component, which provides relevant information about sand provenance and sediment transport. The beach constitutes a semi-close system only nourished by the shells of organisms and by the erosion of headlands and dunes without important sediment interchange with adjacent littoral sectors.
2022 Vol. 11 (2): 238-255 [Abstract] ( 124 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (58719 KB)   ( 30 )
256 Microtextures on quartz grains from the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Pacific coastal sediments: Implications for sedimentary processes and depositional environment
Jayagopal Madhavaraju, John S. Armstrong-Altrin, Kandasamy Selvaraj, Rathinam Arthur James
Microtexture analyes on quartz from coastal sediments of the Gulf of Mexico and the Mexican Pacific Coast reveal 35 and 30 types of microtextures, respectively which grouped into mechanical, mechanical/chemical and chemical categories based on their mode of origin. Microtextures of chemical origin are rarer in the El Carrizal than in the Manzanillo beach sediments of the Mexican Pacific Coast. Microtextures of mechanical origin like straight and curved scratches, pits, broken edges, and V-shaped marks indicate high energy, fluvial to marine depositional environments. The scarcity to absence of chemical features suggest that the energy level was higher at the Mexican Pacific coast than on the Gulf of Mexico coast. V-shaped marks are common in the Gulf of Mexico sediments, whereas they are abundant in the quartz grains from the Mexican Pacific coast. Increased frequency and density of V-shaped marks are produced by exceedingly high wave velocity during storm events or tsunamis. Abundance of V-shaped marks with fresh surfaces of quartz grains from the Mexican Pacific coast indicate an extremely high-energy impact event. Many quartz grains from the El Carrizal beach of the Mexican Pacific coast have abundant closely spaced V-shaped marks with fewer fresh surfaces. Such high frequency of V-shaped marks is mainly linked to grain-to-grain collision, typically associated with high-energy sub-aqueous conditions with a large volume of sedimentary particles in the water column that are produced during a tsunami or storm events. In contrast, many quartz grains from the Gulf of Mexico have large fresh surfaces with moderate percentages of V-shaped marks that might have been produced by high-energy waves with low sediment concentrations during storm events.
2022 Vol. 11 (2): 256-274 [Abstract] ( 135 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (17926 KB)   ( 19 )
275 Provenance studies on the heavy mineral placers along the coastal deposits of Odisha, eastern India
Shayantani Ghosal, Sudha Agrahari, Debashish Sengupta
The coastal deposits along the eastern part of the Indian Peninsula are known for the high abundance of heavy minerals. The present study, as discussed here, has been undertaken along the south-western coastal part of Odisha, India, adjoining the charnockite-migmatite zone of the Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB). The composition of the placers along the study area is primarily controlled by the detritus from the proximal hinterland rock type(s). The weathering index has been established based on the grain morphology, major element concentration and radioelement ratios. Petrological characteristics and grain morphology of monazite, zircon, ilmenite and rutile have been presented respectively, and their implications are discussed. The provenance study of these coastal placers is based on the abundance of rare earth elements (REE) and radioactive elements in the placer sands and the rock types in the study area. The tectonic implications are based on the major element abundance of the beach sands.
2022 Vol. 11 (2): 275-285 [Abstract] ( 174 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (9665 KB)   ( 35 )
Palaeogeography and mineral resources
286 Basin-filling processes, hydrocarbon source rock prediction of low-exploration degree areas in rift lacustrine basins: A case from the Wenchang Formation, northern Zhuyi Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, E China
He-Ming Lin, Hao Liu, Xu-Dong Wang, Xin-Wei Qiu, Yong-Tao Ju, Jun Meng, Lei Li
Hydrocarbon source rocks, as a main geologic factor of petroliferous systems in a sedimentary basin, play a key role in the accumulation of oil and gas and the formation of hydrocarbon accumulations. This study, which focuses on difficulties in prediction of hydrocarbon source rocks in basins or sags with low exploration degree and insufficient hydrocarbon source rock indicators, taking the Wenchang Formation of northern Zhuyi Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin as an example, proposed a hypothesis of “finding lakes and hydrocarbon source rocks”. Detailed steps include, first, determination of the lacustrine basin boundary according to analysis of seismic foreset facies, determination of the depositional area based on the compilation of strata residual thickness maps, determination of the lacustrine basin shape according to deciphering slope break belt system, determination of the fluctuation of paleo-water depth according to biogeochemical indicators of mature exploration areas, determination of the lacustrine basin scale based on analyses of tectonics intensity and accommodation space, which prove the existence of the lacustrine basin and identify the range of semi deep-deep lake; second, further analyses of tectonopalaeogeomorphology, paleo-provenance, palaeoclimate and paleo-water depth to reconstruct the geologic background of the original basin and semi-deep-deep lacustrine facies, to determine the distribution of semi-deep/deep lacustrine sediments in combination with studies of logging facies, core facies, seismic facies and sedimentary facies, and to rank the sags’ potential of developing hydrocarbon source rocks from controlling factors of source-to-sink system development; third, on the basis of regional sedimentary facies analysis, through identification and assessment of seismic facies types of semi-deep/deep lacustrine basins in mature areas, establishing “hydrocarbon source rock facies” in mature areas to instruct the identification and depicting of hydrocarbon source rocks in semi-deep/deep lacustrine basins with low exploration degree; fourth, through systematical summary of hydrocarbon-rich geological factors and lower limit index of hydrocarbon formation of the sags already revealed by drilling wells (e.g., sag area, tectonic subsidence amount, accommodation space, provenance characteristic, mudstone thickness, water body environment, sedimentary facies types of hydrocarbon source rocks), in correlation with corresponding indexes of sags with low exploration degree, then the evaluation and sorting of high-quality source rocks in areas with sparsely distributed or no drilling wells can be conducted with multi-factors and multiple dimensions. It is concluded that LF22 sag, HZ10 sag and HZ8 sag are II-order hydrocarbon rich sags; whereas HZS, HZ11 and HZ24 are the III-order hydrocarbon-generating sags.
2022 Vol. 11 (2): 286-313 [Abstract] ( 174 ) [HTML 1KB] PDF (41725 KB)   ( 33 )
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